One Piece Wiki

In the series, many bounties are revealed - either by the author in a reference box, said by a character (like Shakuyaku naming the nine Supernovas not part of the Straw Hat Pirates), or a bounty poster being revealed (although the value may not always be fully accurate or fully shown, as with the Red Arrows Pirates). For example, Nico Robin's specific bounty was not made clear until after it was known she had one. When Igaram first mentioned Crocodile's former bounty, he said it was Beli80,000,000[1] while it actually is Beli81,000,000. Gecko Moria was first introduced by Robin as merely holding a bounty higher than Luffy's.

Most of the Shichibukai had former bounties since the first requirement to join the group is being recognized world-wide so one's notoriety scares criminals. Newcomer Blackbeard is an exception, having managed to get in by capturing Portgas D. Ace.

While several prisoners from Impel Down do not hold any specific value, Impel Down orders its prisoners from the bounty on their head. Levels 3 and 5 require bounties of Beli50,000,000 and Beli100,000,000 respectively, and the values required for others levels were not revealed. It is unknown if level 1 has a minimal value, although Buggy commented that every prisoner from level 2 that escaped with him holds a bounty higher than his Beli15,000,000.[2] Level 6 seems to use special requirements. Strangely, Bentham is an exception to this rule, having been imprisoned in level 3 with a bounty of merely Beli32,000,000. As such, the values may be just recommendations, and the effort taken to capture the criminals and their past actions may factor into where they are placed, but not affect their bounty since the Marines see no need to change it now that they have been arrested.

Canon Bounties

Straw Hat Pirates

Straw Hat Pirates Current Bounties

The Straw Hat Pirates' bounties after the Dressrosa Arc.

The Straw Hat Pirates' current bounties as of the Levely Arc.[3]

Total bounty: Beli3,161,000,100[3]

Name Nickname Bounty
Monkey D. Luffy "Straw Hat"[4] Beli1,500,000,000[3]
First Bounty: At the end of the Arlong Park Arc, after Luffy defeated Arlong, the Straw Hats beat up the corrupt Marine captain Nezumi in order to force him to return Nami's treasure. Nezumi, wanting revenge against Luffy, personally ensured a bounty of Beli30,000,000 on him, giving him the highest bounty in East Blue.[5] The Marines themselves were also annoyed at the time because Luffy single-handedly solved every problem they could not.[6]

Second Bounty: After heavily disrupting the balance of the Three Great Powers by defeating Crocodile, forcing the government to publicly recognize Crocodile's and his organization's criminal activities, leading to his arrest and removal of his position as a Shichibukai, Luffy's bounty was raised to Beli100,000,000.[7] This bounty would officially make Luffy a Super Rookie.
Third Bounty: After leading the assault on Enies Lobby and the victory against various government agents, including Rob Lucci and Blueno of the CP9, in order to rescue Nico Robin from going through the Gates of Justice and being executed, Luffy's bounty was raised to Beli300,000,000.[8] Due to this bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[9]
Fourth Bounty: After attacking a World Noble and causing an unprecedented mass breakout from Impel Down, Luffy participated in the Battle of Marineford and caused much chaos on the battlefield, thus his bounty was raised to Beli400,000,000. Additionally, the public revelation of his relation to Monkey D. Dragon and the defeat of Gecko Moria may also have influenced it.[10]
Fifth Bounty: Raised to Beli500,000,000 by having fought alongside Law in defeating the Donquixote Pirates and Donquixote Doflamingo.[11] Boa Hancock placed a giant version of the bounty picture on her castle wall.
Sixth Bounty: For being recognized as the sworn brother to the Revolutionary Army's second in command and the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, perpetrating the events on Whole Cake Island and for defeating Charlotte Cracker and Charlotte Katakuri, his bounty was raised to Beli1,500,000,000.[3]

Roronoa Zoro "Pirate Hunter"[12] Beli320,000,000[11]
First Bounty: the swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates received a Beli60,000,000 bounty after he defeated the assassin Daz Bonez in the Alabasta Arc and for defeating 100 bounty hunters in Whisky Peak. Zoro does not find out about this new bounty until the moment Marshall D. Teach shows him the new wanted poster.[7]

Second Bounty: after the events at Enies Lobby and for defeating Kaku of the CP9, Zoro's bounty was raised to Beli120,000,000.[8] Due to this bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[9]
Third Bounty: For defeating elite officer Pica of the Donquixote Pirates, Zoro's bounty was raised to Beli320,000,000.[11]

Nami "Cat Burglar"[8] Beli66,000,000[11]
First Bounty: After the Enies Lobby Arc and for defeating Kalifa of the CP9, Nami was given a bounty of Beli16,000,000.[8] Her photograph of her in a bikini was the result of Nami being tricked into posing for an undercover photographer while sunbathing; Genzo was particularly enthralled by her wanted poster and later placed a blown-up sized version of it in his office.

Second Bounty: For simply being a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, her bounty was raised to Beli66,000,000 after the Dressrosa incident.[11] History repeated itself- Nami was once again duped into posing for her wanted poster, and Genzo displayed this blown-up print in his office.

Usopp "Sogeking"[8]/"God"[11] Beli200,000,000[11]
First Bounty: Following the events at Enies Lobby, a bounty of Beli30,000,000 was placed on Sogeking's head, for shooting and burning down the World Government Flag on the Tower of Law and attacking CP9 leader Spandam. [8] This inadvertently prevented Usopp, his true identity, from being given a bounty, though he was still deduced as Sogeking by a Pacifista when not in disguise.

Second Bounty: Beli200,000,000 For defeating special officer Sugar of the Donquixote Pirates. His bounty climbed particularly high for his role in freeing the toy slaves, and his poster was upgraded to use his true name and face, seemingly replacing the Sogeking poster. His title on the wanted poster has also been changed to 'God Usopp'.[11]

Vinsmoke Sanji "Black Leg"[8] Beli330,000,000[3]
First Bounty: Because of the events at Enies Lobby and for defeating Jabra of the CP9, Sanji was given a bounty of Beli77,000,000.[8] However, Sanji's poster has, much to his dismay, a sketch of him, which hardly looks like him and once got someone else in trouble[13][14], rather than a photograph.[15][16] Apparently, this is because Attach forgot to remove the lens cap before taking his picture.[17]

Second Bounty: For simply being a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, he had his bounty raised to Beli177,000,000 after the Dressrosa incident[11], and an extra raise that his own father, Vinsmoke Judge, influenced in the hope of retrieving his runaway son back among the Vinsmoke Family, who, through unspecified means, was able to alter the terms and bounty of the wanted poster personally.[18] A new image had been issued, finally ridding him of the sketch. His poster is peculiar for having an "Only Alive", forgoing the "Dead or" part.[11] This change is due to the fact his father now had an accurate picture of his son, and while actively seeking out Sanji, he had accidentally sent the Marines after the wrong man because of the misleading composite sketch.[18]
Third Bounty: After the events on Whole Cake Island, his bounty was raised to Beli330,000,000. The "Only Alive" condition has been retracted, reverting to "Dead or Alive". Also, the printed name on the poster is now updated to include his discarded family name, "Vinsmoke Sanji", much to his distaste.[3]

Tony Tony Chopper "Cotton Candy Lover"[8] Beli100[11]
First Bounty: After the events at Enies Lobby, Chopper was given a bounty of Beli50. The number is low because the World Government believes he is simply the crew's pet. His monster form, which heavily damaged the judicial tower and defeated CP9 agent Kumadori, was mistaken for another creature. Chopper was shocked when he found out how low his bounty was.[8]

Second Bounty: Despite being considered only a pet of the Straw hats, his bounty was raised after the Dressrosa incident. The number remains low at Beli100 due to the misunderstanding.[11]

Nico Robin "Devil Child"[19] Beli130,000,000[11]
First Bounty: Robin has a Beli79,000,000 bounty from 20 years ago, assigned to her when she was only eight years old. It is claimed that she sunk six Buster Call ships,[20] but in the Enies Lobby Arc it is revealed as nothing more than a pretext from the government. The real reason behind her bounty is her ability to decipher Poneglyphs.[19]

Second Bounty: after the events at Enies Lobby, Robin's bounty only had a slight increase, making it Beli80,000,000, and had an updated picture.[8]
Third Bounty: For helping in the defeat of the Donquixote Pirates, Robin's bounty was raised to Beli130,000,000.[11]

Franky "Cyborg"[21]/"Iron Man"[11] Beli94,000,000[11]
First Bounty: For burning the Pluton blueprints, defeating Fukurou of the CP9, and assisting the Straw Hats in Enies Lobby, Franky received a bounty of Beli44,000,000.[21]

Second Bounty: For defeating officer Senor Pink of the Donquixote Pirates, his bounty was raised to Beli94,000,000. The poster image used was the General Franky. Franky also noted angrily that his bounty was the only one among the involved of the Dressrosa incident to not rise above Beli100,000,000.[11]

Brook "Soul King" Beli83,000,000[11]
First Bounty: After taking over as Rumbar Pirates captain after the death of Yorki, Brook obtained a bounty of Beli33,000,000. Despite being "dead" for 49 years, the Marines managed to connect the resurrected Brook to the still-alive Brook on the poster picture, and discovered that he also joined the Straw Hat Pirates, thus revealing that his bounty is still active.[22][23]

Second Bounty: For simply being a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, his bounty was raised to Beli83,000,000 after the Dressrosa incident. The poster has been upgraded to use that of his concert.[11]

Jinbe "Knight of the Sea"[24]


First Bounty: Jinbe received his first bounty of Beli76,000,000 after his recruitment to the Sun Pirates, due to his association with Fisher Tiger and his participation in numerous battles against the Marines.[27]

Second Bounty: Eventually, Jinbe's bounty was raised to Beli250,000,000 for unknown reasons, most likely his acts against the World Government as the second leader of the Sun Pirates, but it became inactive once he joined the Shichibukai.[28]
Third Bounty: Jinbe's bounty was raised to Beli438,000,000 after leaving the Shichibukai and assisting the Whitebeard Pirates as well as Monkey D. Luffy during the Battle of Marineford.[25][26]

Straw Hat Grand Fleet

Total bounty: Beli1,564,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Cavendish "White Horse" Beli330,000,000

First Bounty: A New World Pirate, captain of the Beautiful Pirates. It is unknown how he got this bounty of Beli280,000,000.[29]
Second Bounty: After the downfall of Donquixote Doflamingo, his participation in the battle earns him a 50 million increase, increasing his bounty to Beli330,000,000.

Suleiman "The Beheader" Beli67,000,000[30]

A-class war criminal from the Sea Battle of Dias.

Bartolomeo "The Cannibal" Beli200,000,000[31]
First Bounty: Captain of the Barto Club, his piracy career started after witnessing Luffy's actions. A promising rookie and well known for attacking civilians, receiving a first bounty of Beli150,000,000.

Second Bounty: For helping in the defeat of the Donquixote Pirates, his bounty was raised to Beli200,000,000.

Gambia "Missionary" Beli67,000,000
Staff officer of the Barto Club, who started out as a gang from East Blue but became pirates after the captain was inspired by Luffy. It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Sai "Don Sai" Beli210,000,000[32]

Leader of the Happo Navy. It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Chinjao "The Drill" Beli542,000,000


A former pirate and veteran in the New World, and survived an encounter with Monkey D. Garp. Legendary for his head strength having split a continent of ice. He received this bounty 30 years ago.[34]
Orlumbus "The Massacre Ruler" Beli148,000,000


Admiral of the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet. It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Former Shichibukai

Total bounty: At least Beli871,000,000 Because they were frozen bounties, the Shichibukai bounties did not reflect subsequent criminal activities. Following the recent Levely, the Shichibukai system was abolished and all Shichibukai had their wanted status reactivated.

Name Nickname Bounty
Dracule Mihawk "Hawk Eyes"


It is currently unknown how Dracule Mihawk received his bounty, but he has received plenty of respect from all levels of pirates and is granted some equality by Sengoku and some high-ranked Marines.
Bartholomew Kuma "The Tyrant"


Kuma had been known as a vicious tyrant who flattened everyone in his way[40] and was also a commander in Dragon's Revolutionary Army.
Edward Weevil "Whitebeard Jr." Beli480,000,000[41]
A pirate who claims to be Edward Newgate's biological son. Although the claim is dubious to many, he is nevertheless known for his strength, which is reminiscent of Newgate's in his prime.
Gecko Moria Beli320,000,000[42]
It is currently unknown how Moria received his bounty, but it was his last known bounty before he joined the Shichibukai. After he escaped Doflamingo and the World Government's assassination attempt, he went into hiding in the New World but his bounty continued to remain the same even after his return to piracy[43]

Kuja Pirates

Total bounty: Beli160,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Boa Hancock "Pirate Empress" Beli80,000,000[44]
A pirate from the Grand Line, Hancock earned this bounty 13 years ago, after a single campaign as captain of the Kuja Pirates; it was her first and last bounty.
Boa Sandersonia Beli40,000,000[45]
Earned her bounty during her sister's first pirate campaign.
Boa Marigold Beli40,000,000[46]
Earned her bounty during her sister's first pirate campaign.

Buggy's Delivery

Total bounty: Beli44,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Buggy "The Clown"/"The Star Clown" Beli15,000,000[47]
This bounty was made before his reentry into the Grand Line. Was invited to the Shichibukai due to the events of Impel Down and his now known status of being a former crew member of the Pirate King.
Alvida "Iron-Mace" Beli5,000,000[48]
This bounty was made before she ate her Devil Fruit, joined Buggy, and entered the Grand Line.
Galdino / Mr. 3 "Loan Shark" Beli24,000,000[49]
Galdino may have received this bounty for his part in the criminal organization Baroque Works.[49]

Heart Pirates

Total bounty: Beli500,000,500

Name Nickname Bounty
Trafalgar Law "Surgeon of Death"[50] Beli500,000,000[11]

First Known Bounty: Originally a pirate from North Blue, Law's first known bounty was Beli200,000,000; due to this bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]
Second Known Bounty: During the two year timeskip his bounty raised to Beli440,000,000. After becoming a Shichibukai, his bounty became inactive.[51]
Third Known Bounty: Raised to Beli500,000,000 by having fought alongside with Luffy in defeating the Donquixote Pirates and Donquixote Doflamingo, resulting in his dismissal from the Shichibukai.[11]

Bepo Beli500[52]
It is unknown how he received his bounty. It is low like Chopper's, due to him also being mistaken as a pet.

Sun Pirates

Name Nickname Bounty
Fisher Tiger "Adventurer" Beli230,000,000[53]
For attacking Mary Geoise and leading the Sun Pirates. Bounty no longer stands as he is deceased.
Aladine Beli?[54]
A member of the Sun Pirates, and first mate of the second captain.

Baroque Works

Despite being led by Shichibukai Crocodile, none of Baroque Works' other members ever had their bounties frozen as organization was formed in secrecy.
Note: Nico Robin (Miss All-Sunday) is listed under the Straw Hat Pirates and Galdino (Mr. 3) is listed under Buggy's Delivery.

Name Nickname Bounty
Crocodile "Sir"/"Desert King" At least Beli81,000,000[55]
It is unknown how Crocodile got this bounty, but it was his last known bounty before it was frozen from joining the Shichibukai. It has been stated that the World Government would have more than doubled his bounty if they had known that he led Baroque Works.[56] With him being a free pirate again after the Impel Down breakout and Marineford war, it is unknown how big his current bounty is.
Daz Bonez / Mr. 1 "The Killer" Beli75,000,000[57]
It is unknown how Daz received his bounty.
Zala / Miss Doublefinger "Poison Spider" Beli35,000,000[58]
It is unknown how Zala received her bounty.
Bentham / Mr. 2 Bon Kurei "of the Wild" Beli32,000,000[59]
For being an Officer Agent of Crocodile's Baroque Works and breaking out of prison the first time. Bounty was retracted the second time he was captured by Hina.
Marianne / Miss Goldenweek "Flag-Bearer of Freedom" Beli29,000,000[60]
It is unknown how Marianne received her bounty.
Babe / Mr. 4 "Catcher-Killing" Beli3,200,000[61]
It is unknown how Babe received his bounty.
Drophy / Miss Merry Christmas "Town-Collapser" Beli14,000,000[62]
It is unknown how Drophy received her bounty.
Gem / Mr. 5 "of the Border" Beli10,000,000[63]
It is unknown how Gem received his bounty.
Mikita / Miss Valentine "Courier" Beli7,500,000[64]
It is unknown how Mikita received her bounty.

Donquixote Pirates

Total bounty: Beli813,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Donquixote Doflamingo "Heavenly Yaksha"[65] Beli340,000,000[39]
It is currently unknown how Doflamingo received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when he became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as Doflamingo has been arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Trebol Beli99,000,000[66]
It is currently unknown how Trebol received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Diamante Beli99,000,000[67]
It is currently unknown how Diamante received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Pica Beli99,000,000[68]
It is currently unknown how Pica received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Lao G Beli61,000,000[69]
It is currently unknown how Lao G received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Senor Pink Beli58,000,000[70]
It is currently unknown how Senor Pink received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Machvise Beli11,000,000[71]
It is currently unknown how Machvise received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Dellinger Beli15,000,000[72]
It is currently unknown how Dellinger received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Gladius Beli31,000,000[73]
It is currently unknown how Gladius received his bounty. It was frozen 10 years ago, when Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. The bounty remains retracted as the Donquixote Pirates were arrested and sent to Impel Down.
Caesar Clown "Master" Beli300,000,000[74]
A former Marine scientist who worked with Vegapunk and the leading expert on mass-murder weapons. He got his bounty due to his experiments being illegal and resisting arrest while escaping from the prison ship. His bounty became retracted when Issho confirms that Caesar is a subordinate of the Shichibukai Donquixote Doflamingo.[75] With Doflamingo's arrest, his bounty is most likely active again.
Bellamy "The Hyena" Beli195,000,000[76]
First Known Bounty: His first bounty was Beli55,000,000, for which he was known as "The Big-Time Rookie". It is unknown how he received this bounty.[77]
Second Known Bounty: During the timeskip, Bellamy's bounty rose to Beli195,000,000.[76]

Yonko Bounties

Red Hair Pirates

Total bounty: Over Beli4,142,900,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Shanks "Red Hair"


It is currently unknown how Shanks received his bounty, however likely due to his actions as one of the Yonko and being a former member of the Roger Pirates may have also influenced it.
Benn Beckman Beli?[80]
It is currently unknown how Beckman received his bounty.
Lucky Roux Beli?[81]
It is currently unknown how Lucky Roux received his bounty.
Yasopp "Chaser"


It is currently unknown how Yasopp received his bounty.
Rockstar Beli94,000,000[83]
It is unknown how Rockstar received his bounty.

Big Mom Pirates

Total bounty: At Least Beli10,121,500,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom" Beli4,388,000,000[79]

First Known Bounty: Linlin received her first bounty of Beli50,000,000 at the age of six years old, after teaming up with Streusen.
Second Known Bounty: Some time later in her childhood, she received a second bounty of Beli500,000,000.
Third Known Bounty: At some point before the Whole Cake Island Arc she received a bounty of Beli4,388,000,000, likely due to her actions as one of the Yonko and being a former member of the Rocks Pirates.

Charlotte Katakuri Beli1,057,000,000[84]
2nd son of the Charlotte Family, Totto Land's Minister of Flour, and one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates, making him one of the crew's top executive officers.
Charlotte Smoothie Beli932,000,000[85]
14th daughter of the Charlotte Family, Totto Land's Minister of Juice, and one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates, thus making her one of the crew's top executive officers.
Charlotte Cracker "Thousand Arms" Beli860,000,000[86]
10th son of the Charlotte Family, Totto Land's Minister of Biscuit, and one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates, thus making him one of the crew's top executive officers. His wanted poster displays his Biscuit Soldier rather than himself, which may indicate that his true appearance and threat is not known to the Marines.
Charlotte Perospero Beli700,000,000[87]
Eldest child of the Charlotte Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and Totto Land's Minister of Candy.
Charlotte Snack Beli600,000,000[88]
25th son of the Charlotte Family, former Sweet Commander, and Totto Land's Minister of Fries.
Charlotte Daifuku Beli300,000,000[89]
3rd son of the Charlotte Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and Totto Land's Minister of Beans.
Charlotte Oven Beli300,000,000[90]
4th son of the Charlotte Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and Totto Land's Minister of Browned Food.
Charlotte Mont-d'Or "Scribe" Beli120,000,000[91]
19th son of the Charlotte Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and Totto Land's Minister of Cheese.
Pekoms Beli330,000,000[92]
A combatant of the Big Mom Pirates.
Tamago "Baron" Beli429,000,000[93]
A knight combatant of the Big Mom Pirates.
Bobbin "Sweeper" Beli105,500,000[94]
A bishop combatant of the Big Mom Pirates.

Beasts Pirates

Total bounty: At least Beli7,823,100,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Kaido "of the Beasts" Beli4,611,100,000[79]
It is currently unknown how he received his bounty but likely due to his actions as one of the Yonko, his chronic inability to be executed by the Marines, and being a former member of the Rocks Pirates may have also influenced it. He currently possesses the highest known active bounty.
King "The Conflagration" Beli?
As one of the three Disasters, he is one of Kaido's right-hand men.
Queen "The Plague" Beli1,320,000,000[95]
As one of the three Disasters, he is one of Kaido's right-hand men.
Jack "The Drought" Beli1,000,000,000[96]
As one of the three Disasters, he is one of Kaido's right-hand men. Feared and renowned in the New World for his brutality, he is stated to have caused destruction on such levels that the land he treads on appears to be suffering from drought afterwards. He's the first individual revealed to have a ten-figure bounty (the highest revealed bounty at the time). 
X Drake "Red Flag" Beli222,000,000[50]
It is currently unknown how he received his bounty, but his alleged betrayal of the Marines was likely a factor (as he is secretly an undercover member of the Marine's SWORD unit his bounty was most likely given as part of the cover story that he betrayed the Marines to become a pirate). Due to his bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.
Scratchmen Apoo "Roar of the Sea" Beli350,000,000[97]
First Known Bounty: Apoo's first known bounty was Beli198,000,000; due to this bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]
Second Known Bounty: During the two year timeskip his bounty was raised to Beli350,000,000.
Basil Hawkins "The Magician" Beli320,000,000[97]
First Known Bounty: Hawkins' first known bounty was Beli249,000,000; due to this bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]
Second Known Bounty: During the two year timeskip his bounty was raised to Beli320,000,000.

Blackbeard Pirates

Total bounty: Over Beli2,497,800,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard" Beli2,247,600,000
It is unknown what exactly earned him his bounty; however, it is probably due to his previous affiliations with both the Whitebeard Pirates and the Shichibukai, overpowering one of the Whitebeard Pirates' division commanders, recruiting several Impel Down's Level 6 prisoners, participating in the Battle of Marineford, in which he killed the Yonko Whitebeard, obtaining the extremely destructive Gura Gura no Mi for himself, fighting the remaining Whitebeard Pirates during the Payback War, and becoming a Yonko himself.
Jesus Burgess "The Champion" At least Beli20,000,000


It is unknown how he received his bounty. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' first ship.
Shiryu "of the Rain" Beli?[99]
An escaped death row prisoner of Impel Down's Level 6, who abused his position as a Jailer by killing prisoners for fun. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' second ship.
Van Augur "Supersonic" At least Beli64,000,000


It is unknown how he received his bounty. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' third ship.
Avalo Pizarro "Corrupt King" Beli?[101]
An escaped prisoner of Impel Down's Level 6, a king of the North Blue region who was deposed for his selfish rule. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' fourth ship.
Laffitte "Demon Sheriff" At least Beli42,200,000


It is unknown how he received his bounty. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' fifth ship.
Catarina Devon "Crescent-Moon Hunter" Beli?[103]
An escaped prisoner of Impel Down's Level 6, considered to be the worst female criminal in pirate history. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' sixth ship.
Sanjuan Wolf "Colossal Battleship" Beli?[104]
An escaped prisoner of Impel Down's Level 6. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' seventh ship.
Vasco Shot "Heavy Drinker" Beli?[105]
An escaped prisoner of Impel Down's Level 6. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' eighth ship.
Doc Q "Death God" At least Beli72,000,000


It is unknown how he received his bounty. Currently the Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' ninth ship.
Pinkbeard Beli52,000,000[107]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Whitebeard Pirates

Total bounty: OverBeli5,596,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Edward Newgate "Whitebeard" Beli5,046,000,000[79]
It is currently unknown how Edward Newgate received his bounty, however likely due to his actions as one of the Yonko and being a former member of the Rocks Pirates may have also influenced it. His bounty was the second highest ever issued, just behind Gol D. Roger's. Following his death, the bounty is no longer active.
Marco "The Phoenix" Beli?[108]
It is currently unknown how Marco received his bounty.
Portgas D. Ace "Fire Fist" Beli550,000,000[109]
First Known Bounty: For his and the Spade Pirates' actions on their journey, Ace received a bounty of an unknown amount that was high enough so that several bounty hunters were after his head, as well as Marines Ensign Isuka, all of which were defeated by the crew. That bounty had also granted him an invitation to become a Shichibukai but he declined the offer.[110]
Second Known Bounty: By the time the crew reached Fish-Man Island, Ace received a new bounty exceeding a Beli100,000,000.[111]
Last Known Bounty: It is unknown how Ace received his Beli550,000,000 bounty, however being Gol D. Roger's son, and a high-ranking member of Whitebeard's crew may have influenced it as well as his exploits as Captain of the Spade Pirates. His bounty was retracted upon his capture by Blackbeard and death.
Jozu "Diamond" Beli?[112]
It is currently unknown how Jozu received his bounty.
Vista "Flower Sword" Beli?[113]
It is currently unknown how Vista received his bounty.
Name Nickname Bounty
Squard "Maelstrom Spider" Beli210,000,000[114]
It is currently unknown how Squard received his bounty.
Little Oars Jr. Beli550,000,000[115]
It is currently unknown how Little Oars Jr. received his bounty.

Worst Generation

Note: This section is only for members of the Worst Generation who aren't members of another group.

Name Nickname Bounty
Jewelry Bonney "Big Eater" Beli140,000,000

It is currently unknown how Bonney received her bounty. Due to her bounty, she would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50] What happened to her bounty when she was captured by Marshall D. Teach, and then arrested by Akainu remains to be seen. With her having escaped her apparent arrest somehow, her bounty is still active, but it's unknown if its value has remained the same.

Urouge "Mad Monk" Beli108,000,000
It is currently unknown how he received his bounty. Due to his bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]

Kid Pirates

Total bounty: Beli670,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Eustass Kid "Captain" Beli470,000,000[97]
First Known Bounty: Kid's first known bounty was Beli315,000,000; this bounty was achieved by his acts of killing innocent civilians throughout the Grand Line, and due to this he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]
Second Known Bounty: During the two year timeskip his bounty was raised to Beli470,000,000.
Killer "Massacre Soldier" Beli200,000,000[97]
First Known Bounty: Killer's first known bounty was Beli162,000,000 Due to his bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]
Second Known Bounty: During the two year timeskip his bounty was raised to Beli200,000,000.

Fire Tank Pirates

Total bounty: At least Beli535,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Capone Bege "Gang" Beli350,000,000[116]
First Known Bounty: Bege's first known bounty was Beli138,000,000;[50] It is currently unknown how Bege received his bounty, although the fact that he targeted and took down several renowned pirate captains may have influenced it.[117] Due to his bounty, he would go on to be recognized as one of the Worst Generation.[50]
Second Known Bounty: During the two year timeskip his bounty was raised to Beli300,000,000.[118]
Third Known Bounty: After his involvement in the Big Mom assassination plot, his bounty has increased to Beli350,000,000.
Vito "Monster Gun" Beli95,000,000[119]
It is currently unknown how Vito received his bounty.
Gotti Beli90,000,000[120]
It is currently unknown how Gotti received his bounty.

Roger Pirates

Name Nickname Bounty
Gol D. Roger "The Great Pirate"/"Pirate King" Beli5,564,800,000[79]
Due to his actions as the King of Pirates, Roger was issued a bounty with the highest amount: it is said that no single pirate's bounty has ever surpassed his. After his surrender and execution, the bounty was withdrawn.
Silvers Rayleigh "Dark King" Beli?
Although no longer an active pirate, Rayleigh was Gol D. Roger's second-in-command. When fighting Kizaru, he mentioned that his bounty is still in effect.
Crocus Beli?[121]

As Roger's Doctor, Crocus joined the Roger Pirates in their journey to conquer the Grand Line.

Kozuki Oden Beli?[122]
While sailing with the Whitebeard Pirates, Oden became infamous, and was issued a bounty. He would later become the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, a member of the Roger Pirates, and the head of the Kozuki Family.

Black Cat Pirates

Total bounty: Beli32,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Kuro "Of a Hundred Plans" Beli16,000,000
After one of his crew members was captured as a decoy and executed, the Marines believe him to be dead; bounty either removed or served to the one Marine left alive on the ship. Upon his return to piracy, it is unknown if his bounty has been reinstated.
Jango "The Hypnotist" Beli9,000,000
Jango has joined the Marines; his bounty has therefore been forgotten or removed.
Sham and Buchi "Nyaban Brothers" Beli7,000,000[123]
The Nyaban Brothers' bounties may have been due to their activities as members of the Black Cat Pirates.

Bluejam Pirates

Name Nickname Bounty
Bluejam Beli14,300,000[124]
Captain of the Bluejam Pirates.
Porchemy Beli3,400,000[125]
Member of the Bluejam Pirates. Known for scalping his opponents alive.[126]

Krieg Pirates

Total bounty: Beli29,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Krieg "Pirate Admiral"/"Foul Play" Beli17,000,000[47]
Don Krieg's bounty was based on his powerful armada - militarily he was the strongest pirate in the East Blue.
Gin "The Man-Demon" Beli12,000,000[127]
Gin's bounty may have been due to his ruthless nature and his service as combat commander of the Krieg Pirates.

Arlong Pirates

Name Nickname Bounty
Arlong "Saw-Tooth" Beli20,000,000[128][47]
Though he was the highest bounty in the East Blue, Arlong's bounty did not reflect his true threat as he was paying a Marine to keep quiet about his actions. His bounty is most likely retracted as he has been captured by the Marines following his defeat by Luffy.
Hatchan Beli8,000,000[129]
Hatchan's bounty may have been due to his activities as a member of the Arlong Pirates. It's unknown if his bounty was being kept low the same way Arlong's was.
Kuroobi Beli9,000,000[130]
Kuroobi's bounty may have been due to his activities as a member of the Arlong Pirates. It's unknown if his bounty was being kept low the same way Arlong's was. His bounty is most likely retracted as he has been captured by the Marines following his defeat by Sanji.
Chew Beli5,500,000[131]
Chew's bounty may have been due to his activities as a member of the Arlong Pirates. It's unknown if his bounty was being kept low the same way Arlong's was. His bounty is most likely retracted as he has been captured by the Marines following his defeat by Usopp.

Revolutionary Army

Total bounty: At least Beli602,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Dragon "Dragon the Revolutionary" / "The World's Most-Dangerous Criminal" Beli?[132]
As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the World Government placed a bounty on the head of their greatest adversary.
Sabo Beli602,000,000[133]
The chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army. Being a key figure during the Dressrosa incident, obtaining the Mera Mera no Mi, and fighting Marine Admiral Issho to a draw might have also influenced his bounty.
Koala Beli?[134]
A high ranking member of the Revolutionary Army.

Saruyama Alliance

Total bounty: Beli84,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Mont Blanc Cricket Beli25,000,000[135]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Masira "Salvage King" Beli23,000,000[136]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Shoujou "Sonar King" Beli36,000,000[137]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Fake Straw Hat Crew

Total bounty: At least Beli206,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Demaro Black "Three Tongued" Beli26,000,000[138]
It is unknown how he received his bounty. Bounty retracted when arrested by Sentomaru.
Albion "Gashed" Beli92,000,000[139]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Lip Doughty "Service" Beli88,000,000[139]
It is unknown how he received his bounty. Bounty retracted when arrested by Sentomaru.

Caribou Pirates

Name Nickname Bounty
Caribou "Wet-Haired" Beli210,000,000[139]
Famous for killing Marines.
Coribou "Blood-Splatterer" Beli190,000,000[139]
Famous for killing Marines.

Giant Warrior Pirates

Total bounty: At least Beli200,000,000

Name Nickname Bounty
Dorry "The Blue Ogre" Beli100,000,000[140]
Has held his bounty for over a hundred years.
Brogy "The Red Ogre" Beli100,000,000[140]
Has held his bounty for over a hundred years.

Blue Sea

East Blue Bounties

Note: The average bounty for the East Blue is rated at only Beli3,000,000, making it the weakest sea in the One Piece world. Any bounty of Beli10,000,000 or higher is considered to be impressive within East Blue.[141]

Name Nickname Bounty
Higuma Beli8,000,000[142]
Received his bounty for being a mountain bandit and killing 56 people.[142]
Mikio Itoo ¥1,000,000
A joke character by Oda and a reference to another assistant of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Mikio Itoo appeared in several early chapters of One Piece. Although not official, he has a bounty.[143]
Zeff "Red Leg" Beli?[144]
Due to his actions as the captain of the Cook Pirates, Zeff was issued a bounty of an unknown amount.
Curly Dadan Beli7,800,000[145]
A notorious mountain bandit leader. According to Garp, Dadan and her group have commited numerous crimes.[146]

West Blue Bounties

Name Nickname Bounty
Nico Olvia Beli79,000,000


Arrested during the Buster Call on Ohara 20 years ago, after her ship was raided and evidence of Poneglyph studying was found. Bounty retracted when she died during the Ohara Incident.
Yorki "Calico" Beli?[148]
A wanted poster is seen, but the total amount is not seen. Bounty may no longer stand as he died from a sickness.
Raccoon "Pretended Sleep"


Raccoon's bounty was listed in One Piece novel A. Bounty may no longer stand as his status is unknown.

South Blue Bounties

Name Nickname Bounty
Foxy "The Silver Fox" Beli24,000,000[150]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Gyro "Crab-Hand" Beli73,000,000[151]
It is currently unknown how Gyro received his bounty.

North Blue Bounties

Name Nickname Bounty
Sarquiss "Big Knife" Beli38,000,000[152]
It is currently unknown how he received his bounty.
Wellington Beli10,000,000
It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Grand Line Bounties

Name Nickname Bounty
Roshio "The Executioner" Beli42,000,000[153]
It is unknown how he received his bounty. Bounty retracted after being brutalized and killed by Bellamy.
Mikazuki Beli36,000,000[154]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Devil Dias Beli60,000,000[155]
Bounty no longer stands as he was carried off by the marines.
Lacuba Beli17,000,000[156]
A pirate who was captured and put in the Auction House, but escaped when Franky offered him the key.
New World
Name Nickname Bounty
Charlotte Lola Beli24,000,000[157]
It is unknown how Lola received her bounty.
Chadros Higelyges "Brownbeard" Beli80,060,000[158]
It is unknown how he got this bounty, but he seemed to be very proud of it. His bounty was retracted when he was arrested by Smoker.
Rock and Scotch "Yeti Cool Brothers" Beli40,000,000[159]
A pair of Mysterious giants working under Caesar Clown. Each of them received a bounty of Beli20,000,000 for an unknown reason.[159]
Kelly Funk Beli57,000,000[160]
Works as an assassin with his brother Bobby.
Bobby Funk Beli36,000,000[161]
Works as an assassin with his brother Kelly.
Pedro "of the Treetops" Beli382,000,000[93]
The former captain of the Nox Pirates, a mink that was researching poneglyphs and was immediately given a bounty[162]

Known Bounties of Unseen or Unnamed Characters

  • A criminal with a Beli42,000,000 Bounty was said to have been taken down by Mr. 3.
  • A pirate with a Beli50,000,000 Bounty was defeated by Smoker.
  • A pirate captain with a Beli55,000,000 Bounty unsuccessfully tried to join the Fake Straw Hat Crew.

Non-Canon Bounties

Name Nickname Bounty
Woonan "Great Gold Pirate" Beli60,000,000[163]
From One Piece: The Movie. The legendary Great Gold Pirate in East Blue. His bounty is (non-canonically) the highest in East Blue, surpassing even Luffy's first bounty. His wanted poster is seen in the intro alongside others Movie 9. Possibly retracted after returning all his stolen treasure and his death.
Eldoraggo Beli10,000,000
From One Piece: The Movie. His bounty poster can be seen in Stampede.[164]
Golass Beli8,000,000
From One Piece: The Movie. A powerful swordsman who worked as a mercenary for Eldoraggo. His bounty poster can be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy receives his bounty.[165]
Dontacos Beli?
A pirate whose bounty poster was shown among the posters that Johnny and Yosaku had with them. Since it was shown that the poster was crossed off, it was presumed that his bounty had been retracted.
Usanksai Beli50,000
A pirate whose bounty poster was shown among the posters that Johnny and Yosaku had with them. Since it was shown that the poster was crossed off, it was presumed that his bounty had been retracted.
Tohenbok Beli5,000
A pirate whose bounty poster was shown among the posters that Johnny and Yosaku had with them. Since it was shown that the poster was crossed off, it was presumed that his bounty had been retracted.
Tacobo Beli1,000
A pirate whose bounty poster was shown among the posters that Johnny and Yosaku had with them.
Sard Beli40,000
A pirate whose bounty poster was shown in the background eight years ago.
Gally "Crescent-Moon" Movie 9: Beli3,450,000[163]
OVA: Beli5,000,000[166]
His wanted poster with a bounty of Beli3,450,000 is seen in the intro alongside others in Movie 9.

In One Piece: Romance Dawn Story, Gally's bounty is Beli5,000,000 as seen on his wanted poster that he keeps with him.

Boo Jack Beli3,200,000[163]
From the second movie: Clockwork Island Adventure. At the beginning of the Movie after the Going Merry was taken the Straw Hats met a thief called Borodo. The wanted posters of the Trump Siblings were seen very briefly but no amount was put to their heads. His wanted poster is seen in the intro alongside others Movie 9.
Honey Queen Beli7,800,000[163]
From the second movie: Clockwork Island Adventure. At the beginning of the Movie after the Going Merry was taken the Straw Hats met a thief called Borodo. The wanted posters of the Trump Siblings were seen very briefly but no amount was put to their heads. Her wanted poster is seen in the intro alongside others Movie 9.
Skunk One Beli6,000,000[163]
From the second movie: Clockwork Island Adventure. At the beginning of the Movie after the Going Merry was taken the Straw Hats met a thief called Borodo. The wanted posters of the Trump Siblings were seen very briefly but no amount was put to their heads. His wanted poster is seen in the intro alongside others Movie 9.
Pin Joker Beli9,900,000[163]
From the second movie: Clockwork Island Adventure. At the beginning of the Movie after the Going Merry was taken the Straw Hats met a thief called Borodo. The wanted posters of the Trump Siblings were seen very briefly but no amount was put to their heads. His wanted poster is seen in the intro alongside others Movie 9.
Bear King Beli11,600,000[163]
From the second movie: Clockwork Island Adventure. At the beginning of the Movie after the Going Merry was taken the Straw Hats met a thief called Borodo. The wanted posters of the Trump Siblings were seen very briefly but no amount was put to their heads. His wanted poster is seen in the intro alongside others Movie 9.
Billy "The Bandit" Beli5,000,000
This was anime only. Bounty no longer stands as he was defeated by Roronoa Zoro. Johnny and Yosaku were allowed to claim the bounty.
Dick "The Mountain Whale" Beli10,000,000
This was anime only. Bounty no longer stands as he was defeated by Roronoa Zoro, who claimed his bounty to pay for repairs to his treasured sword Wado Ichimonji.
Dareda Beli?
A pirate whose bounty poster was shown in a flashback of Johnny and Yosaku when they first encountered Zoro.
Billy "The Orca Killer" Beli3,000,000[167]
It is unknown how he got this bounty, but his bounty was retracted when he was arrested by Captain Smoker.
Battler Beli14,900,000
From Movie 3. Nothing is known about how he acquired his bounty, but his wanted poster is shown in One Piece: Stampede.[164]
Hotdog "The Mad Dog" Beli4,000,000[163]
From Movie 3. Nothing is known about how he acquired his bounty.
Heaby "The Poisonous Snake" Beli4,200,000[163]
From Movie 3. Nothing is known about how he acquired his bounty.
Wetton Beli14,800,000[163]
From the Ruluka Island filler arc. Wetton is a former pirate who became the mayor of a town. Bounty no longer stands as he was arrested.
Willy Beli20,000,000[163]
From Dead End Adventure. It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Bigalo "The Hanged Man" Beli14,900,000[163]
From Dead End Adventure. It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Gasparde "General" Beli95,000,000
From Dead End Adventure. He was a former Marine who stole a ship and made a break with it and the crew.
Needless Beli57,000,000[163]
From Dead End Adventure. Nothing is known about how he acquired his bounty.
A A A Beli2,200,000[163]
A wanted poster seen at the beginning of Movie 9.
Red Arrows Pirates Beli?
From the sixth movie: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island. A wanted poster of the crew is seen, but the number is hidden. No longer stands as the entire crew is dead.
Puzzle "Phoenix" Beli100,000,000
From Ice Hunter filler arc. Puzzle is the captain of the Phoenix Pirates.
Pandaman Beli3,333,333[163]
His wanted poster was seen in a movie. However, Pandaman is a joke character that Oda uses as background or for comic relief (like the Where's Wally? book series). His bounty is the only one seen thus far that is not rounded off in zeroes.
Olive Beli50,000,000
A filler pirate seen in Impel Down. She was captured and then later locked away after a failed attempt to escape. Bounty retracted.
Koba K Beli100,000
A pirate whose wanted poster was seen in the 9th movie.
Spiel "The Hexagon" Beli3,500,000[168]
A criminal whose wanted poster could be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy received his bounty.[165] His bounty was visible in the One Piece Animation Logbook.
D.R. Beli1,800,000[168]
A criminal from Monsters whose wanted poster could be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy received his bounty.[165] His bounty was visible in the One Piece Animation Logbook.
Henna Oyag Beli1,200,000[168]
A criminal whose wanted poster could be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy received his bounty.[165] His bounty was visible in the One Piece Animation Logbook.
Wild Joe Beli2,000,000[168]
A criminal from Wanted! whose wanted poster could be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy received his bounty.[165] His bounty was visible in the One Piece Animation Logbook.
Hitokui Beli1,500,000[168]
A criminal whose wanted poster could be seen in Fullbody's ship when Luffy received his bounty.[165] His bounty was visible in the One Piece Animation Logbook.
Panz Fry Beli320,000,000
A pirate who received his bounty because he attacked marines and pirates to steal their food and feed starving people.
Chameleone Beli300,000,000
A former member of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Byrnndi World "Destroyer of the World" Beli500,000,000
Captain of the World Pirates. he was a former prisoner of Impel Down's Level 6.

He had a former bounty of Beli200,000,000.

Bobrad Beli68,000,000[168]
A pirate who got captured by the Silver Pirate Alliance. It is unknown how he received this bounty.
Tambu Beli70,000,000[168]
A pirate who got captured by the Silver Pirate Alliance. It is unknown how he received this bounty.
Mobu Head At least Beli10,000,000


A pirate who got assassinated by Capone Bege. It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Puggy Beli200,000,000[170]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Lambor Bukini Beli300,000,000[171]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Prize Beli800,000,000[172]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Bounty Beli1,000,000,000[173]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Dopp Beli200,000,000[164]
It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Music Videos

On special occasions a music video will be released during which a bounty poster with an animated version of the preforming artist(s) is seen.

Name Nickname Bounty
Namie Amuro Beli25,000,000[174]
Wanted "Dead or Alive". It is unknown how she received her bounty.
Jun Matsumoto Beli1,500,000,000[175]
Wanted "Only Alive". It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Kazunari Ninomiya Beli1,500,000,000[175]
Wanted "Only Alive". It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Sho Sakurai Beli1,500,000,000[175]
Wanted "Only Alive". It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Masaki Aiba Beli1,500,000,000[175]
Wanted "Only Alive". It is unknown how he received his bounty.
Satoshi Ohno Beli1,500,000,000[175]
Wanted "Only Alive". It is unknown how he received his bounty.

Country Specific Bounties

While the bounties above are acknowledged worldwide by the World Government, there are also occasions where a specific country may put a bounty on an individual. These bounties are worthless outside of the country in question, and are not acknowledged by the World Government.

Doflamingo's Hit List

Doflamingo's bounty system for his game.

During the Dressrosa arc, Donquixote Doflamingo used his ability to force a bounty hunting game on the occupants of Dressrosa, placing a bounty on each of the twelve specific enemy's heads for the others to hunt down and capture. Unlike normal World Government bounties, Doflamingo's version placed a number of stars on each head, with a single star equating to Beli100,000,000. The bounties total up to Beli2,600,000,000. His bounty system took into account the potential danger of the targets to his person, but prioritized the ones who angered him the most. As such, many of the bounties were either far above or below what they were actually worth by the World Government standards.[176]

Name Nickname Bounty Location
Vander Decken IX unknown Fish-Man Island
For his constants assaults and harassments toward Princess Shirahoshi, Vander Decken was issued a bounty of an unknown amount. Since Decken was arrested at the end of Fish-Man Island Arc, the bounty is no longer claimable.
Kyros; Thunder Soldier "Thunderous Soldier of Rage" unknown; Beli200,000,000 Dressrosa
For not following the toys rules, and attacking those who tried to harm Rebecca, Thunder Soldier was issued a bounty of an unknown amount. During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, he was ranked as a "Two Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli200,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounties are no longer active.
Rebecca "The Undefeated Woman"; "The Phantom Princess" Beli100,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for her interference in Doflamingo's business, Rebecca was ranked as a "One Star Enemy", meaning she was worth Beli100,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active.
Nico Robin "Devil Child" Beli100,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for her interference in Doflamingo's business, Robin was ranked as a "One Star Enemy", meaning she was worth Beli100,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active. This bounty was issued despite Robin's still active World Government's bounty.
Kin'emon "Fox Fire" Beli100,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Kin'emon was ranked as a "One Star Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli100,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active.
Viola Beli100,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for her interference in Doflamingo's business, Viola was ranked as a "One Star Enemy", meaning she was worth Beli100,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active.
Franky "Cyborg" Beli100,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Franky was ranked as a "One Star Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli100,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active. This bounty was issued despite Franky's still active World Government's bounty.
Roronoa Zoro "Pirate Hunter" Beli200,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Zoro was ranked as a "Two Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli200,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active. This bounty was issued despite Zoro's still active World Government's bounty.
Sabo Beli300,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Sabo was ranked as a "Three Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli300,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active.
Monkey D. Luffy "Straw Hat" Beli300,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Luffy was ranked as a "Three Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli300,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active. This bounty was issued despite Luffy's still active World Government's bounty.
Trafalgar Law "Surgeon of Death" Beli300,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Law was ranked as a "Three Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli300,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active. This bounty was issued despite Law's frozen World Government's bounty.
Riku Doldo III Beli300,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Doldo was ranked as a "Three Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli300,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active.
Usopp "God" Beli500,000,000 Dressrosa
During Doflamingo's game, for his interference in Doflamingo's business, Usopp was ranked as a "Five Stars Enemy", meaning he was worth Beli500,000,000. After the events on Dressrosa and the downfall on Doflamingo rule, the bounty is no longer active. This bounty was issued despite Usopp's still active World Government's bounty.
Zorojuro "Magistrate cutter"; "One Eyed Ronin" unknown Wano Country
After being falsely accused to be behind a series of street murders by the actual culprit, a Magistrate in the Flower Capital, Zoro cut him down during his sentenced seppuku ceremony and escape, making him a wanted man across Wano.
Kamazo "Kamazo the Manslayer" unknown Wano Country
Wanted for a series of street murders.
Sangoro "Soba Stall Owner" unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, his wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano.
Shinobu "Kunoichi" unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during his Fire Festival pre-party, her wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano.
Bepo "White Bear" unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, his wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano. The bounty was issued despite already being captured, imprisoned and released by Basil Hawkins.
O-Robi unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during his Fire Festival pre-party and the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, her wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano.
Penguin unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, his wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano. The bounty was issued despite already being captured, imprisoned and released by Basil Hawkins.
O-Nami "Kunoichi" unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, her wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano.
Fransuke "Carpenter" unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, his wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano.
Shachi unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, his wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano. The bounty was issued despite already being captured, imprisoned and released by Basil Hawkins.
Usohachi unknown Wano Country
After going against the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, during the execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie, his wanted poster was issued by the Mimawarigumi, and hanged across Wano.

Current Record Bounties

Individual Bounties

Record Name Epithet Bounty
Highest Active Bounty Kaido "Kaido of the Beasts" Beli4,611,100,000
Highest Former Bounty Gol D. Roger "Pirate King" Beli5,564,800,000
Highest Starting Bounty Pedro "Pedro of the Treetop" Beli382,000,000
Highest Non-Canon Bounty Bounty "God of Jealousy" Beli1,000,000,000
Lowest Active Bounty Tony Tony Chopper "Cotton Candy Lover" Beli100
Lowest Former Bounty Porchemy Beli3,400,000
Lowest Starting Bounty Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard" Beli0
Lowest Non-Canon Bounty Tacobo N/A Beli1,000

Group Bounties*

Record Name* Bounty
Highest Total Bounty Big Mom Pirates At least Beli10,121,500,000
Highest Non-Canon Total Bounty Bounties Pirates Beli1,800,000,000
Lowest Total Bounty Bluejam Pirates Beli17,700,000
Lowest Non-Canon Total Bounty Trump Siblings Beli38,500,000

*Note: Organizations are only those with confirmed multiple bounty holders.

Other Records


  • Luffy holds the record for the highest numeric value of bounty increases in a single raise (raised Beli1,000,000,000 from Beli500,000,000 to Beli1,500,000,000).
    • Luffy also holds the record for the highest amount of times of getting a new bounty, having received six bounties.
  • Zoro's Beli60,000,000 bounty broke the record for first bounty value from the East Blue, a record previously held by his captain, Luffy. However, Zoro's bounty was given after the events of the Alabasta Saga.
  • Tony Tony Chopper holds the record for the lowest numeric value of bounty increases in a single raise with only raise of Beli50 (From Beli50 to Beli100). At the same time, Chopper holds the record for the lowest numeric value of bounty increases total
  • Nico Robin holds the record for the most bounty picture changes in the series with a total of three.
    • She share this record with Charlotte Linlin.
    • Robin also holds the record for the lowest multiplier value of bounty increases in a single raise (1.01 times, from Beli79,000,000 to Beli80,000,000).
  • Dorry and Brogy hold the record for the oldest known bounties, earning them over a hundred years ago.
  • Cavendish holds the record for the lowest multiplier value of total bounty increases (1.17 times, from Beli280,000,000 to Beli330,000,000).
  • Charlotte Linlin holds the record for the highest active bounty of any female character, with Beli4,388,000,000.
    • Linlin also holds the record for the youngest person to receive a bounty in the series, at the age of six.
    • Linlin also holds the record for the highest multiplier value of bounty increases in a single raise (decupled, from Beli50,000,000 to Beli500,000,000).
    • Linlin also holds the record for the highest numeric value of bounty increases total (raised Beli4,338,000,000 from Beli50,000,000 to Beli4,388,000,000).
    • Linlin also holds the record for the highest multiplier value of total bounty increases (87.76 times larger than the starting value, from Beli50,000,000 to Beli4,388,000,000).


  • The Big Mom Pirates have the most known bounty holders in a single crew, with at least 11 members having a bounty.
  • The highest (non-pirate) organization is the Revolutionary Army, whose bounties are estimated total of over Beli602,000,000.

Note: The records are only for confirmed bounties


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 13 Chapter 113 and Episode 67, Igaram speaks of Crocodile's former bounty.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 549 and Episode 452, Buggy comments that the other prisoners that escaped from Impel Down holds a bounty higher than his.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 903 (p. 16-17) and Episode 879, Luffy's and Sanji's new bounties are shown.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 2 (p. 3) and Episode 1, Luffy receives his epithet after Shanks' straw hat he currently owns for him.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 94 (p. 16-17) and Episode 43, Luffy's first bounty is printed and taken out by Nezumi.
  6. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 96 (p. 6) and Episode 45, Luffy's first bounty is put by Brannew in the wanted list.
  7. 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 23 Chapter 213 (p. 22) and Episode 128, Luffy's and Zoro's bounties after Alabasta
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 435 (p. 16-17) and Episode 320, The crew members' bounties for attacking Enies Lobby are revealed.
  9. 9.0 9.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 10-11) and Episode 392, Luffy and Zoro are revealed by Shakuyaku as another of the eleven super rookies who arrived at Sabaody Archipelago.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 601 (p. 11) and Episode 521, Luffy's fourth bounty
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 801 (p. 15-17) and Episode 746, The Straw Hat Pirates and Law's new bounties are shown.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 3 (p. 1) and Episode 2, Zoro's epithet is both written in the title and mentioned by Koby.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 494 (p. 17-18) and Episode 389, Duval's original face resembles Sanji's poster.
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 495 (p. 2-4) and Episode 389, Duval and Sanji scold each other for the face before the former tells about the truth.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 435 (p. 17-18) and Episode 324, Sanji is shocked to see his wanted poster.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 436 (p. 2) and Episode 321, Sanji is horrified to see his profile in his wanted poster.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 436 (p. 3) and Episode 321, Attach is spoken about Sanji's picture.
  18. 18.0 18.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 826 (p. 14-15) and Episode 785, Reiju explains the Vinsmoke Family's influence on Sanji's wanted poster.
  19. 19.0 19.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 398 (p. 4) and Episode 278, Origins of Robin's bounty
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 22 Chapter 201 (p. 14) and Episode 122, Mashikaku tells her superior Tashigi about Robin's identity.
  21. 21.0 21.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 435 (p. 19) and Episode 324, Franky receives a bounty as well.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 489 (p. 12) and Episode 381, Brook's bounty is revealed.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 600 (p. 13) and Episode 520, the Marines declare Brook's bounty still active.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 (p. 1) and Episode 430, Jinbe's moniker is written in the title.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0010), Jinbe's third bounty is revealed.
  26. 26.0 26.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 976 (p. 19), Jinbe's current bounty seen in his infobox.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 622 (p. 14) and Episode 541, Jinbe's first bounty seen on his wanted poster.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 (p. 18) and Episode 430, Jinbe's second bounty seen in his infobox.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 704 and Episode 634, Cavendish's bounty is revealed in his infobox.
  30. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0845), Suleiman's bounty is revealed.
  31. One Piece Manga — Vol. 80 Chapter 801.
  32. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0839), Sai's bounty is revealed.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 708 and Episode 637, Chinjao's past is revealed.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0838), Chinjao's bounty is revealed.
  35. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0848), Orlumbus's bounty is revealed.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 48 (p. 19) and Episode 23, Mihawk is mentioned by his nickname by Gin.
  37. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0085), Information about Mihawk is given.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 49 Chapter 474 (p. 10) and Episode 369, Kuma is recognized by Moria by his epithet.
  39. 39.0 39.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 25 Chapter 234 (p. 5) and Episode 151, Kuma and Doflamingo's former bounties are revealed.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 483 (p. 15) and Episode 376, Lola explains about Kuma's supposed reputation.
  41. One Piece Manga — Vol. 80 Chapter 802 (p. 7-9), Edward Weevil's former bounty is shown.
  42. One Piece Manga — Vol. 47 Chapter 455 (p. 13), Moria's former bounty is revealed.
  43. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 925, Moria's bounty is shown to still be active and the same.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 53 Chapter 522 (p. 15) and Episode 416, Hancock's former bounty is revealed.
  45. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0558), Sandersonia's former bounty revealed.
  46. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0559), Marigold's former bounty revealed.
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 96 (p. 6) and Episode 45, The bounties for Buggy, Krieg and Arlong are seen.
  48. One Piece Red: Grand Characters (p. 155), Alvida's bounty revealed.
  49. 49.0 49.1 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0147), Galdino's former bounty is revealed.
  50. 50.00 50.01 50.02 50.03 50.04 50.05 50.06 50.07 50.08 50.09 50.10 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 18) and Episode 392, The 9 big time rookies revealed.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 659 (p. 18-19) and Episode 584, Law appears for the time first time since the timeskip as a Shichibukai.
  52. One Piece Ten Exhibition, Bepo's bounty is revealed.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 622 and Episode 541, Fisher Tiger's wanted poster revealed.
  54. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0748), Aladine's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 17 Chapter 155 (p. 6) and Episode 92, Crocodile's former bounty is revealed.
  56. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 36, fan question: What are the bounties in the world of One Piece based on?
  57. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0182), Daz's bounty is revealed.
  58. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0181), Zala's bounty is revealed.
  59. One Piece Manga — Vol. 39 Chapter 372, cover story: Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works" Vol. 11, Bon Kurei's wanted poster seen.
  60. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0148), Marianne's bounty is revealed.
  61. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0180), Babe's bounty is revealed.
  62. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0179), Drophy's bounty is revealed.
  63. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0139), Gem's bounty is revealed.
  64. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0140), Mikita's bounty is revealed.
  65. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 700 (p. 16) and Episode 629, Doflamingo's epithet is revealed by Brannnew.
  66. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0909), Information about Trebol is revealed.
  67. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0908), Information about Diamante is revealed.
  68. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0914), Information about Pica is revealed.
  69. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0907), Information about Lao G is revealed.
  70. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0904), Information about Senor Pink is revealed.
  71. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0906), Information about Machvise is revealed.
  72. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0902), Information about Dellinger is revealed.
  73. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0901), Information about Gladius is revealed.
  74. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 664 and Episode 589, Caesar Clown's bounty is revealed in his infobox.
  75. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named c713
  76. 76.0 76.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 706 and Episode 635, Bellamy's second bounty is shown.
  77. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 24 Chapter 222 and Episode 146, Bellamy's bounty mentioned.
  78. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 1 (p. 7) and Episode 4, Shanks is introduced.
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 One Piece Manga — Vol. 95 Chapter 957 (p. 13-17), Current bounties of the Yonko and former bounties of the deceased Whitebeard and Roger are revealed.
  80. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0020), Beckman's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  81. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0018), Lucky Roux's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  82. 82.0 82.1 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0019), Information about Yasopp information is revealed.
  83. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 25 Chapter 234 (p. 10) and Episode 151, Rockstar's bounty is revealed in his infobox.
  84. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named c860
  85. One Piece Manga — Vol. 84 Chapter 846, Smoothie is introduced and her bounty is revealed.
  86. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 836 (p. 15), Cracker's bounty is revealed.
  87. One Piece Manga — Vol. 87 Chapter 877, Perospero reveals his Bounty.
  88. One Piece Manga — Vol. 89 Chapter 894, Snack's bounty is revealed.
  89. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #1087).
  90. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #1088).
  91. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #1033).
  92. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 652 and Episode 572, Pekoms' bounty is revealed.
  93. 93.0 93.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 850.
  94. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 855.
  95. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 935 (p. 9), Queen's bounty is revealed.
  96. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 809 (p. 13), Jack's bounty is revealed.
  97. 97.0 97.1 97.2 97.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 and Episode 603, the post-timeskip bounties for Kid, Killer, Apoo and Hawkins are revealed.
  98. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0272), Burgess's bounty is revealed.
  99. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0591), Shiryu's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  100. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0273), Augur's bounty is revealed.
  101. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0651), Pizarro's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  102. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0268), Laffitte's bounty is revealed.
  103. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0650), Devon's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  104. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0648), Wolf's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  105. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0649), Shot's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  106. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0275), Doc Q's bounty is revealed.
  107. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 904 and Episode 880, Pinkbeard's bounty is revealed.
  108. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0446), Information about Marco is revealed.
  109. One Piece Ten Exhibition, Ace's bounty is revealed.
  110. One Piece novel A Vol. 1
  111. One Piece novel A Vol. 2
  112. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0447), Information about Jozu is revealed.
  113. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0606), Information about Vista is revealed.
  114. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0600), Information about Squard is revealed.
  115. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0627), Information about Little Oars Jr. is revealed.
  116. One Piece Manga — Vol. 96 Chapter 966, cover story: "Gang" Bege's Oh My Family Vol. 16, Bege's new wanted poster is seen.
  117. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 857 (p. 10-12).
  118. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 812, Capone's new bounty is revealed to be 300,000,000.
  119. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0976), Vito's bounty is revealed.
  120. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0984), Gotti's bounty is revealed.
  121. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0127), Crocus' blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  122. One Piece Manga — Vol. 96 Chapter 965 (p. 4), Izo talks to Oden about his bounty.
  123. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0067, #0068), The Nyaban Brothers' age, height and bounty are revealed.
  124. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0661), Bluejam's bounty is revealed.
  125. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0660), Porchemy's bounty is revealed.
  126. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 583 and Episode 494, Porchemy's reputation explained by Sabo.
  127. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0081), Gin's bounty is revealed.
  128. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 69 and Episode 31, Arlong's bounty is seen.
  129. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0095), Hatchan's bounty is revealed.
  130. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0103).
  131. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0102).
  132. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0125), Dragon's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  133. One Piece Magazine Vol.3, Sabo's bounty is revealed.
  134. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0747), Koala's blacked out wanted poster is shown.
  135. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0252), Cricket's bounty is revealed.
  136. One Piece Manga — Vol. 24 Chapter 219 (p. 15), Masira's bounty is revealed in his infobox.
  137. One Piece Manga — Vol. 24 Chapter 226, Shoujou's bounty mentioned.
  138. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 601 (p. 11) and Episode 521, PX-5 reveals Demaro Black's bounty.
  139. 139.0 139.1 139.2 139.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 600 (p. 9 & 11) and Episode 519, Albion, Lip Doughty, Caribou and Coribou are introduced.
  140. 140.0 140.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 14 Chapter 118 (p. 16) and Episode 71, Mr. 3 reveals Dorry and Brogy's bounties.
  141. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named East Blue bounties
  142. 142.0 142.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 1 (p. 16) and Episode 4, Higuma's bounty revealed.
  143. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 4, fan question: Who is this person "Ito Mikio" that appears in the three manga "One Piece", "Butsu Zone" and "Rurouni Kenshin"? It wasn't even cleared up in "Butsu Zone", so I would really like it if you would explain.
  144. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0076), Zeff is revealed to have a bounty.
  145. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0656), Information about Dadan is revealed.
  146. One Piece Manga — Vol. 59 Chapter 582 (p. 18), Garp speaks to Dadan.
  147. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0431), Information about Olvia is revealed.
  148. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 50 Chapter 487 and Episode 380, Calico Yorki's wanted poster.
  150. One Piece Manga — Vol. 32 Chapter 305 (p. 16), Foxy's bounty is revealed in his infobox.
  151. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 611 and Episode 530, Gyro is introduced.
  152. One Piece Manga — Vol. 24 Chapter 223, Sarquiss' bounty is mentioned.
  153. One Piece Manga — Vol. 24 Chapter 222 (p. 14), Roshio's bounty is revealed in his infobox.
  154. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 34 Chapter 323 (p. 14) and Episode 230, Mikazuki's bounty is revealed in his infobox in the manga, and partially seen on his wanted poster in the anime.
  155. One Piece Manga — Vol. 51 Chapter 497, Dias appears.
  156. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 502 and Episode 396, Lacuba's bounty revealed.
  157. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0477), Lola's bounty is revealed.
  158. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 661 and Episode 586.
  159. 159.0 159.1 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0798), Information about the Yeti Cool Brothers is revealed.
  160. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0841), Kelly's bounty is revealed.
  161. Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0842), Bobby's bounty is revealed.
  162. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 830.
  163. 163.00 163.01 163.02 163.03 163.04 163.05 163.06 163.07 163.08 163.09 163.10 163.11 163.12 163.13 163.14 One Piece Movie — Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura, A number of wanted posters are seen in the intro.
  164. 164.0 164.1 164.2 One Piece: Stampede
  165. 165.0 165.1 165.2 165.3 165.4 165.5 One Piece Anime — Episode 45, A number of wanted posters can be seen in Fullbody's cabin.
  166. One Piece: Romance Dawn Story — Galley's bounty is shown.
  167. One Piece Novel — "Loguetown Arc" (p. 45), Billy's Bounty is revealed.
  168. 168.0 168.1 168.2 168.3 168.4 168.5 168.6 One Piece Animation Logbook (p. 73), the bounties for Spiel, D.R, Henna-oyaji, Wild Joe and Hitokui are shown.
  169. One Piece Anime — Episode 826, Mobu Head's bounty poster is partly seen.
  170. One Piece Live Attraction 3
  171. One Piece Premier Show 2013
  172. One Piece Premier Show 2018
  173. One Piece Premier Show 2018
  174. Episode of Sky Island [end credits].
  175. 175.0 175.1 175.2 175.3 175.4 [A-ra-shi: Reborn music video].
  176. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 746, Doflamingo begins his bounty hunting game.