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Chapter 1138 is titled "The Harley".

Cover Page[]

Oni Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 24: "It was Who's-Who all along!!"

Short Summary[]

When Loki demands to know Shamrock's connection to Shanks, the latter reveals Shanks is his twin brother. When Loki threatens him, Shamrock uses his sword to attack him, while Gunko provides their transportation to move out on their mission to capture one of the giants' children. Luffy finds it hard to believe that Shanks was the one who attacked the giant guards when he learns of it, to which the guards believe that Shanks might have a brother.

Meanwhile, as Franky learns from Ripley of ancient drawings from the Void Century, Saul provides Robin a book that details all of Elbaph's myths and legends, and details the past, present and future state of the world, as Robin reads each of the three chapters.

Long Summary[]

Loki wakes up and asks Shamrock what his relationship with Shanks is since the two look the same. Gunko tells Shamrock he has no need to answer Loki's question, but Loki demands to know since pirates and World Nobles are polar opposites, and for Shamrock to have the same face as a legendary pirate like Shanks is bound to make anyone curious. Shamrock tells Loki that Shanks is his younger twin brother, and though he once returned to Mary Geoise, he ultimately preferred living in what Shamrock considers the "filthy" lower world. Loki declares that both brothers have earned his ire and once he gets his chains off, he will make Shamrock pay for attacking him while defenseless and for taking down his animal friends.

Furious with Loki's threat and not wanting to soil his own hands dealing with him, Shamrock instead draws his sword, which transforms into the three-headed dog Cerberus. Gunko creates a bird using her powers and the two of them depart while Shamrock leaves Cerberus to attach Loki, telling him that if he survives, he will be waiting for him, but a nervous Loki says even he cannot survive an attack from something like this and he angrily curse the World Nobles. Once in the air, Shamrock suggests they use the children as leverage against the Giants and asks Gunko to call for another knight.

At Aurust Castle, Luffy learns about who attacked the guards and refuses to believe that it was Shanks despite their similarities, and taking into account Shanks has visited Elbaph many times. Luffy, however, remains adamant that the attacker was not Shanks, but a lookalike, and Nami muses over how defensive he is of his hero, though Luffy states that this is natural. The guards then start thinking that the attacker was possibly his brother, and Luffy admits he never heard Shanks talk about his family before, having assumed he thought the Roger Pirates as his family, excluding Buggy. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure starts approaching the castle.

At Treasure Tree Adam, Franky learns that all the branches are from the tree, so it is not as rare as he thought. Ripley, who was with him, is surprised to learn how valuable the wood is outside of Elbaph and Saul refused to let Franky take pieces of it, which made him realize that the price of the tree comes from the fact that it is taken without anyone noticing. Franky then notices a mural on the tree, but Ripley calls them drawings made by children in the past, though it is considered a historical relic. Ripley believes the mural was drawn during the Void Century, which Franky decides to tell Robin about later. Still, the mural had some interesting images, namely not that many were giants, and the races depicted were shown working together, which is why Ripley thinks it is just a child's dream.

At the Owl Library, Saul shows Robin the Harley, and explains that all of Elbaph's myths and legends were inspired by the interpretation of the text, and it is why everyone thinks the Sun God has different personalities. Robin asks to read it and Saul grants her request, saying it is broken into three chapters and the third one describes the current world today and what will happen in the future. Saul also reveals that legends of Nika are scattered throughout the world, and the one common feature is that he always appears laughing to a particular rhythm he starts imitating.

In the first chapter, dubbed the "First World", reads "Within the earth there was fire. Mankind succumbed to greed and touched the forbidden sun. The enslaved prayed, and the sun god appeared. The earth god raged, and with its serpent of hellfire, shrouded the world in death and darkness. And they will never meet."

The second chapter, the "Second World," reads "Within the void there was breath. The forest god tamed demons and the sun spread the fires of war. Those of the half-moon dreamed. Those of the moon dreamed. Man killed the sun and became god, and the sea god stormed. And they will never meet."

The third chapter, the "Third World," reads "Within the chaos there was emptiness. The inconvenient remnants recall the promised day and hear the voice of the half-moon. The sun god dances and laughs, guiding the world to its end. The sun returns and brings a new morning. And they will surely meet."

As these chapters are shown, as is the mural Franky sees, depicting incredible drawings and conflicts symbolizing the three chapters.

Quick References[]

Chapter Notes[]

  • Shamrock and Gunko continue on the move.
    • Shamrock reveals Shanks was born in the Figarland Family as his younger twin brother.
      • Shamrock also reveals Shanks knows of his World Noble heritage and visited Mary Geoise in the past but renounced his birthright and chose to remain in the lower world.
    • Shamrock's sword has consumed a Cerberus Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit. As the duo leaves, he draws it against Loki to try and finish him off.
    • Shamrock and Gunko decide to summon another individual to help them with their mission of subjugating Elbaph.
  • The guards state it was Shanks who attacked them but Luffy refuses to believe it.
  • A certain mystery man is approaching the castle where Luffy's party currently is. The person resembles the one who visited Crocus in the From the Decks of the World cover story.
  • Franky and Ripley come upon a mural on the Adam tree which was painted during the Void Century.
    • The mural says there were two world wars, with a third one imminent.


Pirates Citizens World Government
Straw Hat Pirates

New Giant Warrior Pirates
Giant Warrior Pirates

Beasts Pirates
God's Knights

Author Comment[]

Author Comment

I went to a GLAY show! The ultimate in entertainment! What a voice! It was intense!


Eiichiro Oda
Eiichiro Oda WSJ Avatar
English translation by VIZ Media. For comprehensive translation credits, see here.

Arc Navigation[]

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Elbaph Arc
Manga Chapters
1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136
1137 1138 1139 1140
Manga Volumes
Oni Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage
Manga Chapters (covers)
1109 1110 1112 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1123 1124
1125 1126 1127 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1135 1136 1137 1138