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CP9's Independent Report (CP9の任務外報告 CP9 no Ninmu Gaihōkoku) is the 10th Mini-Series created as side stories on the title pages of each One Piece chapter.


Chp. 491-528

Short Summary

Surviving the annihilation of Enies Lobby through Blueno's Air Door, Cipher Pol 9 are forced to travel to Saint Popla and work for the recovery of member Rob Lucci. After his recovery, CP9 goes to a bowling alley. There, a commotion outside alerts them of the invading Candy Pirates. CP9 easily defeats the Candy Pirates, while showing "excessive justice." They know they must leave the island now, but a girl come and gives to Kalifa a flower, for her beauty. CP9 returns to their homeland where they train their future generation. The Marines lead by Very Good show up to capture CP9 but CP9 will not stand by and let them disturb their homeland. Spandam,in his intensive care unit, receives a phone call from his former subordinate Rob Lucci. He says that someday they will return and they are seen on a boat with bodies of Very Good scattered around them. Spandam and his father, Spandine, then plot the obliteration of CP9. CP9 now, sail the Marine ship off and leave their island with the flower put in ground.

Chapter Titles

  1. Island of No Survivors (chp. 491)
  2. Air Door (chp. 492)
  3. Save Rob Lucci (chp. 493)
  4. Forced Error! Persuers from the World Government (chp. 494)
  5. Escaping Trainrail (chp. 495)
  6. "Spring Queen Town St. Popla" Without the Medical Fees (chp. 496)
  7. Save Rob Lucci - Kumadori Performs to Earn Medical Fees (chp. 497)
  8. Jabura's Wild Animal Show - Why is Blueno Stirring Things Up? (chp. 498)
  9. Earning Medical Fees - The Giraffe Slide (chp. 499)
  10. Earning Medical Fees - Cleaning the Streets (chp. 500)
  11. "We'll Gladly Accept Your Soaked Cash" (chp. 501)
  12. Shopping and Smoking (chp. 502)
  13. Waiting for the Shoppers (chp. 504)
  14. The Awakening (chp. 505)
  15. Discharged From the Hospital (chp. 506)
  16. Everybody Has Fun Bowling (chp. 508)
  17. Ruckus in the Town (chp. 509)
  18. The Candy Pirates Appear in St. Popla Harbor (chp. 510)
  19. Envoy of Justice (chp. 511)
  20. Strength the Likes of Which Has Never Been Seen (chp. 512)
  21. Excessive Justice (chp. 513)
  22. We Cannot Remain in this Town (chp. 514)
  23. Too Beautiful to Behold, a Flower of Thanks (chp. 515)
  24. CP9 Departs from St. Poplar (chp. 517)
  25. Homeland (chp. 518)
  26. CP9's Next Generation in Training (chp. 519)
  27. Pusuers Arrive to Capture CP9 (chp. 521)
  28. We Won´t Let You Disturb Our Home (chp. 522)
  29. Spandam in his Intensive Care Unit Receives a Den Den Mushi (chp. 523)
  30. This is your Former Subordinate, Rob Lucci (chp. 524)
  31. Someday We Shall Return (chp. 525)
  32. Father and Son Plot the Obliteration of CP9 (chp. 527)
  33. The Ship Sail Off Into Distance (chap. 528)

