One Piece Wiki

Chapter 214 is titled "Plan to Escape From the Kingdom of Sand".

Cover Page

Volume: 23 Pg.: 169

Hatchan's Sea-Floor Stroll Vol. 28: "Too bad! The Headband Catfish Village Crushed by a Sinking Ship".

Octopako being unsympathetic to the plight of others.

Short Summary

Escape plan and friendship demonstration.

Long Summary

Igaram walks in the room to find the Straw Hat Pirates had already left. He asks Vivi why, and she simply replies that they are pirates. Jango and Fullbody are seen dancing after capturing an enemy ship. Hina is talking to a marine about getting ready to capture the Straw Hat Pirates. However, the marine reports that their ship is missing.

Luffy, and his crew are now riding in the desert, on the Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad. Nami is concerned, and the crew asks her if it is about Vivi. However, Nami replies that she forgot to ask Vivi for their payment.

Igaram is worried about the Straw Hat Pirates, due to their new bounties. But Vivi reassures Igaram, saying that it's useless as the pirates would only celebrate at becoming even more infamous. Vivi is revealed to have a speech the next day.

Vivi thinks of before the Straw Hat Pirates left. Someone brought in a Den Den Mushi, and the pirates find out that the caller was Mr. 2. Mr. 2 told them that he took their ship away, and everyone was outraged at losing their ship. However, Mr. 2 told them that he's their friend and then hung up. The Straw Hats discussed about what to do, but in the end, they decided to trust Mr. 2.

Vivi is torn between continuing to travel with her friends, or to stay and remains as the princess of Alabasta. Nami gives her 12 hours to decide what Vivi should do.

Now, the Straw Hat Pirates has reached where Mr. 2 is. The crew distrusts him, as he is one of the Baroque Works agents. However, Mr. 2 tells them that the Baroque Works is over, and he saved the crew's ship from the Marines. Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp celebrates that Mr. 2 is still their friends.

A marine reports to Hina that they had found the Straw Hat Pirates and she says to prepare for battle.

Quick Reference

Chapter Notes


1: new introduction

2: first apparition

Pirates Marines Citizens Baroque Works (disbanded) Animals
Straw Hat Pirates

Chief Petty Officer

Seaman Recruits
Grand Line
Officer Agent

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