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What if Franky knew how to build Pluton then he blew up the blueprint? *(recall Enies Lobby arc) I can sense the awesome ending of One Piece with SH pirates against WG..Now SH have Franky that basically knew and understand Pluton, befriended with Shirahoshi the Poseidon, and Robin which can be the key to unlock Rio Poneglyph and the last weapon Uranus. just my thought. 16:04, July 21, 2012 (UTC)

I like the scenario a lot. We know that Dragon started a revolution and he had operatives sheltering Robin for a couple of years. We can speculate that he found out something important about the World Government and that was his reason for starting the revolution. We also know that Dragon wanted to meet with Robin. She was sheltered by his operatives for a couple years. It is likely that they shared information. I would not be surprised if she has already learned of the location of the Rio Poneglyph and that will be revealed later. Shirahoshi's ability is another factor to consider. A force of 100,000 beaten-up bad guys is bound to have one talkative fellow. Even if all the mermen keep her ability secret, we can assume the World Government will find out about it. Then, there's Franky who has recently upgraded himself with Vegapunks lasers. The Government already knew he had plans for Pluton. After this arc, they will learn from Smoker or Ceasar that he actually has the technical accumen to build it. I suspect that the rulers will meet to discuss their concerns and all of this will be pointed out in that episode. The Strawhat Bounties should be enormous afterwards.

Interesting theory, it's very possible. Besty17 (talk) 22:07, July 27, 2012 (UTC)
