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«Утренняя газета» — 699 глава манги One Piece. Вышла глава 25 февраля 2013. Chapter 699 is titled "Morning Paper".

Cover Page

Color Spread: the Straw Hat Pirates in medieval armor surrounded by a green dragon. Luffy is the king, Nami is the queen, and the other Straw Hats are knights.

Short Summary

Кузан сразу замораживает Дофламинго, чтобы тот не убил Смокера. Тем не менее, Дофламинго выживает после этой атаки, но отказывается бороться с бывшим адмиралом. Затем он уходит с Буффало и Бейби 5, спрашивая "чего добивается Кузан".Раны Смокера затем обрабатывают G-5 морские дозорные, которые спрашивают является ли теперь Кузан боссом преступного мира.

Между тем на Таузенд Санни, Усопп и Чоппер предупреждаются о нападении с Дофламинго, и начинают носить броню самураев, созданную полной силой Кинемона. Кинемон зол на Зоро, потому что он считает, что Зоро осквернил могилу знаменитого самурая Рюмы забрав его меч Шиуси. Между тем, Момоносуке мило играет, чтобы заполучить внимание Робин и Нами, заставляя Брука, Кинемона и Санджи завидовать ему.

После тихой, но тревожной ночи, команда получает утреннюю газету, которая гласит, что  Дофламинго действительно бросил свое положение Шичибукая и что он также оставил свой пост в качестве короля Дресс Розы. Она также сообщала, что Пираты Сердца и Пираты Соломенной Шляпы создали альянс так как имеют врагов Пиратов Эира, Кида и Хокинса. Все три пункта новостей объявляют огромную угрозу мира.

На острове Дресс Роза, всё население в скандале из-за новостей в то время как Дофламинго сидит в своём зале, читает и слушает музыку. Ден Ден Муши Ло звонит, и Дофламинго решает ответить.

Long Summary

Despite Kuzan's presence, Doflamingo tries to kill Smoker anyway but is quickly frozen by Kuzan's Devil Fruit ability. However he manages to break free as the ice hadn't reached his heart. Seeing nothing to gain from fighting Kuzan, Doflamingo takes his leave, but not before questioning Kuzan what he stands for due to rumors he had heard. Kuzan does not answer him and yells for a medic. Doflamingo collects Baby 5 and Buffalo and departs. Only then does Kuzan state that even though he is not enlisted in the Marines anymore, he never fully trusted the World Government and that he can still make a difference outside the Marines. Smoker inquires about how he knew of Punk Hazard as it's top secret, worrying that he is doing business with the criminal underworld. The G-5 Marines, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, are yelled at by Kuzan, who asks them to clear off, now that they have treated Smoker. He then informs Smoker that he is doing nothing of the sort. He also warns Smoker to tell Sakazuki to keep an eye on Doflamingo as he poses the biggest threat to the Marines for now. For, even though his presence is not as obvious as the Kuja Pirates, his prowess as a pirate was exceptional indeed. He tells Smoker to ask the Fleet Admiral to dispatch the Admirals as soon as possible. He also asks the G-5 marines not to reveal his presence there, to which they oblige.

Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. Usopp and Chopper worry furiously about Doflamingo coming to attack them. Kin'emon nearly gets into a duel with Zoro thinking he had robbed Ryuma's grave due to him having his sword, the Shusui, on him. Momonosuke is revealed to be taking a bath with Robin much to the envious anger of Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon. When they confront him over it, Nami punches all three for their supposed bullying. On being saved, he addresses Nami as a fair princess, which makes him receive a hug from Nami (much to the anger of the three perverts). Momonosuke rubs his face onto Nami's breasts on purpose, while grinning wickedly at the three. As the night goes on, most of the crew (Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Nami, Robin, Law and Momonosuke) sleep while others (Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Sanji, and Kin'emon) stay up looking after the Sunny. Momonosuke is shown to be snoring in the same bed as the two female crew members.

Morning comes and a newspaper seagull delivers the paper that reads that Doflamingo abdicated his position as a Shichibukai as per Law's demands as well as his position of royalty in Dressrosa. However, there is also a picture of Luffy and Law and an article announcing their alliance, much to the crew's surprise. Also in the paper is news regarding Kid, Apoo and Hawkins alliance as well, though Law is unconcerned with it. He then begins to explain the next phase of his agenda to the crew.

On Dressrosa, the island is in an uproar over the news while Doflamingo is in his office reading and listening to some music. Law's Den Den Mushi rings, and Doflamingo decides to answer it.

Quick References

Chapter Notes

  • After a brief confrontation with Kuzan, Doflamingo leaves Punk Hazard with Buffalo and Baby 5.
  • Kuzan arrived at Punk Hazard by riding on a giant penguin.
  • Kin'emon is angry and wants to fight Zoro because he believes that Zoro stole Shusui from Ryuma's grave.
  • It is announced through the morning newspaper that Doflamingo resigned his position as a Shichibukai and as the king of Dressrosa.
  • Doflamingo's bounty is printed below his photograph, indicating that he is a wanted man once more.
  • The paper also mentions that Luffy and Law have made a pirate alliance and there has been no reaction from the World Government yet.
  • Bepo's appearance in Law's wanted poster is similar to how Usopp is shown in Luffy's wanted poster.
  • It is confirmed in the newspaper that Kid, Apoo, and Hawkins have made an alliance.
  • Doflamingo receives another call from Law, which he answers.


Пираты Дозорные Citizens
Пираты Соломенной Шляпы

Пираты Сердца
Пираты Донкихота

Одиннадцать Сверхновых
  • Юстас Кид (изображение)
  • Scratchmen Apoo (изображение)
  • Basil Hawkins (изображение)

  • Кузан
Панк Хазард

Страна Вано


  • In the cover of the chapter, Zoro closes his left eye but he doesn't have his scar there.

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