One Piece Wiki

A guide to the overall organization of the One Piece manga. For specific, numbered chapter and volume listings, see the Volumes tab.


The One Piece manga is initially published as a serial in Shueisha's anthology magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. This magazine, as suggested by its title, releases a new issue with a new chapter of One Piece on a weekly basis. Accounting for its standard holiday breaks and Eiichiro Oda's personal hiatuses, approximately 45-48 chapters are published per year.

Roughly three to four months after appearing in Jump, chapters are reprinted into tankōbon (単行本?) volumes. These collect an average of ten chapters each, with higher-quality paper but smaller (B6 as opposed to Jump's B5) pages and grayscaling of all color art. To compensate, they also include new cover artwork, a question-and-answer column by the author, fan-art galleries, and various other bonus features.

Digital Release[]

Further information: Digitally Colored Manga

From 2012 on, digital versions of each tankōbon volume have been released through Shueisha's online apps, as well as a number of third-party sellers. These, unlike the standard physical releases, offer a fully-colored edition alongside the standard monochrome.[1]

(From 2014 on, digital versions of each Shonen Jump issue have also been released through various apps and sellers, offering individual chapters on the same day as their print releases.[2])

Chapters and Volumes by Sagas and Arcs[]

A quick overview on the Chapters and Volumes by sagas and arcs.

Main Story Arcs[]

Further information: Story Arcs
Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga
East Blue Saga Arabasta Saga Sky Island Saga Water 7 Saga Thriller Bark Saga Summit War Saga
Romance Dawn Arc
(Chapters 1 to 7, Volume 1)
Reverse Mountain Arc
(Chapters 101 to 105, Volume 12)
Jaya Arc
(Chapters 218 to 236, Volumes 24 and 25)
Long Ring Long Land Arc
(Chapters 303 to 321, Volumes 32 to 34)
Thriller Bark Arc
(Chapters 442 to 489, Volumes 46 to 50)
Sabaody Archipelago Arc
(Chapters 490 to 513, Volumes 50 to 53)
Orange Town Arc
(Chapters 8 to 21, Volumes 1 to 3)
Whisky Peak Arc
(Chapters 106 to 114, Volumes 12 and 13)
Skypiea Arc
(Chapters 237 to 302, Volumes 26 to 32)
Water 7 Arc
(Chapters 322 to 374, Volumes 34 to 39)
Amazon Lily Arc
(Chapters 514 to 524, Volumes 53 and 54)
Syrup Village Arc
(Chapters 22 to 41, Volumes 3 to 5)
Little Garden Arc
(Chapters 115 to 129, Volumes 13 to 15)
Enies Lobby Arc
(Chapters 375 to 430, Volumes 39 to 44)
Impel Down Arc
(Chapters 525 to 549, Volumes 54 to 56)
Baratie Arc
(Chapters 42 to 68, Volumes 5 to 8)
Drum Island Arc
(Chapters 130 to 154, Volumes 15 to 17)
Post-Enies Lobby Arc
(Chapters 431 to 441, Volumes 45 and 46)
Marineford Arc
(Chapters 550 to 580, Volumes 56 to 59)
Arlong Park Arc
(Chapters 69 to 95, Volumes 8 to 11)
Arabasta Arc
(Chapters 155 to 217, Volumes 17 to 24)
Post-War Arc
(Chapters 581 to 597, Volumes 59 to 61)
Loguetown Arc
(Chapters 96 to 100, Volumes 11 and 12)
The Final Sea: The New World Saga
Fish-Man Island Saga Dressrosa Saga Whole Cake Island Saga Wano Country Saga Final Saga
Return to Sabaody Arc
(Chapters 598 to 602, Volume 61)
Punk Hazard Arc
(Chapters 654 to 699, Volumes 66 to 70)
Zou Arc
(Chapters 802 to 824, Volumes 80 to 82)
Wano Country Arc
(Chapters 909 to 1057, Volumes 90 to 105)
Egghead Arc
(Chapters 1058 to 1125, Volume 105 to Current)
Fish-Man Island Arc
(Chapters 603 to 653, Volumes 61 to 66)
Dressrosa Arc
(Chapters 700 to 801, Volumes 70 to 80)
Whole Cake Island Arc
(Chapters 825 to 902, Volumes 82 to 90)
Elbaph Arc
(Chapters 1126 to Current)
Levely Arc
(Chapters 903 to 908, Volume 90)


Short-Term Focused Cover Page Serials[]

Further information: Short-Term Focused Cover Page Serials
  1. Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles, Chapters 35 to 75, Volumes 4 to 9.
  2. Diary of Koby-Meppo, Chapters 83 to 119, Volumes 10 to 14.
  3. Jango's Dance Paradise, Chapters 126 to 172, Volumes 14 to 19.
  4. Hatchan's Sea-Floor Stroll, Chapters 182 to 228, Volumes 20 to 25.
  5. Wapol's Omnivorous Hurrah, Chapters 236 to 262, Volumes 25 to 28.
  6. Ace's Great Blackbeard Search, Chapters 272 to 305 , Volumes 29 to 32.
  7. Gedatsu's Accidental Blue-Sea Life, Chapters 314 to 348, Volumes 33 to 37.
  8. Miss Goldenweek's Operation: Meet Baroque Works, Chapters 359 to 413, Volumes 38 to 43.
  9. Enel's Great Space Operations, Chapters 428 to 474, Volumes 44 to 49.
  10. CP9's Independent Report, Chapters 491 to 528, Volumes 50 to 54.
  11. Sanji's "Resisting in Kamabakka", Chapters 543 to 544, Volume 56.
  12. Robin's "How Terrible You People Are", Chapters 545 to 546, Volume 56.
  13. Franky's "This Week Is No Good", Chapters 548 to 549, Volume 56.
  14. Usopp's "I'll-Die-If-I'm-On-My-Own Disease", Chapters 550 to 551, Volume 56.
  15. Chopper's "I'm Not Food You Assholes", Chapters 552 to 554, Volume 57.
  16. Nami's "Weather Report", Chapters 555 to 556, Volume 57.
  17. Brook's "Lodgings and Panties Repayment", Chapters 557 to 558, Volume 57.
  18. Zoro's "Where the Hell Are They? What a Pain in the Ass", Chapters 559 to 560, Volume 57.
  19. From the Decks of the World, Chapters 613 to 668, Volumes 62 to 68.
  20. Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World, Chapters 674 to 731, Volumes 68 to 73.
  21. Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea, Chapters 751 to 785, Volumes 75 to 78.
  22. From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc Chapters 805 to 838, Volumes 80 to 83.
  23. The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet Chapters 864 to 919, Volumes 86 to 91.
  24. "Gang" Bege's Oh My Family Chapters 948 to 994, Volumes 94 to 98.
  25. Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Chapters 1035 to 1078, Volumes 102 to 107.
  26. Oni Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage Chapters 1109 to Current, Volumes 109 to Current.

Where They Are Now[]

Further information: Where They Are Now
  1. Skypiea: Chapters 424 to 427, Volume 44.
  2. Water 7: Chapters 486 to 490, Volume 50.

Volume Features[]


Dust Jacket[]

Volume Cover Sample

Volume 1 Dust Jacket.

Each volume is released with a dust jacket, featuring the volume's "main" cover-art, spine, Author's Notes, and publishing information. The cover-art⁠—unique for each volume⁠—is always full-color, and headed by the series logo, the volume's title, and the overall volume number. The bottom of each cover depicts Eiichiro Oda's name, in both kanji and romaji.

Volume 50 has a different format of cover changes from the standard title, then picture synopsis, to a picture (of Nami), the title (that is surrounded in flames), and is then followed up with the pictures of Zoro, Luffy, and Brook. This change was likely done to commemorate the fiftieth volume of One Piece.

Inside covers[]

See also the associated category: Volume Inside Covers.

The covers of the physically-bound volume inside the dust jacket⁠—commonly called the "Inside" or "Secret" covers⁠—usually feature a sepia reproduction of the dust jacket's cover-art on the front, and a segment of the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum world map on the back. Many of these have been used to carry various Easter Eggs:

  • Volumes 15, 19, 38, and 52 feature original drawings of Pandaman in front (the latter, in particular, being a compilation of nearly every recurring Easter Egg character).
  • Volume 17 features a small image of Chopper in back, reverse-peeking from the bottom-left corner.
  • Volumes 21, 28, and⁠—with few exceptions⁠—every volume from 69 on parody the dust-jacket art in front, by replacing various characters (or items) with Pandaman.
  • Volumes 25 and on⁠—with few exceptions⁠—serialize a mini-storyline in back, featuring Pandaman "exploring" the map and fighting various monsters and enemies such as Unforgivable Mask.
  • Volume 56 features uninked sketches of Luffy wearing two different Strong World outfits in front and back, as a promotion for the film.
  • Volume 62 features a drawing of the Straw Hats giving an inspirational message to earthquake survivors in front, as does Volume 63 in back.
  • Volume 63 features a straightforward variant of the dust-jacket art in front; while the background images of Otohime and Fisher Tiger are unchanged, the central image features Luffy hiding Shirahoshi in Megalo's mouth, with Otohime's grave standing overhead.
  • Volume 64 features a sepia reproduction of Chapter 622's Color Spread in back.


See also the associated category: Volume Illustrations.

Each volume's title page (which reiterates the volume's title and number, as well as Eiichiro Oda's name) features a bonus illustration of one or more characters. For the first two volumes, these were original pen-and-ink drawings; Volumes 3 and on, however, simply reuse images from prior publications, most often covers Oda drew for recent issues of Shonen Jump.

The Story of One Piece[]

In each volume after the first, the title page is followed by several pages collectively titled The Story of One Piece. These contain an overview of the series premise, a synopsis of the current storyline, and short profiles of all significant characters and groups. Depending on the story's complexity, they may also include features such as maps.

(Select characters are always profiled here, regardless of whether they actually appear in the volume. This was once unique to Shanks, but after the time-skip was extended to all of the Straw Hat Pirates as well.)

Storyboard Presentation[]

On irregular occasions, volumes may run a Storyboard Presentation (ネーム大公開, Nēmu dai-kōkai?) between chapters, showing Oda's rough layouts of select pages. These vary widely in resemblance to the finished, published pages; a few even depict scenes or compositions that were excluded entirely.


Main article: SBS

From Volume 4 on, almost every volume has interspersed its chapters with a question-and-answer column called the SBS (質問を募集する, Shitsumon o Boshū Suru?, "I'm Taking Questions"). The questions, submitted by readers throughout Japan (and, occasionally, other countries) are usually answered directly by Eiichiro Oda, and are thus considered a source of series canon.

Usopp Gallery Pirates[]

Main article: Usopp Gallery Pirates

From Volume 5 on, every volume has included a gallery of fan-art submissions, "hosted" by Usopp. This feature is usually placed at the very end of the volume, but may occasionally be used to intersperse chapters in place of the SBS.

(This feature is mostly excluded by VIZ's official English release; see Translation and Dub Issues below.)

Misc. Features[]

Rarely, a filler page reprinting a single small panel will be inserted to maintain proper recto and verso alignments and keep double-page spreads intact. From Volume 7 on, these have traditionally been used to magnify Pandaman cameos from the preceding chapter.

On other occasions, volumes may feature coloring pages, reprinting color works (e.g. color spreads, volume covers, and even special Jump pinups) as black-and-white lineart.

Other Formats[]

Outside the standard tankōbon releases, One Piece has been collected in two larger, less-regular formats:

  • The Complete Collections (総集編?), modeled after Shonen Jump in size, formatting, and paper quality, but focused solely on One Piece material.
  • The Shueisha Jump Remix (集英社ジャンプリミックス?), modeled after the tankōbon in (page) size and formatting.

Translation and Dub Issues[]

VIZ Media's English-translated volumes, currently published under the Shonen Jump Manga line, retain most of the Japanese volumes' composition and formatting, differing in only a few aspects:

  • Like most manga marketed in North America, they lack the Japanese volumes' dust jackets; the jackets' colored art are used as the only cover art, eliminating the "inside" covers.
    • The Author's Notes are retained and faithfully translated, but moved to an interior page (and combined with a short profile of Eiichiro Oda).
  • The volume number is moved to a semicircle in the lower right-hand corner of the front cover, while the volume title is removed entirely.
  • The katakana rendering of "One Piece" (ワンピース?) is removed from the cover header, and replaced with the name of the volume's associated arc or saga.
  • Instead of different colors on each volume, the One Piece logo and volume number only change when a new arc or saga begins.
Volume 7
Volume 7 Viz (Old)
Volume 7 Viz

Comparison of Japanese tankōbon with VIZ releases. Note how earlier VIZ covers (center) were designed with visible title and secondary One Piece logo, unlike current (post-2010) designs.

  • A brief synopsis of the volume's story is added to the back cover, along with a colored image (usually either the volume's title-page illustration or a miniaturized color spread).
  • The Usopp Gallery Pirates feature is included in only a few volumes (beginning with Volume 7), and features all-new art submitted by American readers.

(VIZ's digital releases of One Piece, notably, predate Shueisha's, with volume releases beginning in 2010[3] and individual chapter releases beginning in 2012.[4] Currently, VIZ offers all chapters of the manga as part of the "digital vault" linked to its Shonen Jump app, with the first and two most recent available for free and the rest for subscription.)



Volume 21
Volume 42
Volume 77
Volume 87
Volume 99
Volume 101

Six Luffy-less volume covers.


See also[]

External links[]


  1. LOGPIECE: "One Piece full-color ebooks to begin in June" (Japanese). Retrieved 2012. Note that the first twelve volumes were released in full-color months ahead of their monochrome editions.
  2. PR Times: "The digital version of Weekly Shonen Jump will be simul-published on eBook Japan!" (Japanese)
  3. Engadget: "VIZ brings mainstream manga to the iPad". Retrieved 2010.
  4. Animation Magazine: "‘Shonen Jump Alpha’ Hits Web". Retrieved 2012.

Site Navigation[]
