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Chapter 125 is titled "Candle Champion".

Cover Page

Volume: 14 Pg.: 147

Straw Hats and Animals: Vivi and Carue shopping.

Short Summary

Sanji is getting tired of waiting for everybody and starts to worry about Vivi and Nami. While he tries to search for them, he bumps into Mr. 3's candle house.

Meanwhile Luffy has got rid of Miss Goldenweek's Colors Trap signs. But it lets Mr. 3 enough time to recover. He comes back recovered with a full armor of wax: Candle Champion. Luffy tries to punch him, but the armor is too hard. That is when Usopp realizes that wax is melting again when put in contact with fire. However his attempt to save his friends is countered by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. To help him, Usopp asks Carue to take a special rope and put it around the Candle Service. The rope is covered with oil and just need to be fired. Once Usopp explains the plan, Luffy decides to use Mr. 3's own fiery hair as a lighter and generates a giant furnace.

Long Summary

Sanji is shown back at the ship, wondering where everyone is and decides to go look for them, instead however he comes across Mr. 3's wax house. Meanwhile the Baroque works agents start taunting Luffy, as Mr. 3 unveils his candle champion technique to fight against Luffy, which Luffy finds cool. He then starts attacking Mr. 3, though his candle champion technique proves a formidable match, while Usopp realizes a way to free their friends and tries to free them, but is stopped by Mr. 5 who bombards him. He gives Carue a piece of rope and some instructions, but is overheard by Miss. Goldenweek who then begins by seeing how much weight he can take. It seems pretty bad for the Straw Hats as Luffy is unable to gain the upper-hand against Mr. 3, Usopp is being crushed by Miss. Goldenweek, and Carue is on the run the run from Mr. 5. But Luffy suddenly grabs Mr. 3's hair and uses his hair to light Carue's rope which is covered in oil, on fire creating a furnace.

Quick Reference

Chapter Notes

  • Sanji who has decided to look for the others comes across Mr. 3's house.
  • Mr. 3's Candle Champion is introduced.
  • Usopp correctly suspects that Mr. 3's powers are weak against fire which Miss Goldenweek confirms much to Mr. 3's annoyance.
  • Usopp stages his plan of using an oil soaked rope to burn down the Candle Service quickly since there is too little time left to save Zoro, Nami, and Vivi.
  • Since Usopp has been subdued by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, he has Carue carry the rope around the Candle Service to set up his plan.
  • Luffy decides to use the fiery portion of Mr. 3's hair to complete Usopp's plan.


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