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Eisen Whip[2] is a sword owned by Ohm. A Eisen Dial installed in its base supplies a constant stream of Iron Cloud, which acts as the blade of the sword.[3]


In its default state, the sword bears the appearance of a normal katana, aside from the dial at the pommel and the color of the blade, and is kept in a white scabbard.


The Iron Cloud blade is iron-hard but cloud-light, which allows Ohm to change the shape of his sword for offensive or defensive measures that would fit the situation, creating a very versatile and deadly weapon.[4] All of Ohm's named attacks start with "Eisen", which is the German word for "iron".

Eisen Whip
Eisen Whip.
Eisen Back
Eisen Back.


  • Eisen Whip (鉄の鞭アイゼンウィップ, Aizen Wippu?, literally "Whip of Iron"): Ohm unleashes a powerful whip-like attack from his sword, making it look like a projectile attack at high speeds.[4]
  • Eisen Back (鉄の堤防アイゼンバック, Aizen Bakku?, literally "Embankment of Iron"): Ohm forms a solid wall to block any of his opponent's attacks.[4]
  • Eisen Fan (鉄の扇アイゼンファン, Aizen Fan?, literally "Fan of Iron"): Ohm shapes the blade of his sword into a fan-like blade and strikes against his opponent.[4]
  • Eisen Fork (アイゼンフォーク, Aizen Fōku?): Ohm shapes his sword into a giant fork and wields it like a whip once again.[4]
  • Eisen Fleuret (アイゼンフルーレ, Aizen Furūre?): Ohm shapes his sword into a long, sharp spear and projects it against his opponent.[4] Fleuret is the French term for a fencing foil. In the Viz Manga, this is called Eisen Flail and Eisen Rapier in the Funimation dub.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 27 Chapter 252 (p. 10) and Episode 165.
  2. One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements (p. 250), "Eisen Whip" is confirmed to be the name of the sword.
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 29 Chapter 269 (p. 11) and Episode 176, Ohm explains his Milky Dial-made sword.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 29 Chapter 271 (p. 12-13) and Episode 178.

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