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It's not my body that hurts! Ace...what hurts is my heart...that can't enforce justice!
— Jinbe's declaration to Ace about wanting to end the war.[16]

Jinbe is a fish-man of great pride and honor. He is known to the World Government as a pirate-hating pirate, possibly due to the actions of the pirates in Fish-Man Island, kidnapping fish-men and merfolk to sell them as slaves. However, he has great respect for Whitebeard and his crew as he sees them as a completely different story. Because of what Whitebeard had done for his homeland, Fish-Man Island, he understands the damage a war between the World Government and Whitebeard would cause. He knows that places like his home, which are protected by simply being part of Whitebeard's territory, would suffer the most should Whitebeard lose the war.[17] Also, despite originally hating pirates, he did not spare a second thought of becoming one in order to aid his brethren Fisher Tiger.

Because of his honor, Jinbe is very respectful and considerate to the people he serves under. When asked to join the Straw Hat Pirates, Jinbe declined due to still being affiliated with Big Mom and could only join after he left her crew. Jinbe also desired consent from his crew, the Sun Pirates, in order to join the Straw Hats, showing Jinbe is very considering towards his now former crew members' feelings. However, despite wishing to settle things with Big Mom with honor and respect, after Jinbe saw her Roulette, he correctly deduced that it was rigged to kill him and his crew and chose to silently revolt instead. However, once Jinbe confronted Big Mom again, he personally declared his intentions to leave her crew in front of her guests and crew members to ensure it was official.


Despite his pride, Jinbe appears to put his priorities and principles over his honor and is not above retreating from an otherwise unfinished battle (despite being shamed or openly mocked by an opponent) if it was for the sake of the greater good. He also does not seem to hesitate from encouraging others to do likewise for a similar cause, as seen when he pleaded and managed to convince Luffy to prioritize Ace's safety first over avenging his brother's loss against Blackbeard. Jinbe has also displayed great humility regarding his personal strength and status, a trait most unique among the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This was made apparent by his willingness to even lose his status for his refusal to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates.

Also, unlike his former crewmate Arlong, the fact that he is willing to aid a human (Whitebeard) as well as team up with others separates him from the other fish-men. Whereas Arlong would never dream of such a thing (even Nami's recruitment into his crew was near slavery), Jinbe proves to be able to treat some humans as equals and also acknowledge when he owes one a debt. While he is a fish-man with great emotional control, he is empathetic and understanding of the pains of others, such as being brought to tears when Luffy broke down from losing his brother in front of him after he had awoken from the battle at Marineford. Jinbe is also capable of crying aloud when someone dear to him is lost, such as Ace and Tiger.


Jinbe Very Surprised

Although he is usually serious, he shows a humorous face when surprised.

Although Jinbe is normally calm and collected most of the time, he does have a humorous side. When he saw Shirahoshi outside of her room, he was immediately shocked wondering why she was outside and then became even more shocked seeing an injured Hachi. When Luffy paid little attention to Jinbe's story about what happened during the last two years, Jinbe bemoaned to the rest of the crew commenting on what it is like having Luffy as a captain. He is also not above laughing when something amuses him, as when Judge was yelling at Luffy about all the perceived "flaws" Sanji has that Luffy mistook as compliments, Jinbe busted into laughter, commenting he was going to have fun with his new crew.


His personality in the past dramatically contrasts with the apparently tame temper in the present. In a flashback showing a battle between the Sun Pirates and Marines, Jinbe was shown to exhibit excessive brutality to enemies that even made Arlong ask him to stop. He seems to be a no-nonsense person and appears to be quite passive at times. Though he did not agree with Arlong's thinking that humans always looked down on fish-men, he noticed that they always seemed to be afraid of them. After asking a former human slave named Koala why that is, she said it was because they did not know much about them. Jinbe stated that the unknown was scary and remembered Otohime talking about how fish-men do not know anything about humans.

Jinbe also adamantly believes that true strength should come from hard work and experience, as shown when he reprimanded Gecko Moria for implanting the shadows of others into himself in order to increase his strength, stating that all he really did was get bigger, and when he referred to the power that Hody Jones received from strength-enhancing pills as "fake power". He can, however, see potential within those who use such cheap methods, as when he told Moria to grow stronger after defeating him.

Due to his years as both a pirate and a soldier, Jinbe is a very perceptive and strategic man. He was able to deduce that when they tried to escape Impel Down, Magellan had all the Marine ships stationed outside the prison, knowing the prisoners would need a ship in order to escape. This also makes Jinbe very well-aware of the danger around him, as when Big Mom would allow him to leave her crew so long as he spun her Roulette, Jinbe correctly deduced it was rigged to kill him no matter where he landed and instead chose to revolt instead and ally with Capone Bege to ensure his and his allies' survival.

Originally, Jinbe was doubtful of Otohime's ideals, thinking that they did not mean anything. He even openly stated that he did not care about her petition. However, after listening to Fisher Tiger's speech about peace, Jinbe grew supportive of Otohime and even admitted about the trouble the Sun Pirates caused her and joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea to support her cause. He was even willing to hide the body of Otohime's supposed assassin to prevent all her hard work from being destroyed.

His life experiences and interactions with people as an orphan, soldier, and pirate gave Jinbe incredible wisdom, having become a supporter of Otohime's ideology in order to promote racial harmony, which most have considered impossible. When Ace died protecting Luffy, Jinbe was one of the few to truly empathize and understand Luffy's pain, having faced a similar past experience with his sworn brother Tiger's death. Thus, Jinbe had managed to successfully convince Luffy to stop lamenting his inability to save Ace by reminding him of his bonds with his crewmates. Jinbe is also the first to notice the potential menace posed by Hody Jones and his executives, due to understanding how their upbringing being influenced by Arlong's racism and their prejudice towards humans are far greater and more extreme than Arlong's due to the fact they are willing to attack fellow fish-men for interacting with humans. When Luffy decided to stop Hody's plans, Jinbe wanted Luffy to do so not as a violent pirate but as a selfless hero in order to regain the Fish-man Island's trust in humanity. Out of sympathy, Jinbe also convinced Shirahoshi not to regret her decision to not expose Hody's murder of her mother to honor Otohime's memory. From what he vaguely learned from Praline about how her mother executed all her past subordinates who tried to leave her crew, Jinbe correctly deduced that Big Mom would never allow him and his crew to leave the Big Mom Pirates alive. When Pedro sacrificed himself to allow the Sanji Retrieval Team to escape from Big Mom, Jinbe convinced Brook, Chopper, and Carrot to put aside their mourning and focused on escaping Totto Land to honor Pedro's resolve.

Kindness and Selflessness

Jinbe shares the same perspective as Vivi on responsibilities. When Luffy asked Jinbe to join the Straw Hats, Jinbe refused, saying that there are still things that he has to do. Jinbe's decision also resembles Vivi's when he also asked Luffy to let him join his crew, if they meet again in the future. According to Neptune, Jinbe tends to take on too much responsibility and should learn not to.

Jinbe states that he does not really care who the boss is of his crew despite his leadership skills so long as they can protect the crew, as shown when he allowed the Sun Pirates to work under Big Mom for their protection. Also, he only seems to follow his leader as long as they earn his respect and worth as a captain, as seen with Tiger and Luffy.

While having a conversation with Ace in Impel Down, Jinbe says he does not lose hope even when a situation says otherwise believing a miracle will happen. This eventually became true when Luffy reached his cell to rescue Ace (although he arrived shortly after Ace was escorted to Marineford). Jinbe states he will not protect a stranger if they do not earn his respect.

As stated by his friend Hack, Jinbe's dream is for there to be friendship between humans and fish-men.[18]

Jinbe is also completely selfless, having lived his entire life helping his fellow fish-men and merfolk in any way he can. This earned him immense respect from other fish-men such as the members of the Sun Pirates. Despite Jinbe's desire to join the Straw Hats, Jinbe personally asked the Sun Pirates' permission to join, showing Jinbe cares for the opinion of his crew before himself. Part of the reason why Jinbe refused to spin Big Mom's roulette was due to the fact that the lives of his own crewmates would also be sacrificed in addition to his own. Furthermore, despite having the chance to escape Totto Land, Jinbe chose to stay behind with his former crew to ensure they all escape, unwilling to leave any of them behind.


Straw Hat Pirates

Monkey D. Luffy

Jinbe Donates Blood to Luffy

Jinbe donates his blood to Luffy.

He was quite impressed by Luffy's recklessness of breaking into Impel Down in an attempt to save just one life (Ace's), a feat that not even Whitebeard had done. This makes him one of the very few pirates outside of Whitebeard's crew whom Jinbe respects. His respect for Luffy grew as they made their way out of Impel Down to save Ace in Marineford. Even over the two-year time skip, Jinbe has been continuously talking about the young Straw Hat captain to the other Sun Pirates, without even realizing it.[19] He also seems to feel gratitude and guilt for Luffy's defeat of Arlong. Upon learning that Luffy is the Revolutionary Dragon's son, Jinbe did not show much surprise.[20] During the battle of Marineford, Jinbe was shown to be just as dedicated to Luffy's well-being and safety as he was to Ace's. The reason is shown in a flashback where Ace asks Jinbe to watch over Luffy if he were to die, and Jinbe responds by stating he will only protect those he cares for. He is later seen saving Luffy from Akainu's magma attack and escaping with him from Marineford thanks to Trafalgar Law. After Luffy woke up from his coma two weeks later on Amazon Lily, Jinbe was looking after him and saved him from his self-pity and self-inflicting injuries by telling him about the people he can still protect. This makes Luffy realize he has not lost everything, and that he still has his crew.

As for Luffy himself, Jinbe's respect seems to be reciprocated, since the Straw Hat captain was seen explaining to his crewmates that he only managed to come back alive from the great war two years ago due to the fish-man's protection prior to the time-skip. Also, while Jinbe began his talk about how he set Arlong into East Blue, Luffy pretty much stayed quiet and allowed Jinbe to explain himself before jumping to conclusions (although he fell asleep early into the story). Luffy even agreed to Jinbe's plan of making Luffy a hero even though Luffy does not want to be a hero only because he is Jinbe's friend. After the battle in Gyoncorde Plaza, Jinbe offers to donate his blood to Luffy, saying that the law of Fish-Man Island which forbid fish-men to donate blood to human does not affect him because he is a pirate. A conscious Luffy then asks Jinbe to join his crew. While he turned down the offer, he said that once he completed his unfinished task, he would meet Luffy again and then Luffy could ask him again.

Later, in the Whole Cake Island Arc, Jinbe would later save Luffy and Nami from being tortured by Charlotte Opera and free them from their captivity. When questioned about Big Mom, he stated that he decided to resolve his unfinished business with her by rebelling against her and aiding the Straw Hat Pirates.[21] He also managed to get Luffy to work alongside Capone Bege and the Fire Tank Pirates, even though he was feeling aggressive towards them for attempting to kill his friend, Pekoms.[22] As such, Jinbe is one of the few people who can talk reason into Luffy, even making him forgo his usual recklessness and stick to an actual plan, something none of Luffy's other crew members have been capable of doing.

During the wedding ceremony, Jinbe personally told Big Mom of his official resignation from her crew to join the Straw Hats, which left Big Mom furious and Luffy overjoyed at his declaration.[23] When his former crew was in danger, Jinbe told the Straw Hats that he had to defend them. Before he disembarked, Luffy made him promise not to die so he would join the rest of the crew at Wano. Jinbe agreed to his new captain's terms and promised to return to their side as he joined his former crew in battle.[24] He ultimately kept his promise arriving in Wano in the nick of time to save the alliance from one of the Beasts Pirate's battleships,[25] and was warmly welcomed into the crew by Luffy.[26]

Jinbe coment on Luffy Dream

Jinbe after hearing Luffy's crazy dream

When he learned what Luffy wanted to accomplish after he became the Pirate King, Jinbe was shocked but then burst out into laughter saying he willingly joined a crew with such a troublesome captain, so it was his problem now, showing his support in Luffy's dream.[27]

Prior to joining the crew, Jinbe politely addressed Luffy as "Luffy-Kun" out of respect. By the time he reunited with him on Whole Cake Island, he started to call him Luffy, having grown casual enough around him to call him that.

Roronoa Zoro

Although they have not interacted as much, Jinbe gets along with Zoro, who also told Jinbe to finish his business first before joining, showing he is considerate towards his honor. He is still in awe seeing Zoro and Sanji bickering nonstop, especially during fighting, curious of the reason of their bicker. During the Egghead Incident, Jinbe was sent to retrieve Zoro who was busy fighting Rob Lucci, so the crew could escape from Egghead before it was too late.


Jinbe Apologizes to Nami

Jinbe apologizes to Nami and is shaken by her forgiveness.

After he learned of her past, Jinbe felt ashamed of what Arlong had done to Nami's village and that he did nothing about it so much so that he feared what Nami have thought of him initially.[28] After telling the history of Fish-Man Island's discrimination, Jinbe stated that he was willing to accept any punishment, but Nami told him she had no hatred against him or the fish-man race as a whole (just Arlong), much to his overwhelming tears of joy.[29] She also showed her support of Jinbe joining the Straw Hat Pirates. Like the rest of the crew, she was overjoyed when he was revealed to be alive and officially joined the Straw Hats during the Raid on Onigashima.

Also like the other members of the crew, Jinbe fears Nami when she is angry and even assumed she has Haoshoku Haki when first seeing her in that state.[30]

During the Whole Cake Island Arc, Nami was saved by Jinbe before one of Big Mom's children could torture her.[31] Jinbe also protected Nami from the guards in Big Mom's palace until they were found by Chopper and the others. When disrupting the wedding ceremony, Nami was amazed when Jinbe boldly offers back the sake cup that signified his pledge of loyalty in front of Big Mom to symbolize his departure from her crew in order to join the Straw Hats.[32]


At first, Usopp was afraid of Jinbe due to him being Arlong's former crew member and for being a former Warlord but changed his opinion after learning he was friends with Luffy. After getting to know him, Usopp came to be amazed by Jinbe's strength and attitude. Like with Luffy, he encouraged him to join the crew while calling him Boss Jinbe.


Sanji and Jinbe Fight Together

Jinbe and Sanji fight the Beasts Pirates together.

While Sanji in particular chastised Jinbe for allowing Arlong to destroy Nami's childhood (with Hatchan agreeing), he had put aside his resentment after Nami relieved Jinbe of any blame as he was not at fault. Both Jinbe and Sanji worked together to defeat the New Fish-Man Pirates and were shown to be a great team as they took down Wadatsumi. Afterwards, Sanji seems to have given up his resentment, as he later showed his consent to have Jinbe join the crew and agreed to let him finish his business till he joins. He is surprisingly curious about Zoro and Sanji bickering during their fight with the New Fishman Pirates.

They reunited during the Whole Cake Island Arc with Jinbe assisting Sanji in escaping his arranged wedding with Pudding and helping save his family from the Big Mom Pirates. After the crew had a chance to escape with the assistance of the Sun Pirates, Sanji wished Jinbe well as they continued onward as he assists his former crew. When Jinbe arrived just in time for the Raid on Onigashima Sanji welcomed to the crew him with open arms like everyone else.

After Kaido and Big Mom's downfall, Sanji cursed Jinbe for being the third highest within the Straw Hat Pirates. Jinbe asked Sanji of what's wrong.

Tony Tony Chopper

Chopper is shown to be very amazed at Jinbe's strength and was one of the first to encourage Jinbe to join the Straw Hats, commenting that having a former Warlord would be a great asset to them. Like Zoro, Chopper considers Jinbe to be very cool, having cried in joy seeing how Jinbe defied Big Mom.[33]

Nico Robin

Robin was concerned about Jinbe when he and Luffy were violently arguing over how to defeat the New Fishman Pirates due to the consequences. Robin interfered and insisted they should not fight. She consents to Jinbe's request to liberate the human pirates enslaved despite the possibility of them hating fish-men. She respects Jinbe as a crewmate and Jinbe also acknowledges Robin for her intelligence. She also encouraged Jinbe to finish his business and join when he is ready. After infiltrating Onigashima, Robin commented that Jinbe's maturity is a relief as they walked to the banquet hall together. They also demonstrated good teamwork in forcing Big Mom off the Live Stage before she could attack Franky.


Jinbe is on good terms with Franky, as when he revealed his past and history of the fish-men's discrimination, Franky cried calling Jinbe a real man. Following Jinbe's return to the Straw Hats at Wano Country, Franky heard from Nami and Chopper of Jinbe's skills as a helmsman and is impressed that the crew finally has a helmsman that could bring out the Thousand Sunny's full potential.

During the raid on Onigashima, Jinbe trusted Franky to draw Hatcha outside the Skull Dome to prevent Hatcha from attacking the Samurai.[34]


Jinbe Saves Brook and Nami from Big Mom

Jinbe helps the Sanji Retrieval Team save Brook from Big Mom.

Brook, along with the rest of the crew besides Luffy, met Jinbe first on Fish-Man Island. When Jinbe had retracted his attempt to leave the Big Mom Pirates, Brook thought something was wrong as he thought the Jinbe he came to know is not a coward as the Totto Land News made him out to be and was more understanding of Jinbe's decision than the scorning citizens of Totto Land.

Jinbe is shown to be respectful towards Brook and does not seem bothered by his skeletal appearance (though he was shocked to see him pop open his skull). After seeing that Brook was able to get all the copies of Big Mom's Poneglyphs, Jinbe was amazed and praised Brook for his efforts.[35] Jinbe later praised him again after he destroyed Mother Carmel's photo. As they were escaping Whole Cake Island, Jinbe lifted Brook and everyone's spirits after Pedro's sacrifice by reminding them how Pedro's actions gave them a chance to escape, causing Brook to apologize for his rude behavior to him beforehand.

When Jinbe told the Sanji Retrieval Team to press forward after Pedro sacrificed himself, Brook was at first infuriated that Jinbe was acting so insensitively to a comrade's death before being told that it was what Pedro would have wanted.

Sun Pirates

Jinbe Leaves the Sun Pirates

Jinbe prepares to leave the Sun Pirates.

As the second captain of the Sun Pirates, Jinbe is deeply respected by his crewmates due to his magnanimous nature and benevolence. Jinbe prioritized his crewmates' wellbeing above all else, having joined the Warlords to allow some of the members who were formerly slaves to return home to reunite with their families. The main reason he refused to spin Big Mom's roulette is due to the safety of his crewmates being sacrificed rather than fear of his own life. The Sun Pirates deeply reciprocate Jinbe's dedication with absolute loyalty and was perfectly willing to become enemies with Big Mom, an immensely dangerous Emperor, to help Jinbe break free from the Big Mom Pirates to join the Straw Hats. When Jinbe and the Straw Hats were cornered by the Big Mom Pirates fleet, they assisted Jinbe by ambushing the Big Mom Pirates. Though the crew made it clear that they would gladly give their all to allow Jinbe and his new crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, to escape Totto Land alive, Jinbe's deep bond with them made it impossible for him to just leave them behind, and thus he stayed to fight with them to ensure everyone escapes.

However, not the entirety of the Sun Pirates respected Jinbe, as Arlong and Macro departed to reform their own groups after Jinbe's induction into the Seven Warlords, with Arlong looking down on Jinbe's sympathy for humanity. The two groups made it clear that they only followed the Sun Pirates for Tiger's sake.

Fisher Tiger

Tiger's Death

Jinbe and the Sun Pirates' final moments with Tiger.

Jinbe was extremely close friends and also sworn brothers with Fisher Tiger. They grew up together in the Fish-Man District and Jinbe saw Tiger as family, evidenced by his habit of calling him big brother Tai. When Tiger attacked Mary Geoise and became an enemy of the World Government, Jinbe resigned from the Neptune Army and joined Tiger's crew to assist him without a second thought. Jinbe respected Tiger and his leadership a great deal. He was always thoughtful and receptive towards Tiger's opinions. He also seemed to care a lot about Tiger's well-being and was not above showing brutality to the Marines who threatened his captain's life. It's been shown that Fisher Tiger confided to Jinbe about the "demons" that dwell in his own heart. When Tiger was fatally wounded and refused a blood transfusion due to it belonging to a human, Jinbe begged, to no avail, for Tiger to live and cried when Tiger died.


Jinbe Punches Arlong

Jinbe punches Arlong for his arrogance.

While Jinbe and Arlong grew up together in an orphanage in the Fish-Man District,[7] Jinbe, as a soldier of the Neptune Army, showed hostility towards Arlong when he was harassing the Fish-Man Island citizens, calling him scum and even trash, indicating that Jinbe frowned upon Arlong's distasteful attitude. Upon Jinbe's entrance into the ranks of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Sun Pirates were split into smaller factions. Jinbe felt guilty about releasing Arlong into the East Blue, showing that he objected to Arlong's abusive treatment towards humans. Jinbe states that it was difficult for him to tell Luffy about his connection to Arlong,[36] but after meeting Luffy again after two years, Jinbe musters the strength to reveal that he was the one who allowed the Arlong Pirates to run loose in the East Blue, and was quite shocked to hear that one of Luffy's crewmates suffered personally under Arlong's rule. Despite this, Jinbe still cares for Arlong despite his distasteful attitude.


Aladine and Jinbe at Otohime's Funeral

Jinbe and Aladine at Otohime's Funeral.

Aladine became one of Jinbe's closest friends after becoming captain of the Sun Pirates after Fisher Tiger. Like Jinbe, he also understood Fisher Tiger's will. He is also understanding of Jinbe's reasons for not stopping Arlong. One of the reasons why Jinbe joined the Seven Warlords was to allow Aladine, along with other members of the Sun Pirates who choose to, to return to Fish-Man Island as a government pardon. In return, Jinbe seems to greatly respect Aladine as he would make him his vice-captain at some point in their travels.

In the Whole Cake Island Arc, Aladine and the rest of the Sun Pirates completely supported Jinbe's decision to join the Straw Hat Pirates as it is clearly something he wants to do.


Jinbe worried over the well-being of Hatchan, upon seeing the octopus fish-man heavily injured. However, it is apparent that Jinbe and Hatchan had not been in touch with each other since Jinbe was unaware that Hatchan escaped imprisonment before meeting him in the Sea Forest. Like Hatchan, Jinbe also carries the guilt of the devastation the Arlong Pirates caused in the East Blue because he allowed them to reside there, as well as the knowledge of Hody Jones' true nature, where despite their similarities, Hody is in fact far more dangerous than Arlong.


Because Wadatsumi and his crew aided Hody Jones in his attempts to take over Fish-Man Island, Jinbe considered him an enemy and fought against him with the Straw Hats, where he teamed up with Sanji to take him down. During Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea, Jinbe encountered Wadatsumi again where he learns of the latter posing as a sea god while taking offerings and throwing homes from the bottom of the sea to a nearby port town which unknowingly led to the sea monsters attacking the port town. Jinbe scolded Wadatsumi for his actions and watched as he and the sea monsters apologized to the people for the misunderstanding. With all hostilities put aside, Jinbe and Wadatsumi celebrated with the residents of the port town and the sea monsters. The next day, Wadatsumi asked Jinbe if he can accompany him on his journey, an offer which was accepted as the two were seen leaving the town together.

When Jinbe announced his intentions to join Straw Hat Pirates, he apologized to Wadatsumi for dragging him all the way for nothing but the latter states it was alright.

Jinbe has become close friends with Wadatsumi. When the Big Mom Pirates ambushed the Straw Hats, Wadatsumi destroyed their fleet, saying he will not forgive people who troubled Jinbe.

Friends and Allies

Edward Newgate

Jinbe has a high respect for Whitebeard. Whitebeard claimed Fish-Man Island as his territory and, in doing so, saved it from the World Government and other pirate attacks. For this, Jinbe has expressed many times that he owes a great deal of gratitude to the Emperor and refused to participate in the war against Whitebeard, even if it meant losing his Warlord title and being imprisoned in Impel Down. Over the years, Jinbe's respect has grown to the point where he will readily declare himself as an adversary to anyone or anything with ill intent upon the Emperor's life, which is why he immediately engaged in battle against Ace on their first encounter, since Ace was out to assassinate Whitebeard at that time.

As for Whitebeard himself, the Emperor appears to have developed a sense of tolerance towards Jinbe, despite the fish-man's Warlord status (Jinbe has even implied that he visits Whitebeard and his crew from time to time).

Portgas D. Ace

Jinbe and Ace were once enemies (since the latter wanted to kill Whitebeard), and nearly killed each other in a fight that lasted five days. Despite this, the two respected each other deeply and Jinbe was determined to help Ace's brother Luffy rescue him. Upon witnessing Ace's death at the hands of Admiral Akainu, Jinbe was fully prepared to give up his life in revenge and to buy even the smallest amount of time. He also mourned over Ace's death and even shed tears when telling Luffy that Ace was dead.

Boa Hancock

According to Hannyabal, despite the title of Warlord bestowed upon them, Jinbe had never personally met Boa Hancock prior to her visiting him and Ace at Impel Down.[37] He was rather displeased with her at first, thinking she came to mock Ace, and that he distrusted her when she told them that Luffy was in the prison to save Ace.[38] It is unknown what he thinks of her after realizing that she told the truth and, when in the heat of battle, she attacked Commodore Smoker to protect Luffy and openly stated that Luffy is her beloved. It seems that their relationship now is bordering neutral to friendly, as she allowed him to set foot on Amazon Lily as an exception, where no men, aside from Monkey D. Luffy and Silvers Rayleigh, were allowed before.

Humorously, when Jinbe meets her Seraphim clone S-Snake on Egghead and she helped guide him and his crew to escape from CP0, he thanked her and called her nicer than the Hancock he's familiar with, remembering his former fellow Warlord as a "real nasty piece of work," as well as noting that she shares Hancock's affection towards Luffy.[39]

Silvers Rayleigh

Jinbe also seems to have developed a friendship with the Dark King. At first, Jinbe was surprised when he met Rayleigh in Amazon Lily. They cooperated in stealing a marine ship, circling around Marineford, and ringing the Ox Bell. Jinbe may have a good impression of Rayleigh, due to the Dark King's friendship with Hatchan.

Emporio Ivankov

Jinbe and Ivankov were on good terms with each other from the time they met when Jinbe was freed from his cell. They both played key roles in the breakout (along with the other named characters of the breakout team) and throughout the war, they were seen together, aiding and protecting Luffy. After the war and before Ivankov left for Kamabakka Kingdom, Ivankov trusted Luffy to be in Jinbe's care.


Not much is known about his friendship with fellow Fish-Man Karate practitioner Hack, only that he is a dear friend, and he shares the same dream as Jinbe, for there to be friendship between humans and fish-men. The only difference is that Hack wants it "by fists".[18]

Fish-Man Island

Jinbe is a popular native of Fish-Man Island and was once a soldier of the Ryugu Kingdom; everyone refers him as "Boss Jinbe" (ジンベエ親分, Jinbē Oyabun?).[7] He is always welcome at Ryugu Palace and comes and goes as he pleases, and even royalty like Fukaboshi and Shirahoshi know him well, and the former was willing to give his message to Luffy.[40] However, after abdicating his Warlord position, Jinbe could no longer stay on Fish-Man Island.[41] Even so, he is still respected by the citizens. King Neptune entrusted him with tasks which only Jinbe can handle such as maintaining relationship with other factions such as the Four Emperors.


During his time with the Sun Pirates, they escorted a former human slave named Koala to her home. When he questioned her about why humankind is afraid of fish-man she responds it was because they did not know much about them. The impact the young girl left upon Jinbe was the start of his belief in peace between fish-men and humans. He was seen playing and taking care of her and was happy for Koala when she reached her hometown at Foolshout Island. It is unknown if he is aware that Koala is a member of the Revolutionary Army along with Hack.

Trafalgar D. Water Law

Trafalgar Law rescued Jinbe and Luffy from the Summit War of Marineford while also healing their injuries even though Law had no obligation to do so. Once recovered, Jinbe thanked Law for his assistance.

When Jinbe arrived at Wano, Law was shocked to hear him officially joining the Straw Hat Pirates.


Jinbe was on good terms with the Mink Pedro during their attempts to save Sanji. Jinbe earned Pedro's respect for not spinning the roulette.[42] They later worked together with Pedro while trying to hold off Katakuri to allow Luffy to show the broken photo of Mother Caramel to Big Mom.[43] During the escape, Jinbe was shocked over Pedro's sacrifice to help them escape calling his actions as insane. While the others mourned his death, Jinbe encouraged everyone to keep moving forward and reminding them that it was his own actions alone and it was his victory.[44][45] True enough, Pedro's actions enabled them to escape Totto Land.


World Government and Marines

Jinbe was an enemy of the Marines and the World Government when he was with the Sun Pirates until he was accepted into the Seven Warlords of the Sea. As a Warlord, Jinbe and his entire crew were given a pardon for Fisher Tiger's attack against the World Nobles and the former slaves in the crew were free to return to Fish-Man Island. Jinbe forfeited his position for his refusal to assist in the war against the Whitebeard Pirates and was incarcerated in Level 6 of Impel Down. He escaped from Impel Down and waged war against Marineford in order to prevent Ace's death, which ended in failure.

But by siding with Luffy and the Whitebeard Pirates instead of with the Marines during the Summit War of Marineford, Jinbe once again became a willing enemy of both the Marines and the World Government. Sengoku was greatly distressed by Jinbe's choice and some Marines such as Akainu and Brandnew refer to Jinbe as a traitor. The Five Elders commented that Jinbe's renouncement of his Warlord title was regretful. After the war, he returned to Marineford and helped Luffy ring the Ox Bell.

Jinbe is also scornful of the World Nobles and their continued practice of slavery despite the prohibition allegedly established by the World Government. He demonstrated this by asking Robin to liberate the human pirates enslaved by the New Fish-Man Pirates and commented that watching Hody emulating the Celestial Dragons was sickening.

Fleet Admiral Sakazuki perceives Jinbe as a traitor after his resignation from the Seven Warlords and allying himself with Luffy. Although he was more interested in taking Luffy's life, he showed absolutely no mercy to Jinbe on the battlefield and attempted to kill him numerous times while Jinbe was protecting Luffy. Nonetheless, Jinbe is perfectly aware of how dangerous Sakazuki is, and wasted no time in warning the Straw Hats about how ruthless the Marines have become under his command.

Marshall D. Teach

He also seems to be familiar with the most recent Warlord to relinquish the position, Blackbeard, presumably from back in the days when Blackbeard, as Marshall D. Teach, was still a member of the Whitebeard Pirates under 2nd Division Commander Portgas D. Ace.[46] Currently, Jinbe is furious with Blackbeard for Ace's incarceration and execution, but he is prudent about his disposition and abilities.[47] He briefly warned Luffy of Teach's history when he was still part of Whitebeard's crew, saying he was an individual who must not be antagonized recklessly.[46] After the battle for Fish-Man Island, he informs the Straw Hat Pirates of Teach's usurpation of Whitebeard's Emperor status and the Blackbeard Pirates search for people with strong Devil Fruit abilities in order to absorb them citing they would be invaluable targets.

Gecko Moria

He also appears to be familiar enough with Gecko Moria to be aware of his zombies' weakness to salt water and used it to his advantage during their battle.[20] The two engage in fight at Marine Headquarters, with Moria claiming that he will steal Jinbe's shadow; however, the fish-man lands a powerful hit on him before he can do so.[48]

Hody Jones

Hody also considers that Jinbe and the faction of the Sun Pirates that follow him are an annoyance. Even though Jinbe had no idea that Hody was the one who actually killed Otohime (until Hody revealed it),[49] he seems to be the only one outside the Fish-Man District to be aware of Hody's dark nature since he had been keeping tabs on Hody while he was plotting something in the Fish-Man District. During the confrontation at Gyoncorde Plaza, Hody states that he hates Jinbe the most for not being an enemy of humans especially after the death of Fisher Tiger. By assisting the very humans who defeated Arlong, the Straw Hat Pirates, Hody considers Jinbe to be lower than Neptune.[50]


After Caribou lost the treasures that he stole from the Ryugu Palace, he attempted to kidnap mermaids again but was stopped and captured by Jinbe, who then took him in a coated boat up to the surface and eventually turned him over to G-5 Marine Commodore Yarisugi.

Charlotte Linlin

Jinbe Leaves the Big Mom Pirates

Jinbe leaves Big Mom's services.

After Whitebeard's death, the remnants of the Sun Pirates, including Jinbe, would come to work under Big Mom, although she primarily let them do as they pleased. However, Jinbe is not loyal to her as he is thinking of cutting ties with Big Mom due to Luffy's invitation to join the Straw Hat Pirates, but he worries that her anger will spill to Fish-Man Island. As his crew and the townsfolk of Whole Cake Island suspected, Linlin did not take his request to depart her crew very well. Though she'll "allow" him to quit, she demands a heavy physical sacrifice in return and brought a roulette which will decide what he loses. Knowing that the roulette was rigged to ensure the deaths of himself and his crew, Jinbe took back his request to leave her crew.[51]

However, Jinbe ultimately betrayed the Emperor by defeating Charlotte Opera as well as assisting Luffy and Nami in escaping their captivity and caused a rebellion against the Big Mom Pirates.[52] Later on, Jinbe convinced Luffy to form an alliance with the Fire Tank Pirates in order to overthrow Big Mom at the Tea Party. During the wedding, Jinbe officially declared to Big Mom that he was leaving the Big Mom Pirates in order to join the Straw Hats. In response, Big Mom tried to take away his lifespan, but her power had no effect on him due to him showing no fear towards her which he explained was because he was joining the crew of the future Pirate King. Jinbe then returned his sakazuki to her as a way to signify his departure from her crew. Further enraged by his defiance, Big Mom then resorted to brute force.[53]

When they later met again at Onigashima, Big Mom swore revenge against Jinbe for his previous actions of devastating her fleet prior to his departure from Totto Land, a challenge that Jinbe accepted.[54]

Big Mom Pirates

Gosenmaigawara Seiken

Jinbe attacks Opera as an act of rebellion towards the crew.

Jinbe and his crew allied with Big Mom following the death of Whitebeard to protect Fish-Man Island. However, Jinbe was never loyal to the crew and wanted to leave their services and join the Straw Hat Pirates. When preparing to leave her crew, Jinbe wanted to leave honorably but ultimately saw that leaving would mean death.[55]

Jinbe later rebelled against crew by attacking and knocking out Charlotte Opera at the Prisoner Library before assisting Luffy and Nami in escaping from their captivity.[56] While assisting the Sanji Retrieval Team, Jinbe was admonished by Charlotte Brûlée for betrayal, but he ignored her words.

At the wedding, Jinbe openly revealed his treachery in front of the majority of the crew by freeing Luffy from Katakuri's grasp and personally told Big Mom about his leaving her services as they were surprised and angered by his defiance as well as his lack of fear towards their captain.[57] During the battle with the Big Mom Pirates, Jinbe used his knowledge of the crew's abilities to help his allies.[58]

After retreating into Bege's fortress, the Big Mom Pirates surrounded Jinbe and his allies with some promising to ensure he does not leave the island alive.[59]


Who's-Who Vs

Jinbe facing Who's Who.

Jinbe met Who's-Who during the raid on Onigashima during the Fire Festival, encountering him on the fourth floor of the castle where he decides to hold the line so Luffy could advance. Who's-Who expressed familiarity with Jinbe and, due to his spite for the Straw Hat Pirates, antagonized him and refused to show him his face.[60] During their one-on-one fight, Jinbe realized that Who's-Who was once a member of CP9 who was imprisoned as he could use Rokushiki, where Who's-Who finally revealed to Jinbe that the reason he despises him is because he is now a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, who he blames for his imprisonment.[61]

During their fight, Who's-Who tells Jinbe about how he learned about the Sun God Nika during his time imprisoned, and he asks him if he knows if he was real or not, his reason behind asking him was because he believes the history of Fish-Men kind is a history of slavery. This accusation enrages Jinbe and he says nothing to him before using a secret technique to take him down.[62]



Among his fellow Warlords of the Sea, Jinbe seems to have some sort of history with his former peer Crocodile and is noticeably upset upon realizing Crocodile is incarcerated in the cell adjacent his own. Upon their release, Jinbe told Crocodile to leave Whitebeard alone. Crocodile's only response was asking him if he wanted to fight. However, in the late stages of the Summit War of Marineford, Crocodile helps Jinbe and Luffy to escape from Akainu.

Capone Bege

Capone Bege seems to have some respect for the former Warlord, knowing that Jinbe was not one to lie to him about Luffy coming to speak with him. Jinbe, having learned from Pekoms about Bege's plot to assassinate Big Mom and being well familiar with his past, believed that it would be beneficial for Luffy to ally with him in order to take down Big Mom.[63] When the negotiations went awry, Jinbe reminded Bege, Luffy, and Caesar Clown that they all shared a common enemy in Big Mom which helped forged the alliance between them.[64] During the chaos at the wedding ceremony, Jinbe protected Bege by taking the blame for being the one who told Luffy about Carmel's portrait after Katakuri interrogated the Straw Hat captain.[65]

Totto Land

Ever since joining the Big Mom's crew, the citizens of Whole Cake Island have a great deal of respect towards him as they referred to him as "Boss Jinbe". They appreciated how he stopped one of Big Mom's craving illnesses, saving Sweet City from destruction.

However, their opinions changed when they read about Jinbe's request about leaving the Big Mom Pirates only to retract it. This caused the people to view him as a traitor in his attempt to leave, and one of them even accused him of being a coward as they used to respect him. Some of the citizens laughed at his supposed intentions to leave.


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 (p. 16-19) and Episode 430, Jinbe makes his debut while speaking with Ace.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 901 (p. 13) and Episode 876, Luffy proclaims himself to be Jinbe's captain.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 (p. 3-5) and Episode 1086, The Straw Hat Pirates' bounties post-Wano Country.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 620 (p. 16) and Episode 541, Jinbe tells about himself, Arlong and Hatchan being part of the Sun Pirates.
  5. 5.0 5.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 69 (p. 7) and Episode 31, Jinbe is mentioned by Yosaku for the first time.
  6. 6.0 6.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 57 Chapter 557 (p. 12) and Episode 466, Jinbe decides to resign his job as a Warlord.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 621 (p. 13) and Episode 540.
  8. 8.0 8.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 621 (p. 16) and Episode 540.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 624 (p. 4) and Episode 544, Jinbe succeeds Tiger as the captain the Sun crew, and joins the Seven Warlords.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 90), Jinbe's profile after timeskip is revealed.
  11. 11.0 11.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 58 (p. 100), Jinbe's age and height are revealed.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 648 (p. 16) and Episode 568, Jinbe reveals his blood type and shares his blood with Luffy in order to save him.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 976 (p. 19) and Episode 980, Jinbe's former bounty seen in his infobox.
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 (p. 18) and Episode 430, Jinbe's former bounty seen in his infobox.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 622 (p. 14) and Episode 541, Jinbe's first bounty seen on his wanted poster.
  16. One Piece Manga — Vol. 54 Chapter 528.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 529 and Episode 430, Jinbe reveals to Ace his reason for going against the World Government.
  18. 18.0 18.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 707 and Episode 637.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 830 (p. 2-7) and Episode 790.
  20. 20.0 20.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 57 Chapter 558 and Episode 467.
  21. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 852.
  22. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 857.
  23. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 863.
  24. One Piece Manga — Vol. 90 Chapter 901.
  25. One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 976.
  26. One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 977.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1060 (p. 8-10) and Episode 1088, The Straw Hat Pirates' reaction upon hearing Luffy's dream.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 620 and Episode 539.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 627 and Episode 547.
  30. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058.
  31. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 852.
  32. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 863.
  33. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 863.
  34. One Piece Manga — Vol. 98 Chapter 991.
  35. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 855.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 549 and Episode 452.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 531 and Episode 432.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 55 Chapter 538 (p. 16-17) and Episode 440, Jinbe ponders about Hancock and what she informed Ace, which is that his adoptive younger brother, Luffy arrives to rescue him.
  39. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1090 (p. 8).
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 614 (p. 8) and Episode 533, Fukaboshi reveals to the Straw Hat Pirates the messages from Jinbe for Luffy.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 609 (p. 4-6) and Episode 528, Keimi reveals to Luffy why he couldn't meet Jinbe.
  42. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 854 (p. 2-5).
  43. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 865.
  44. One Piece Manga — Vol. 87 Chapter 877.
  45. One Piece Manga — Vol. 87 Chapter 878.
  46. 46.0 46.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 544 (p. 7) and Episode 447, Jinbe reveals he knows Teach actually yet from his time in Edward's crew.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 543 (p. 17) and Episode 446, Jinbe reveals he knows Teach actually yet from his time in Edward's crew.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 57 Chapter 559 (p. 10-11) and Episode 468, Moria attacked by Jinbe's Samegawara Seiken.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 632 (p. 14-15) and Episode 542, Hody reveals to everyone (all fish-men and merfolk) that he was the one who shot Otohime to death.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 634 (p. 12) and Episode 554, Hody reveals his hatred to Jinbe for cooperating with the Straw Hats.
  51. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 834.
  52. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 851.
  53. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 863.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 989 (p. 10) and Episode 999, Big Mom declares her intention to kill Jinbe for devastating her fleet.
  55. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 834.
  56. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 851.
  57. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 863.
  58. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 864.
  59. One Piece Manga — Vol. 87 Chapter 870.
  60. One Piece Manga — Vol. 99 Chapter 998.
  61. One Piece Manga — Vol. 101 Chapter 1017.
  62. One Piece Manga — Vol. 101 Chapter 1018.
  63. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 856.
  64. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 857.
  65. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 863.

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