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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{Chapter Box
{{Chapter Box
| title = Дофламинго Появляется
| title = Morning Paper
| jname = ドフラミンゴ現る
| jname = 朝刊
| rname = Dofuramingo Arawaru
| rname = Chōkan
| ename = Enter Doflamingo
| ename = Morning Edition
'''Chapter 699''' is titled "Morning Paper".
'''Глава 699''' под названием "Дофламинго Появляется".
==Cover Page==
[[Cover Page#Color_Spread|Color Spread]]: the [[Straw Hat Pirates]] in medieval armor surrounded by a green dragon. [[Monkey D. Luffy|Luffy]] is the king, [[Nami]] is the queen, and the other Straw Hats are knights.
==Short Summary==
[[Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World]]<span style="font-size:14px;"> Vol. 20 - "Off to the Harbor".</span>
[[Kuzan]] immediately freezes [[Donquixote Doflamingo|Doflamingo]] to stop him from killing [[Smoker]]. However, Doflamingo survives the attack but refuses to fight the former admiral. He then leaves with [[Buffalo]] and [[Baby 5]] while asking "what Kuzan really is". Smoker is then treated by the [[G-5]] [[Marines]] who ask whether Kuzan is now a boss of the underworld.
Meanwhile on the [[Thousand Sunny]], [[Usopp]] and [[Tony Tony Chopper|Chopper]] are paranoid about an attack from Doflamingo, and are wearing samurai armor created from [[Kin'emon]]'s powers. Kin'emon is angry at [[Roronoa Zoro|Zoro]] because he believes that Zoro has defiled the famous samurai [[Ryuma]]'s grave to obtain Shusui. Meanwhile, [[Momonosuke]] is playing cute to get attention from [[Nico Robin|Robin]] and [[Nami]], making [[Brook]], Kin'emon and [[Sanji]] jealous of him.
==Краткое Содержание==
After a quiet but anxious night, the party receives the morning newspaper which says that Doflamingo has indeed quit his position as a [[Shichibukai]] and that he also resign his position as a King of [[Dressrosa]]. It is also reported that the [[Heart Pirates]] and the [[Straw Hat Pirates]] have formed an alliance, and so have the [[On Air Pirates|On Air]], [[Kid Pirates|Kid]] and [[Hawkins Pirates]]. All three items of news are declared as huge threats to the world.
Пираты Соломенной Шляпы, вместе со своими союзниками и заключенным плывут к Дресс Розе на Таузенд Санни в то время как они были информированы о цели Луффи: победить все Йонко и плане Трафальгара Ло: уменьшить силу Кайдо в Новом Мире, уничтожив завод SMILE Дофламинго. Независимо от опасностей, связанных с армией пользователей SMILE и потенциальной встречей с самим Кайдо, Кинемон вместе со своим сыном Момоносуке идут вместе с Пиратами Соломенной Шляпы, так как один из товарищей Кинемона находится в плену в Дресс Розе.
On Dressrosa, the island is in an uproar over the news while Doflamingo is in his office reading and listening to some music. Law's [[Den Den Mushi]] rings, and Doflamingo decides to answer it.
Вернувшесь на Панк Хазард, Смокер позволяет G-5 Морским Дозорным и Черной Бороде идти  для спасения своих товарищей из окаменевших государств. Один из мужчин Смокера спросил, должны ли они арестовать обезглавленные тела подчиненных Дофламинго. Тем не менее, управляющие вдруг прилетели обратно в их тела, а мужчины были яростно атакованны самим Дофламинго. Дофламинго стоит перед Смокером и требует расположениемугивар, но Смокер говорит ему, что он понятия не имеет, где они собираются и назвал его его псевдонимом "Джокер". Видя, что его псевдоним используется, Дофламинго нанес смертельный удар в лицо Смокера тяжело ранив его. Затем он пытается добить его, но это прерывается прибытием Кузан - бывшего адмирала.
==Long Summary==
==Полное Содержание==
Despite Kuzan's presence, Doflamingo tries to kill Smoker anyway but is quickly frozen by Kuzan's Devil Fruit ability. However he manages to break free as the ice hadn't reached his heart. Seeing nothing to gain from fighting Kuzan, Doflamingo takes his leave, but not before questioning Kuzan what he stands for due to rumors he had heard. Kuzan does not answer him and yells for a medic. Doflamingo collects Baby 5 and Buffalo and departs. Only then does Kuzan state that even though he is not enlisted in the Marines anymore, he never fully trusted the World Government and that he can still make a difference outside the Marines. Smoker inquires about how he knew of Punk Hazard as it's top secret, worrying that he is doing business with the criminal underworld. The G-5 Marines, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, are yelled at by Kuzan, who asks them to clear off, now that they have treated Smoker. He then informs Smoker that he is doing nothing of the sort. He also warns Smoker to tell Sakazuki to keep an eye on Doflamingo as he poses the biggest threat to the Marines for now. For, even though his presence is not as obvious as the Kuja Pirates, his prowess as a pirate was exceptional indeed. He tells Smoker to ask the Fleet Admiral to dispatch the Admirals as soon as possible. He also asks the G-5 marines not to reveal his presence there, to which they oblige.
Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. Usopp and Chopper worry furiously about Doflamingo coming to attack them. Kin'emon nearly gets into a duel with Zoro thinking he had robbed Ryuma's grave due to him having his sword, the Shusui, on him. Momonosuke is revealed to be taking a bath with Robin much to the envious anger of Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon. When they confront him over it, Nami punches all three for their supposed bullying. On being saved, he addresses Nami as a fair princess, which makes him receive a hug from Nami (much to the anger of the three perverts). Momonosuke rubs his face onto Nami's breasts on purpose, while grinning wickedly at the three. As the night goes on, most of the crew (Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Nami, Robin, Law and Momonosuke) sleep while others (Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Sanji, and Kin'emon) stay up looking after the Sunny. Momonosuke is shown to be snoring in the same bed as the two female crew members.
G-5 дoзoрныe  снова на Панк Хазарде, пытаясь спасти своих товарищей. Они замечают, что защитный механизм разработанный Вегапанком устойчив к токсичным газaм, и прокомментировали, как Цезарь Клаун лгал своим подчиненным, что они были бесполезны. Затем они пытаются найти своих товарищей пересекая ядовитую оболочку, созданную Шинокуни.
Morning comes and a newspaper seagull delivers the paper that reads that Doflamingo abdicated his position as a Shichibukai as per Law's demands as well as his position of royalty in Dressrosa. However, there is also a picture of Luffy and Law and an article announcing their alliance, much to the crew's surprise. Also in the paper is news regarding Kid, Apoo and Hawkins alliance as well, though Law is unconcerned with it. He then begins to explain the next phase of his agenda to the crew.
Между тем Маршалл Д. Тич благодарит Смокера за предоставление ему возможности вернуться и спасти своих членов команды, сказав, что он не забудет имя вице-адмирала, и что он безусловно вернуться к арестованным.
On Dressrosa, the island is in an uproar over the news while Doflamingo is in his office reading and listening to some music. Law's Den Den Mushi rings, and Doflamingo decides to answer it.
В то время как остальные G-5 дoзoрныe, комментируя то, как жутко выглядят безголовые тела Бейби 5 и Буффало, их руководители прилетают и подключаются к их телам. Впоследствии, появляется сам Дофламинго и использует Волю Хаошоку, чтобы выбить морских дoзoрных. После они мстят Шичибукаю за нападение на них, но он использует свои нити манипулирования ими в полную мощь, и побеждает их. Затем он требует от Смокера расположение Трафальгара Ло и мугивар, но Смокер саркастически отвечает, говоря, что он не знает. В ярости, Дофламинго нападает на Смокера.
==Quick References==
Мугивары находятся на морском склоне, который восклицает, что Луффи очень веселый. Трафальгар Ло говорит что мугивары хорошо видны, хотя Усопп кричит что все иначе. Фрэнки объясняет Бруку, что "ягненок" на самом деле Мини Мерри II. Кинемон удивлен узнав, что следующий пункт назначения Дресс Роза, утверждая, что один из его товарищей в настоящее время находится в плену именно там. И Луффи сообщает своему экипажу о их плане: выбить  Йонко; Зоро сказал что это здорово, а Усопп снова кричит что все иначе. Санджи предупреждает Трафальгара Ло о том, что его и Луффина идея совершенно разные.
===Chapter Notes===
*After a brief confrontation with [[Kuzan]], [[Donquixote Doflamingo|Doflamingo]] leaves [[Punk Hazard]] with [[Buffalo]] and [[Baby 5]].
*Kuzan arrived at Punk Hazard by riding on a giant penguin.
*[[Kin'emon]] is angry and wants to fight [[Roronoa Zoro|Zoro]] because he believes that Zoro stole [[Shusui]] from [[Ryuma]]'s grave.
*It is announced through the morning [[newspaper]] that Doflamingo resigned his position as a [[Shichibukai]] and as the king of [[Dressrosa]].
*Doflamingo's bounty is printed below his photograph, indicating that he is a wanted man once more.
*The paper also mentions that [[Monkey D. Luffy|Luffy]] and [[Trafalgar Law|Law]] have made a pirate alliance and there has been no reaction from the [[World Government]] yet.
*[[Bepo|Bepo's]] appearance in Law's wanted poster is similar to how [[Usopp]] is shown in Luffy's wanted poster.
*It is confirmed in the newspaper that [[Eustass Kid|Kid]], [[Scratchmen Apoo|Apoo]], and [[Basil Hawkins|Hawkins]] have made an alliance.
*Doflamingo receives another call from Law, which he answers.
Цезарь Клаун ругает экипаж за провокацию Дофламинго и Кайдо, и сердито утверждает, что они должны умереть за него. Санджи пинает его, говоря заткнуться, и Чоппер говорит, что он должен сделать это после того как он завершит лечение ученого.
Ло информирует мугивар о Дофламинго и Кайдо, и о их плане, а также. Усопп, Нами, и Чоппер в ужасе из-за рассказа Трафальгара Ло о Кайдо, имеющих свыше 500 пользователей Дьявольских Фруктыов типа Зоан, и Зоро говорит им заткнуться. Впоследствии, Чоппер хвалит Цезаря за его работу по [[SAD]], Усопп начал возражать, но вскоре теряет интерес это делать после того как Ло уточняет, что они были созданы Вегапанком который открыл применение элементов кровавой линии (bloodline).
Вернувшесь на Панк Хазард, G-5 дозорные со слезами на глазах просят Дофламинго не убивать Смокера, утверждая, что он единственный, кто беспокоился и заботился о них. Шичибукай говорит им, чтобы не беспокоились, так как он убьет их всех, а также Трафальгара Ло и Пиратов Соломенной Шляпы. При попытке нанести последний удар по Смокеру появляется бывший адмирал Кузан, который говорит что вице-адмирал его друг.
==Дополнительные Примечания==
* Старушка посылает [[Карибу]] к порту.
* [[G-5]] [[Дозорные]] и бывшие заключенные узнали, что [[Цезарь Клоун|Цезарь]] своим газом не убил своих жертв в течение полудня, давая им время, чтобы спасти своих товарищей.
* [[Смокер]] временно позволяет [[Маршал Д.Тич|Маршалу Д.Тичу]] пройти что бы он смог спасти свою команду от газа Цезаря.
* Руководители [[Буффало]] и [[Бейби 5] подключаются к их телам.
* [[Донкихот Дофламинго]] прибывает на [[Панк Хазард]] и ищет [[Трафальгара Ло]] и [[Пираты Соломенной Шляпы|Пиратов Соломенной Шляпы]], и нападает на Смокера и Морских Дозорных.
* Doflamingo's abilities of manipulating strings, [[Haki#Busoshoku Haki|Busoshoku Haki]], and [[Haki#Haoshoku Haki|Haoshoku Haki]] are revealed.
* Ло раскрывает свой план: сбить Кайдо вместе с другими мугиварами.
* Он показал, что Кайдо имеет более пятисот пользователей SMILE в его экипаже, но плоды являются рискованными из-за того что они искусственные.
* Трафальгар Ло упоминает, что Цезарь создал SAD путем практического применения факторов "Lineage", обнаруженных Вегапанком.
* Ло и мугивары начали свой путь к Дресс Розе, чтобы уничтожить фабрику SMILE.
* [[Usopp]] can be seen working on [[Nami|Nami's]] [[Sorcery Clima-Tact]]
* Кинемон имеет товарища в плену в Дресс Розе.
* Дофламинго почти убивает Смокера, но его останавливает Кузан, который только что прибыл.
* Кузан показан загадочной фигурой, силуэт был показан еще в главе 695.
* На одной странице есть ошибка, которая показывает, Зоро с Луффиным шрамом на груди.
{| class="CharTable"
{| class="CharTable"
! colspan="2" |[[Пираты]]
! colspan="2" |[[Пираты ]]
! [[Дозорные]]
! [[Дозорные]]
! Citizens
! Другие
;[[Пираты Соломенной Шляпы]]
;[[Пираты Соломенной Шляпы]]
*[[Монки Д. Луффи]]
*[[Монки Д. Луффи ]]
*[[Ророноа Зоро]]
*[[Ророноа Зоро]]
Строка 72: Строка 61:
;[[Пираты Сердца]]
;[[Пираты Сердца]]
*[[Трафальгар Ло]]
*[[Трафальгар Ло]]
*[[Bepo]] (изображение)
;[[Пираты Донкихота]]
;[[Пираты Донкихота]]
*[[Донкихот Дофламинго]]
*[[Донкихот Дофламинго]]
*[[Бейби 5]]  
*[[Бейби 5]]
;[[Одиннадцать Сверхновых]]
;[[Пираты Карибу]]
*[[Юстас Кид]] (изображение)
*[[Scratchmen Apoo]] (изображение)
*[[Basil Hawkins]] (изображение)
;[[Панк Хазард]]
;[[Панк Хазард]]
*[[Цезарь Клаун]]
*[[Цезарь Клаун]]
*[[Коричневая Борода]]
;[[Страна Вано]]
;[[Страна Вано]]
==Навигация по Арке==
*In the cover of the chapter, Zoro closes his left eye but he doesn't have his scar there.
==Arc Navigation==
{{Punk Hazard Arc}}
{{Punk Hazard Arc}}
{{Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World}}
[[ca:Capítol 698]]
[[ca:Capítol 699]]
[[it:Capitolo 698]]
[[it:Capitolo 699]]
[[en:Chapter 698]]
[[Категория:Незавершённые статьи]]
[[Категория:Незавершённые статьи о главах]]
[[Категория:Статьи в процессе перевода]]

Версия от 13:26, 20 мая 2015

«Утренняя газета» — 699 глава манги One Piece. Вышла глава 25 февраля 2013. Chapter 699 is titled "Morning Paper".

Cover Page

Color Spread: the Straw Hat Pirates in medieval armor surrounded by a green dragon. Luffy is the king, Nami is the queen, and the other Straw Hats are knights.

Short Summary

Kuzan immediately freezes Doflamingo to stop him from killing Smoker. However, Doflamingo survives the attack but refuses to fight the former admiral. He then leaves with Buffalo and Baby 5 while asking "what Kuzan really is". Smoker is then treated by the G-5 Marines who ask whether Kuzan is now a boss of the underworld.

Meanwhile on the Thousand Sunny, Usopp and Chopper are paranoid about an attack from Doflamingo, and are wearing samurai armor created from Kin'emon's powers. Kin'emon is angry at Zoro because he believes that Zoro has defiled the famous samurai Ryuma's grave to obtain Shusui. Meanwhile, Momonosuke is playing cute to get attention from Robin and Nami, making Brook, Kin'emon and Sanji jealous of him.

After a quiet but anxious night, the party receives the morning newspaper which says that Doflamingo has indeed quit his position as a Shichibukai and that he also resign his position as a King of Dressrosa. It is also reported that the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates have formed an alliance, and so have the On Air, Kid and Hawkins Pirates. All three items of news are declared as huge threats to the world.

On Dressrosa, the island is in an uproar over the news while Doflamingo is in his office reading and listening to some music. Law's Den Den Mushi rings, and Doflamingo decides to answer it.

Long Summary

Despite Kuzan's presence, Doflamingo tries to kill Smoker anyway but is quickly frozen by Kuzan's Devil Fruit ability. However he manages to break free as the ice hadn't reached his heart. Seeing nothing to gain from fighting Kuzan, Doflamingo takes his leave, but not before questioning Kuzan what he stands for due to rumors he had heard. Kuzan does not answer him and yells for a medic. Doflamingo collects Baby 5 and Buffalo and departs. Only then does Kuzan state that even though he is not enlisted in the Marines anymore, he never fully trusted the World Government and that he can still make a difference outside the Marines. Smoker inquires about how he knew of Punk Hazard as it's top secret, worrying that he is doing business with the criminal underworld. The G-5 Marines, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, are yelled at by Kuzan, who asks them to clear off, now that they have treated Smoker. He then informs Smoker that he is doing nothing of the sort. He also warns Smoker to tell Sakazuki to keep an eye on Doflamingo as he poses the biggest threat to the Marines for now. For, even though his presence is not as obvious as the Kuja Pirates, his prowess as a pirate was exceptional indeed. He tells Smoker to ask the Fleet Admiral to dispatch the Admirals as soon as possible. He also asks the G-5 marines not to reveal his presence there, to which they oblige.

Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. Usopp and Chopper worry furiously about Doflamingo coming to attack them. Kin'emon nearly gets into a duel with Zoro thinking he had robbed Ryuma's grave due to him having his sword, the Shusui, on him. Momonosuke is revealed to be taking a bath with Robin much to the envious anger of Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon. When they confront him over it, Nami punches all three for their supposed bullying. On being saved, he addresses Nami as a fair princess, which makes him receive a hug from Nami (much to the anger of the three perverts). Momonosuke rubs his face onto Nami's breasts on purpose, while grinning wickedly at the three. As the night goes on, most of the crew (Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Nami, Robin, Law and Momonosuke) sleep while others (Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Sanji, and Kin'emon) stay up looking after the Sunny. Momonosuke is shown to be snoring in the same bed as the two female crew members.

Morning comes and a newspaper seagull delivers the paper that reads that Doflamingo abdicated his position as a Shichibukai as per Law's demands as well as his position of royalty in Dressrosa. However, there is also a picture of Luffy and Law and an article announcing their alliance, much to the crew's surprise. Also in the paper is news regarding Kid, Apoo and Hawkins alliance as well, though Law is unconcerned with it. He then begins to explain the next phase of his agenda to the crew.

On Dressrosa, the island is in an uproar over the news while Doflamingo is in his office reading and listening to some music. Law's Den Den Mushi rings, and Doflamingo decides to answer it.

Quick References

Chapter Notes

  • After a brief confrontation with Kuzan, Doflamingo leaves Punk Hazard with Buffalo and Baby 5.
  • Kuzan arrived at Punk Hazard by riding on a giant penguin.
  • Kin'emon is angry and wants to fight Zoro because he believes that Zoro stole Shusui from Ryuma's grave.
  • It is announced through the morning newspaper that Doflamingo resigned his position as a Shichibukai and as the king of Dressrosa.
  • Doflamingo's bounty is printed below his photograph, indicating that he is a wanted man once more.
  • The paper also mentions that Luffy and Law have made a pirate alliance and there has been no reaction from the World Government yet.
  • Bepo's appearance in Law's wanted poster is similar to how Usopp is shown in Luffy's wanted poster.
  • It is confirmed in the newspaper that Kid, Apoo, and Hawkins have made an alliance.
  • Doflamingo receives another call from Law, which he answers.


Пираты Дозорные Citizens
Пираты Соломенной Шляпы

Пираты Сердца
Пираты Донкихота

Одиннадцать Сверхновых
  • Юстас Кид (изображение)
  • Scratchmen Apoo (изображение)
  • Basil Hawkins (изображение)

  • Кузан
Панк Хазард

Страна Вано


  • In the cover of the chapter, Zoro closes his left eye but he doesn't have his scar there.

Arc Navigation

Предыдущая глава

Следующая глава

Арка Панк Хазарда

Главы манги
654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664
665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675
676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686
687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697
698 699
Тома манги
66 67 68 69 70
Эпизоды аниме
579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589
590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600
601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611
612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622
623 624 625