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Template:Chapter stub Template:Chapter box Chapter 699 is titled "Morning Paper".

Cover Page

Color Spread: The Straw Hat Pirates in a medieval attire along with a green dragon, Luffy portrayed on as a king while most of the other Strawhats as a knights and Nami as a princess.

Short Summary

The chapter starts with Kuzan trying to freeze Doflamingo to stop him from killing Smoker. Doflamingo survives the freezing but refuses to fight the former admiral and leaves with Buffalo and Baby 5. Smoker is then healed by the G-5 marines who thinked Kuzan is now a boss of the underworld. Meanwhile on the Thousand Sunny, Usopp and Chopper are paranoid about an attack from Doflamingo, and are dressed in armour created by Kin'emon's powers. Kin'emon is angry with Zoro because he believes that Zoro has defiled samurai Ryuma's grave to obtain Shuusui. Meanwhile, Momonosuke, who is playing cute gets a lot of attention from Robin and Nami, which make Brook, Kin'emon and Sanji jealous on the kid. After a quiet but troubled night, the party then recieves the morning news: Doflamingo has indeed quit the Shichibukai, it also reported the Heart Pirate and Straw Hat Pirate alliance and the similar On Air, Kid and Hawkins Pirate alliance, all the big three news are declared as huge threats to the world. The chapter is ended with Doflamingo at Dressrosa receiving a call from Law via a Den Den Mushi.

Long Summary

Quick References

Chapter Notes

  • Kuzan stopped Doflamingo from killing Smoker.
  • It is revealed how Kuzan arrived at Punk Hazard: by riding on a giant Penguin.
  • Kin'emon thought that Zoro stole the Shusui from the grave of Ryuma.
  • It is announced through the morning newspaper that Doflamingo resigns his position as a Shichibukai and King of Dressrosa.
  • The paper also mentions that Luffy and Law have made a pirate alliance.
  • Law's wanted poster appears to be similar with Luffy's with a crew member 's back profile on his photo.
  • It is confirmed in the news that Kid, Apoo and Hawkins have made an alliance.
  • The chapter ends when Doflamingo received a call from Law.


Pirates Marines Others
Straw Hat Pirates

Heart Pirates
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