- See also the associated category: Animal Species.This page lists all animal species encountered in the Arabasta Saga.
Grand Line[]
Island Whales[]
Just after the Straw hats entered the Grand Line, they met a gigantic whale called Laboon. After the time skip, they entered the second half of the Grand Line, and watched a gam of Laboon's kin.
Royal Squid[]

The Royal Squid that tried to attack the Straw Hats.
Royal Squid (大王イカ, Daiō Ika?, VIZ: "Neptunian Squid"; Funimation dub: "Great King Squid") is a giant cephalopod that attacks any ship who travels the Grand Line. It tried to attack the Straw Hat Pirates, but was killed by Crocus. In real life, the giant squid's main predator is the sperm whale, and since it was found within Laboon's stomach, it can be inferred to be true in One Piece as well.[1]
Kappa Whale[]

A Kappa Whale following Smoker's ship
The Kappa Whale[citation needed] is a whale that resembles the legendary Japanese monster Kappa. It was seen traveling at sea while Smoker and Tashigi were on their way to Arabasta.[2]
Little Garden[]
Several types of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures exist on Little Garden.[3] Those revealed include:
Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Animals[]
- Archaeopteryx (Flew over the Going Merry).[4]
- Ammonite (a prehistoric cephalopod found by Luffy in a stream who called it a "shell squid", a "snail that looks like a squid" in the Funimation dub.).[5]
- Brontosaurus (ate Luffy and was killed by Dorry).[6] The Birthday of the Brontosaurus is November 19.[7]
- Tyrannosaurus rex (bit Brogy and was killed by him, another killed by Sanji).[8]
- Triceratops (killed by Zoro who guessed three sword style beats three horn style).[9]
- Pterodactylus (Miss Goldenweek uses her paint to allow Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, and herself to escape).[10]
- For other usage, see Tiger (Disambiguation).
- Giant Tiger (a giant tiger can be seen along the shore from the Going Merry).[11]
- Sabertooth Tiger (Sanji rides one through the jungle after beating it up).[12]
The Kestia (ケスチア, Kesuchia?, VIZ: "Keschia") is a type of tick that inhabits tropical environments and carries deadly bacteria in its bite. Being an ectoparasite, it preys on the blood of mammals and birds, and through this hematophagy may transfer a number of blood-borne diseases; among the deadliest of these is the Five-Day Disease, which can inflict fevers of up to 40 °C, causing myocarditis, arteritis and encephalitis that painfully kills victims in five days if left untreated.
While on Little Garden, Nami was bitten by a Kestia and infected with the Five-Day Disease, forcing the Straw Hat Pirates to make a detour to Drum Island. Fortunately, Dr. Kureha and Tony Tony Chopper correctly diagnosed Nami's condition, and supplied the proper antibiotics.[13]
The 4Kids Entertainment anime refers to the Kestia as the "Stingy-Dingy Bug"; oddly, despite their removing the entire Little Garden Arc, the creature's tropical origins remain unchanged.

Island Eater, a giant goldfish.
The Goldfish is a species of fish first mentioned by Usopp in one of his lies.[14] A giant one known as Island Eater later appeared at the end of the Little Garden Arc.[15] Little is known about the regular specimens.
Giant Dolphin[]

A Giant Dolphin.
The Giant Dolphin (巨大イルカ, Kyodai Iruka?) is a dolphin that is hundreds of times its normal size. Apart from their size, they are just like any other dolphin. The species has inhabited the Grand Line since the dawn of time.[16] One of them is seen near Little Garden.[17] Another one can be seen during one of the opening themes in the anime.
Drum Island[]

Chopper's former herd.
Reindeer (トナカイ, Tonakai?) are a species of deer that live on Drum Island. Reindeer in the real world live in incredibly cold climates and this holds true in One Piece as well. They travel in herds, and the ones in One Piece tend to shun any members of the herd they deem strange and in extreme cases, willing to kill the said odd member on sight, as was the case with Chopper (most likely inspired by the tale of Rudolph).[18]
Hiking Bear[]
— Dalton to the some of the Straw Hat Pirates, on Hiking Bears.[19] |

A Hiking Bear.
A Hiking Bear (ハイキングベア, Haikingu Bea?) is a giant white orthograde bear from Drum Island, known for its human-like interest in mountain climbing. This species appears to be completely bipedal without outside aid, though they are not averse to human implements such as walking sticks.[19] Hiking Bears are type "A" creatures, being "Big Friendly".[20]
While Hiking Bears are generally harmless by nature, humans are expected to bow to any they encounter, per mountain-climbing etiquette.[19] Those who fail to do so will be subjugated to one hour of seiza, a penalty that has inflicted massive leg cramps on various offenders.[21]
The 4Kids anime treats the Hiking Bear as an anomaly rather than a species, referring to it as "Teddy, our resident mountain man" and implying its behavior stems from its eating a previous (presumably human) climber.
White Walkie[]
The White Walkie (ホワイトウォーキー, Howaito Wōkī?, White Walky in English version) is a woolly, hippo-like animal with long, powerful legs. This species is omnivorous in diet, and so well-adapted - indeed, over-adapted - to Drum Island's climate that they typically meander through the snow with all four legs bent beneath their heavy coats. In emergencies they can stand upright and sprint at remarkable speeds; however, they can scale vertical surfaces much more easily with their legs bent.[22] They are classified as a type "A" creature "Big Friendly".[20]
Drum Island's former king Wapol used a White Walkie named Robson as his personal mount, which allowed him to - among other advantages - climb the Drum Rockies without using the tramway.[23] However, Robson proved ill-suited to combat, and was quickly dispatched by Monkey D. Luffy and Sanji.[24] Wapol appears somewhat fixated on these animals as a whole, wearing a White Walkie cloak (implicitly made from one of Robson's brothers) at all times and even molding his most fearsome weapon after them.[25]
Lapahn (ラパーン, Rapān?, from lapin, the French for rabbit; Lapins in the English versions) are large, carnivorous, intelligent snow rabbits native to the mountains of Drum Island. They appear to have nonretractable claws and favor plantigrade, bipedal motion (although they are also capable of going on all fours, with their hind legs becoming digitigrade, likely for speed or extra spring in their jumps, making them a facultative quadruped).[26]
Highly aggressive pack hunters, lapahn will not hesitate to attack humans, and are regarded as the most dangerous animals on Drum Island. In addition to possessing formidable teeth, claws, and overall bulk, they are highly agile, maintaining considerable balance and traction in Drum's snowy climate. Against more troublesome prey (or enemies), they may also generate avalanches by agitating the earth through synchronized hopping; these avalanches pose little risk for the lapahn themselves, who can 'surf' the rushing snow atop tree trunks.
While bringing a terminally-ill Nami to Drum Castle, Monkey D. Luffy and Sanji encountered a pack of lapahn with an especially aggressive cub. After Sanji kicked this cub aside, the rest of the pack - led by the cub's parent - quickly and mercilessly attacked. Though reluctant to fight back for fear of injury to Nami, the Straw Hats skillfully dodged their every blow, spurring the pack to set off a massive avalanche.[27] This avalanche buried both Sanji and the pack leader, but Luffy (with Nami in tow) managed to jump clear, and subsequently dug both free.[28]
In doing this, Luffy won the favor of the entire pack, which soon repaid him by holding off Wapol and his subordinates so Luffy could focus on reaching Drum Castle.[29] Though Wapol did eventually overpower the pack with his Devil Fruit abilities,[30] at least a portion of them recovered in time to witness the "sakura" that Dr. Kureha launched to see off Tony Tony Chopper and the rest of the Straw Hats.[31]
Some time after the Straw Hats' departure, the people of Drum made peace with the lapahn, and began integrating them into Dalton's newly-forged Sakura Kingdom.[32] Eventually, some of the lapahn even joined the kingdom militia,[33] one in particular serving as part of Dalton and Kureha's escort at the Levely.[34]
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Sled-Pulling Gnu[]

Sled-Pulling Gnu.
Gnu (ヌー, Nū?, alternatively "Wildebeests"), colloquially referred to as Sled-Pulling Gnu (ソリ引きヌー, Sori Hiki Nū?),[35] are a species of bovine originating from Drum Island. They are used to pull the snow sleds used across the island; Dalton's sled, capable of seating three people, was pulled by two sled-pulling gnu.[36]
Notably, despite being classified as gnu, sled-pulling gnu's horns more strongly resemble a ram's horns.
They are classified as type "A" creatures, being "Big Friendly".[20]
Snow Birds[]

Snow birds.
Snow Birds (
After Drum Castle was abandoned by Wapol and his loyalists, many of these birds settled in its emptied rooms, and were protected by the castle's new residents Dr. Kureha and Tony Tony Chopper (who even confronted Monkey D. Luffy and Sanji for endangering one of their nests).[38] Several even nested inside the armory's most fearsome weapon, the Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Bliking Cannon, rendering it inoperable.[39]

Crocodile's Bananawanis.
Bananawani (バナナワニ?, Banana Gators in the English versions) are giant crocodiles with banana-shaped growths on their heads. They are so fierce that they even prey on Sea Kings and are to date the Sea Kings' only known natural predator. Despite their strength, they were easily defeated by Sanji.[40] Bananawani is a portmanteau of the Japanese word wani (which means "alligator" or "crocodile") and the English word "banana". "Bananawani" is also the name of a Japanese park, where people can see plants, crocodiles and turtles. They are classified as type "C" creatures, "Big Savage".[20]
Crocodile had many Bananawani as pets in his old (now destroyed) casino at Rainbase. He could control them, as they were often seen in the room with him and Nico Robin without any sort of aggressive attitude toward either of them. Crocodile seems to have had them well-trained, as they would also follow his commands, such as eating Mr. 3 and the key he dropped into their den merely by looking at one. Their stomach acid is resisted by Mr. 3's wax.[41]

Miss All Sunday's F-Wani.
The F-Wani (F-ワニ?, Accellegator in the Viz Manga) is a sub-type of Bananawani less ferocious than the usual breed, and capable of very high speeds in the Sandora Desert. It lives in Arabasta. Unlike their larger cousins, they have two banana-shaped growths, a big one on their tail and a smaller one on their nose. Miss All-Sunday had one for her personal transport.[42]
Its name (and speed) is an obvious pun on Formula One racing.
Kung-Fu Dugongs[]
The Kung-Fu Dugongs (クンフージュゴン, Kunfū Jugon?, Kung-Fu Jugons in Viz Manga and 4Kids dub) are dugong-like creatures with turtle-like shells native to the Arabasta coast. Though small, they are renowned for their martial art skills and strength. Their code of honor states that once they are defeated, a dugong must follow and aid the one who defeated them; this code extends to all prior "disciples" of their master as well.
During their escort of Nefertari Vivi, the Straw Hat Pirates encountered a pack of Kung-Fu Dugongs on the banks of the Sandora River (a serious sign, according to Vivi, that the river was being overcome by seawater). The entire pack was quickly tamed by Luffy, and they attempted to follow him through the desert, only for Tony Tony Chopper to bribe them off with half the crew's provisions.[43] They later reappeared when the crew (sans Luffy, then occupied with Crocodile) tried to re-cross the Sandora and were attacked by a Sandora Catfish. Acting quickly, the dugongs beat it unconscious and used its body as a raft to tow their 'fellow disciples' across.
Following the Arabasta Arc, they have made several more cameos, usually in closer proximity to human society. Several of female Dugongs patronized the women's baths on Ukkari Hot-Spring Island.[44] Another was seen inside Alubarna's royal palace, in the company of Igaram, Chaka, and Pell.[45] A Kung-Fu Dugong in seen in the fifth ending.
They are classified as type "B" creatures, that is "Small Friendly".[20]
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The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.
In ONE PIECE 3D! Trap Coaster, Kung-Fu Dugongs are seen employed as Marine soldiers. They serve under Captain Trap.[46]
In the anime-only Caesar Retrieval Arc, the leader of the Kung-Fu Dugongs from Arabasta returns to the story. Inspired by Luffy's speech about freedom, he decided to become a pirate himself during the timeskip and formed the Sea Animal Pirates as captain. He managed to get stronger, learn how to utilize Armament Haki, and enter the New World. There, he encountered Breed, who enslaved the Kung-Fu Dugong and his crew by using his ability. He first appears in Episode 626 and is voiced by Kazuya Nakai.[47] His Funimation dub voice actor is Chris Cason.
Concludes non-canon section.
Yasa Camel[]

Matsuge, a camel.
The Yasa Camel (ヤサラクダ, Yasa Rakuda?)[48] is a camel that is used to carry people and supplies across the desert. The humps on their backs enable them to store several days worth of fat in their bodies. The only named camel in the series is Matsuge.[49]
Moving Crab[]

Hasami, a Moving Crab.
The Moving Crab (ヒッコシクラブ, Hikkoshi Kurabu?, Crab Mover in the Viz Manga and Funimation dub of movie 8) is a giant decapod crustacean found in the deserts of Arabasta. They are purely terrestrial, having no interest in entering bodies of water, and walk sideways like typical crabs (the articulation of their legs makes sideways gait more efficient). "Hasami" was the only moving crab shown, and helped the Straw Hat Pirates move from Rainbase to Alubarna. He seems to have a liking of dancer girls and women in general.[50] They are classified as type "A" creatures "Big Friendly".[20]
Sandora Catfish[]

A Sandora Catfish.
The Sandora Catfish (サンドラマレナマズ, Sandora Marenamazu?) is a massive carnivorous catfish who lives in the Sandora River. It tried to eat the Straw Hat Pirates, but it was stopped by the Kung-Fu Dugongs.[51]
Sandora Lizard[]
The Sandora Lizard (サンドラ大トカゲ, Sandora Ō Tokage?, Sandora Dragon in the English versions) is a giant purple lizard that hides underground in the Sandora Desert waiting for a prey. In the anime, they hunt in pairs.[52]
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Sea Cat[]
Super Spot-Billed Duck[]

The Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops.
A Super Spot-Billed Duck (超カルガモ, Chō Karugamo?) is a type of duck that has web-less feet and comes from Arabasta. They are incredibly fast runners, reaching speeds faster than a leopard. Karoo is an example of this species. There's also a special squad with this species.[53]
Warusagi Birds[]
Warusagi Birds (ワルサギ?, Evil Herons in the Viz Manga and Bilker Herons in the 4Kids dub & English localization of One Piece Odyssey) are a crane-like species that is found in Sandora Desert. They lay on the ground, pretending to be dead but when the travelers pass by, they steal their belongings. They are known as "thief birds".[54] They are classified as type "D" creatures being "Small Savage".[20] Waru means "bad" in Japanese, while sagi can mean either "heron" or "swindler".
Luffy found a few of them, thinking they were dead, and ordered Chopper to help them, before Vivi could warn them. However it was too late, as the bags they were carrying had been stolen.[54]
Giant Frog[]

The Straw Hat Pirates encounter a Giant Frog.
The Giant Frog (巨大カエル, Kyodai kaeru?)[55] is a massive frog that is found in the Sandora Desert. It is twice the height of a normal-sized human and has teeth.[56]
Desert Strawberry[]
The Desert Strawberry (砂漠のイチゴ, Sabaku no ichigo?) is a poisonous spider, indigenous to the deserts of Arabasta, that strongly resembles a strawberry in appearance.
It is a perennial danger in Arabasta, as starving desert travelers are known to mistake it for an actual strawberry and eat it, fatally poisoning themselves. This poison is relatively slow-acting and basically unnoticeable, but nevertheless potent; people are able to continue on with their day as they normally would, and then they suddenly drop dead a few days after eating it.
The poison will also contagiously spread from the victim's corpse a few hours after death, endangering anyone nearby. For this reason, suspected victims of the desert strawberry tend to be approached with extreme caution.[57]
Erimaki Runners[]

The Erimaki Runners.
Erimaki Runners (エリマキランナーズ, Erimaki Rannāzu?, Lizard Runners in the English versions) are frilled lizards who delivers messages across the desert at an incredible speed. They appear to be facultative bipeds, much like the real life basilisk lizard, as a function of speed to charge across the desert- but it is unknown if they revert to quadrupeds when not running. Baroque Works used those kinds of animals. Comically in the manga, the one who was not carrying a message made a confused sound, as if indicating he was confused why he was running without a message.[58] They are classified as type "B" creatures being "Small Friendly".[20]
Non-Canon Animals[]
Giant Scorpion[]

A Giant Scorpion.
Giant Scorpions are scorpions of gigantic size that live in the Sandora Desert. One tried to attack Ace, but it was killed by his Mera Mera no Mi powers.[59] Another scorpion hid in the sand and was provoked by Luffy. After it revealed itself, it tried to sting him, but was defeated by him, Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper, and was later cooked and eaten.[60]
Giant Gecko[]

A Giant Gecko.
Giant Gecko is a giant lizard that lives in the Sandora Desert. Ace used it as transportation in the Sandora Desert. Its most noticeable behavior is that it tries to imitate what it comes across, in this case, mirroring Ace's sidestep as the pirate tried to get around the lizard. In Ace's case he used the giant gecko as a mount.[59]
Grand Dung Beetles[]

A Grand Dung Beetle rolling a dung boulder.
Grand Dung Beetles (オオフンコロガシ, Oofunkorogashi?) are giant bugs that live in the Sandora Desert. The Sandora Desert Bandits use them to attack the Barbar Pirates. They use their legs to push a giant ball of dung and send it at full force to their enemies. Zoro and Sanji managed to stop the boulders by using their techniques.[59]
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 12 Chapter 102 and Episode 62.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 128 and Episode 79.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 13 Chapter 115 and Episode 70.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 13 Chapter 115, An archaeopteryx flies over the Going Merry
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 13 Chapter 115, Luffy finds an ammonite
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 13 Chapter 116, A Brontosaurus eats Luffy, but is beheaded by Dorry
- ↑ Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0142), Birthday of the Brontosaurus is revealed.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 13 Chapter 116, Brogy kills a T-Rex, and Sanji encounters a Tyrannosaurus Rex
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 13 Chapter 116, On his hunt, Zoro spots a Triceratops
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 38 Chapter 363, cover story: Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works" Vol. 5.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 13 Chapter 115, The Giant Tiger collapses along the shore of Little Garden
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 14 Chapter 125, Sanji rides the Sabertooth Tiger
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 139 and Episode 83, Chopper and Dr. Kureha explain the nature of the Kestia and the Five-Day Disease.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 3 Chapter 24 (p. 10) and Episode 9, Usopp lies about a giant goldfish.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 129 and Episode 77, Island Eater makes his full appearance.
- ↑ One Piece Blue: Grand Data File (p. 90).
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 13 Chapter 115 and Episode 70, The Giant Dolphin appears
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 134 and Episode 81, The reindeer's first appearance
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 133 (p. 1) and Episode 80.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 One Piece Blue: Grand Data File (p. 88-89), Classification of Animal threat level.
- ↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 18, Oda reveals why a person should bow to a Hiking Bear. Note that Episode 83 features an anime-only scene where Zoro fails to bow to the Hiking Bear, to apparently no effect.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 133 and Episode 80.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 140 (p. 19) and Episode 86.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 17 Chapter 146 and Episode 87, Luffy and Sanji's Armée De L'air Air Gomu Shot flings Wapol into Robson, knocking the latter far off into the distance. The Movie 9 retelling of this battle confirms Robson survived, and was merely knocked into a snowbank.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 135 (p. 13) and Episode 81, Wapol wonders if Robson is still bitter over his brothers' deaths.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 134 and Episode 80.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 135 and Episode 81.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 137 (p. 19) and Episode 82, Having already rescued Sanji (off-panel), Luffy unquestioningly helps the lapahn cub free its parent.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 138 (p. 8) and Episode 83, The lapahn save Luffy (and the invalid Nami and Sanji) from Chess and Kuromarimo, much to Wapol's shock.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 138 (p. 18) and Episode 83, Wapol stands triumphant over the lapahn.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 17 Chapter 153 (p. 16) and Episode 90, Several lapahn, covered in scorch marks, watch as Drum Castle is enveloped in the pink mists of Hiriluk's formula.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 440 and Episode 324, Dr. Kureha rides a lapahn - implicitly the pack leader Luffy had saved - into town.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 64 Chapter 636, cover story: From the Decks of the World Vol. 20, Lapahns are seen as part of peace-keeping troops.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 906 and Episode 885, A lapahn in militia uniform follows Dalton and Kureha at the Levely.
- ↑ One Piece Blue: Grand Data File (p. 88), "Sled-Pulling Gnu" are named.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 15 Chapter 135 (p. 2-3).
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 140 and Episode 84.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 16 Chapter 140 (p. 16) and Episode 84, Chopper accosts Luffy and Sanji when he sees them about to shut the castle's main door, which now supports a nest of snow birds.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 17 Chapter 150 and Episode 89, Wapol discovers, to his horror, that his prized cannon has deteriorated into an oversized bird-nest.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 127 and Episode 77.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 19 Chapter 176 (p. 2-3) and Episode 109.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 20 Chapter 180 and Episode 111.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 161 and Episode 96.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 36 Chapter 345, cover story: Gedatsu's Accidental Blue-Sea Life Vol. 29.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 65 Chapter 639, cover story: From the Decks of the World Vol. 23.
- ↑ One Piece Featurette — ONE PIECE 3D! Trap Coaster.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 626.
- ↑ One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements (p. 255).
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 162 (p. 11) and Episode 97.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 19 Chapter 176 and Episode 110.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 20 Chapter 180 and Episode 111.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 162 and Episode 97.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 13 Chapter 109 and Episode 65.
- ↑ 54.0 54.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 162 (p. 7-10) and Episode 97.
- ↑ OnePiece-Event.jp on Wayback Machine, The Giant Frog species is named.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 18 Chapter 162 (p. 18), The Straw Hat Pirates encounter and flee from a Giant Frog.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 157 and Episode 94, Citizens of Nanohana, upon seeing Portgas D. Ace collapse into his meal, conclude that he has died from Desert Strawberry poisoning.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 18 Chapter 161 and Episode 96.
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 One Piece Anime — Episode 98.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 100.