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Forums: Index → Site Problems →  Family Page Layouts
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After working on some of the family articles, like Kogetsu Family, Donquixote Family, Vinsmoke Family, etc., I realizes that those kinds of pages don't have a layout guide in One Piece Wiki:Guidebook/Page Layouts. Most of them are pretty uniform, with the members listed as well as their history. However, sometimes content has been added that doesn't comply with either of those sections, but without a layout guide it's kind of difficult to determine what should go where and add/remove things with a valid reason.

I don't suspect anyone would be opposed to making a layout guide for family pages, but the real question is what they should contain. We should keep the members and history section, also I'd like to include an overview/about section that lists the various influences and powers that the family in question had. For example it would talk about the Vinsmoke Family's underworld connections, the Donquixote Family's connections to Dressrosa and the World Government, and such. Thoughts? Kaido | Remnants of My Broken Sig 03:00, February 15, 2016 (UTC)

Sounds good to me, with nobody opposed I'd say make the layout page and we can discuss any issues with it if they come up later on the talk page. JustSomeDude...  Talk | 05:53, March 15, 2016 (UTC)
