Buggy, after being defeated by Luffy and Nami, begins his quest to regain his body parts and his crew, and then get back at Luffy. His journey takes place through a series of adventures.
Long Summary[]
Buggy, with only his head, arms, and feet remaining on his body after his defeat at Orange Town, is paddling desperately on a small raft which is being chased by fighting fish. Mohji and Cabaji, meanwhile, flee from Orange Town.
Buggy reaches an island and hunts down a bird for eating. However, a giant bird comes to the small one's protection and scares Buggy away. Buggy attempts to trap the bird using a pit, but the trap does not work and the bird prepares to eat Buggy. However, Buggy is spat out because of his bad taste. Buggy is sent flying and lands on another island populated by strange animals. The island is revealed to be the Island of Rare Animals, and Gaimon pursues Buggy. However, the two eventually make peace, because Gaimon thinks of Buggy as another strange animal.
Buggy later departs from Gaimon's island, and he is attacked by a crab. However, a mysterious woman comes, defeats the crab, and rescues Buggy. The woman tells Buggy of her quest to find Monkey D. Luffy, who Buggy immediately recognizes. Buggy and the woman then form an alliance, as they have a common goal to kill Luffy.
The Buggy Pirates, thinking Buggy is dead, hold a funeral for him with the body parts he lost. To decide the next captain, Mohji and Cabaji duel, but the fight lasts 12 hours with no clear winner. However, Richie, having had a dream about himself becoming captain, defeats Mohji and Cabaji while sleepwalking. Richie then becomes the new captain of the Buggy Pirates, now called the "Richie Pirates".
Meanwhile, Buggy finds his ship and is overjoyed. However, he is not overjoyed when he boards the island his ship is docked at, only to see Mohji and Cabaji knocked out. As for Richie and the other Buggy pirates, they were captured by a tribe of cannibals, who put them in a cauldron for eating. The cannibals then turn toward Buggy's body parts, wondering what they are. Suddenly, Buggy's body parts lash out, beating up the cannibals. The rescued Buggy Pirates then see their captain on a cliff, with all his body parts newly attached. Buggy, accompanied by the woman, Mohji, and Cabaji, finish off the cannibals, and the Buggy Pirates later celebrate their captain's return.
Richie Crew's Adventure Chronicles: The Island's Indigenous Kumate Tribe
Richie Crew's Adventure Chronicles: Pulverization of the Richie Crew
Story Impact[]
Buggy reunites with his crew and plots his revenge against the Straw Hats.
Buggy forms an alliance with a female pirate, who is also after Luffy. It is later revealed during the Loguetown Arc that she is Alvida, the first pirate Luffy came across on his journey.
Translation and Dub Issues[]
For unknown reasons, the 4Kids-dubbed anime completely excluded the two episodes adapting this arc, leaving Buggy's return at Loguetown unexplained.