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Cloud Drifting is a punishment meted out to criminals on Skypiea. The sentenced are placed on a small, deserted island cloud, which is then sent off into the sky to drift indefinitely. As the sentenced will have little hope of survival, it is considered a form of execution. A prison cloud can persist for at least 200 years before dissolving.

Under Enel's rule, cloud drifting was a punishment for offenders who commit Class-5 crimes.

Known Cloud Drifting Sentences[]

Over 200 years ago, the ship from Briss Kingdom, the St. Briss, was left on a cloud. The crew had died but left many things from Skypiea behind. The ship eventually fell down to the sea due to the cloud finally dissolving.[1]

The Straw Hat Pirates were originally going to be sentenced to such a punishment after Nami drove a waver into McKinley when he demanded they pay 70 billion extols (equivalent to 7 million belly) as the penalty fee for illegally entering Skypiea, thus obstructing the White Berets, a Class-5 crime.[2] However, they evaded this punishment by defeating the White Berets, which led them to face an even worse punishment.

After Enel's defeat, the Shandia warriors decided to have the remaining priests sentenced to a deserted cloud, as they are no more than criminals without their "God".[3] Gedatsu, who fell off the island due to his battle with Chopper, was the only priest lucky enough not to suffer this punishment.


  1. ā†‘ One Piece Manga and Anime ā€” Vol. 26 Chapter 242 and Episode 156, Nico Robin deduces what happened to the ship crew from Conis' explanations.
  2. ā†‘ One Piece Manga and Anime ā€” Vol. 26 Chapter 242 and Episode 156, McKinley sentences the Straw Hat to Cloud Drifting.
  3. ā†‘ One Piece Manga and Anime ā€” Vol. 32 Chapter 300 and Episode 193, The Shandia warriors condemned Enel's priests to Cloud Drifting while they were unconscious.

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