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Chapter 112 is titled "Luffy Vs Zoro".


Volume: 13 Pg.: 65

Diary of Coby-Meppo Vol. 24: "I Shall Take These Two Under My Wing".

The Vice Admiral tells Coby and Helmeppo to come to with him to Marine Headquarters.

Short Summary

Luffy is really pissed at Zoro because he attacked people who kindly gave them food and a warm welcome, which is an unforgivable sin. Luffy is serious and attacks Zoro with all his strength. The swordman do not even have time to explain himself and tries to escape Luffy's punches.

The Baroque Works's agent, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, now rid of Zoro, take this opportunity to try to capture the princess Vivi, but are taken in the collateral damages of Zoro and Luffy's fight. Zoro tries a last time to convince Luffy of his good intention but Luffy does not listen. Zoro then enters in serious mode too, and when the two agents tries to interfere to take their revenge, they are quickly sent flying away by the two angry Straw Hats for interfering in their fight.

Long Summary

Quick Reference

Chapter Notes


Pirates Marines Citizens Baroque Works
Straw Hat Pirates

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Episode 66

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