One Piece Wiki

King Fist is the king of Royal Sun Island. He appears in Legend of the Rainbow Island.[1]


Fist Portrait

A close-up of Fist's face.

Fist is a man of average height with long blond hair, a large nose, and drooping eyes. He wears a silver crown and a blue cloak.


Fist particularly values strength, creating a tournament to cultivate it. While he has a tendency to overvalue this strength, to the detriment of his citizens, he does recognize when he has made a mistake, agreeing to shut down the tournament at Luffy's insistence that it was causing more harm than good.

He is willing to tolerate disrespect, and allowed Dias to interrupt his speech.

Abilities and Powers[]

As the king of Royal Sun Island, Fist has full authority over the island.



At some point in the past, Fist implemented the Royal Combat, a fighting tournament in his honor. The event caused various fighters from various areas to come to Royal Sun Island, reducing the safety of the island.

Legend of the Rainbow Island[]

Prior to the 20th Royal Combat, Fist was advised by one of his ministers, Judge, to try and increase safety on the island.

He later watched the 20th Royal Combat, and awarded the prizes to the two finalist teams. After awarding the prizes, Luffy yelled at Fist about the dangers caused by the Royal Combat bringing in outside fighters, and Fist agreed to stop the tournament to protect the island's safety.


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Video Game — Legend of the Rainbow Island, Fist makes his debut.

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