One Piece Wiki

The Bruiser Axe[1] was a gigantic battle axe wielded by Brogy. It shattered during his assault on the Island Eater.[2]


The axe seemed to be a gigantic version of a regular battle axe. It had a single blade with a round base and has a wooden hilt with brown straps wrapped around it. Due to many years of fighting with it, it became old and dull.


In the hands of a warrior such as Brogy, the axe was a powerful weapon. It can easily cut through the flesh of the dinosaurs on Little Garden.[3] Unfortunately for Brogy, it had become fragile after years of fighting and could not withstand the assault on the island eater.


  1. One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements (p. 247), the Bruiser Axe is named.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 129 (p. 6-7) and Episode 77, Dorry and Brogy use Hakoku
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 13 Chapter 116 and Episode 71.

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