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Chapter 63 is titled "I Ain't Gonna Die".

Cover Page

Volume: 8 Pg.: 7

The Richie Crew's Adventure Vol. 2: "The Pulverization of the Richie Crew".

The Richie Pirates are quickly defeated by the tribe.

Short Summary

Angered by Don Krieg who targeted his own commander, Luffy runs after the pirate, while Patty and Carne are rescuing Gin by delivering him some poison antidote. Don Krieg is amused by Luffy's move and fires him with several of his weapon, but Luffy does not bulge. Finally he reaches Don Krieg and he's about to punch him but Krieg protects himself behind a cape made of spikes. Unfortunately for him, this is not something that stops Luffy. He says he will not die here.

Long Summary

After Don Krieg shoots MH5, he angers Luffy and Sanji by saying that Gin is garbage and it's proper to die by his own hands as his commander. Krieg's crew do not believe what they have seen. Sanji asks Patty to bring an antidote. For the first time, Patty does not agree because Gin is the Baratie's opponent. Zeff gives Patty an suggestion to bring Gin to a place with cooler air. Sanji becomes impatient, and screams at Patty and Carne to work faster.

Luffy is really angry at Krieg and says that Gin may not die and has to survive. Because of the poison, Gin will die in one hour. Luffy promises to beat Krieg whatever happens. Gin does not believe that Luffy can defeat Krieg and tries to stop Luffy. Sanji tries to stop him too and says he will be killed if he challenges Krieg. To make everyone stop worrying, Luffy says "I will not die". Luffy start his attack at Krieg's front. Krieg affronts if he is more foolish than a monkey, because monkeys will not challenge people who impossible to beat. But Luffy replies "I am a monkey who does not know a word of surrendering".

With the fight now under way, Don Krieg starts by attacking with a hail of spears fire from his weapon. Luffy, without hesitation, runs straight into the attack with the intent of reaching Krieg. Realising the rookie pirate wasn't stopping, Krieg revealed a robe made of dangerous spikes to deter any attacks. However, to the surprise of every Luffy still attacks despite the injury inflicted to his hand, knocking Krieg to the ground. Reaffirming his belief that he was not meant to die here, Zeff comments on how idiots like him will fight until the death. Standing back up, Krieg reveals his final weapon, a large spear with an explosive end that detonates upon impact. Continuing the battle, the surrounding wreckage is eventually reduced to sunken rubble with both combatants having very little room to move on. Determined, Luffy begins striking the spear itself and eventually breaks the end, in his mind rendering the weapon at half strength, with it now just being, "a bomb on a stick". Grinning with confidence, Luffy tells Krieg to prepare himself.

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