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Template:Chapter box Chapter 145 is titled "Inherited Will".


Volume: 16 Pg.: 169

Jango's Dance Paradise Vol. 15: "Totally Climactic Dance Contest".

The crowd goes wild for the contest's remaining contestants. Some Marines are cheering in the crowd as well.

Short Summary

The death of Hiluluk.

Long Summary

Dr. Hiluluk arrives at the castle in order to cure the Isshi-20 only to find it was a trap made by Wapol in order to capture the rebellious doctor. Relieved that the doctors are fine, Hiluluk refuses to be shot by the king's soldiers. After making a speech explaining he has lived happily and that his task is accomplished: the country will be cured, by those who remember him if not by him, he commits suicide by drinking a dangerous explosive substance.

Everyone is seen mocking his death besides Dalton who is crying because he shares the fake doctor's pain for this sick country. Suddenly Chopper who had run to save his friend arrives but it is too late. While he is targeted by the soldiers who see him as a monster, Dalton interposes and beg him to depart. Since he is too weak to even defend himself, Dalton says to Chopper not to end up as another sacrifice for this country. Annoyed by Dalton's reaction who let the 'monster' escape despite his orders to kill him and his clear defiance towards him, Wapol threatens the guard chief of what would happen if he made him "really pissed off" as the two prepare to fight.

Meanwhile, Chopper has reached Dr. Kureha's house, raising Hiluluk's flag, he asks her to help him become a doctor who will be able to cure every disease in the world.

Quick Reference

Chapter Notes

  • Chopper's dream is to cure every disease in the world.


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