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Инуппе был зомби-пингвин, который имел тень Санджи из-за силы фрукта Каге Каге но Ми.


Инуппе является диким зомби с зашитым телом пингвина, которое имеет пришитое к ее телу лицо быка-собаки. Его левый глаз всегда закрыт.  Он носит пляжный мяч как шляпу и галстук-бабочку на груди. Он имеет собачьи уши, но они черные, как пингвиньи перья. Он имеет короткие ласты и крошечные пингвиньи ноги.


Инуппе имел ту же личность и атрибуты что и Санджи.

Позже он стал более подходящим на зомби Триллер Барка, следуя приказам своего начальника (в его случае, Перона, а потом Хотбака) без вопросов.

Сила и способности

Unfortunately, since Sanji's wanted poster does not look like Sanji, Moriah and his minions took Sanji's identity for granted. They even mistook him as having no bounty at all. As a result, Sanji's shadow was not given a strong zombie body and as a counterpart was not included in the zombie general ranks,[3] his combat abilities though were praised by other zombies to be on par with the zombie generals.[4] He uses Sanji's fighting style,and despite the fact that his body probably limits the effectiveness of the borrowed strength from the latter, Inuppe was still powerful enough to soundly best both Chopper and Robin, especially considering that both Straw Hats in question were skilled Devil Fruit users, though this is debatable, since he attacked the Straw Hats while in tandem with Jigoro at the time.


Upon seeing Nami in danger, he deliberately stopped the other zombie animals from harming her. He stated that even if it would disobey his master, he would not allow a woman to be harmed. His strength in defending Nami from the other zombie animals was apparently so great that they started to compare him with the Zombie Generals. The newcomer, despite his efforts, was defeated by Absalom.[5]

Later, he became more obedient. He was able to hold down Nico Robin and Tony Tony Chopper, while being helped by Jigoro.

Even though no ego was left, he still could not get along with Jigoro, who had Zoro's shadow. They got in a fight over orders. Hogback unintentionally ordered both to jump out of the building, which they both did.[6]

After having jumped off the building, Sanji's shadow was later taken out of Inuppe and absorbed by Moriah along with the other shadows he implanted in his zombie minions.[7]

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