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  • Dragon appears. We got to see what's in his mind that he's really a nice guy who hated the way the world is running and disares to change it. Also Dragon is born on Dawn Island too also
  • Gray Terminal gets burned up and the Bluejam pirates who set it on fire were hoping to get a noble rank but was tricked
  • The King of Goa was behind the burning of Gray Terminal
  • Luffy and Ace struggle to survive the burning heap
  • Ivankov is there but He never met Luffy until 10 years later so I hope the 2 don't meet, otherwise it would create an huge plothole
  • They said something about "it's ready"

Joekido 10:42, May 26, 2010 (UTC)

Just want to say, cover page shows Smoker and Hina.

Chopperdude 08:01, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
