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Forums: Index → The Forum →  Purpose of Ban Forums
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See other articles with disputed talk pages. Hey! Let's talk this out!

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So with the passing of a couple rules in Forum:New Editing Policies today, I've been thinking about Ban forums themselves. We just passed a rule allowing admins to give bans to users when our rules are clearly broken. And while talking about the rule we also passed about not letting inactive users vote on ban forums, and while talking about that I thought "wait, if admins ban people for rule violations, then what are ban forums actually for?"

So I thought long and hard today about all the ban forums I've seen here. Just about all of them had one common point brought up: the subject was always accused of disturbing the wiki and making it harder to edit/get things done. Forum:Klobis, Forum:Genocyber, Forum:SeaTerror, and Forum:Galaxy9000, they all have that.

So, now that Admins can administer bans for clear violations of rules, I think forums should be for administering more subjective things, like user behavior. And because of the subjectivity of such a ban, that's why I think having the active editing community take part in the discussion and the decision would be best. That way it's not just the admins going "we're banning you because we don't like you!"

Overall, it could be a more forgiving process where we might not have to worry about people breaking rules exactly to the letter, and helping to close up some of the obvious loopholes in our rules that can be taken advantage of (such as Galaxy escaping any discipline for his actions by making a new account, etc).

All of this in addition to the only reason that (I think) still survive as reasons for ban forums: User-made accusations of rule breaking or disputes. Though I'm not even sure those are even necessary now...

I definitely would not want forums like this to lead to permanent bans, unless the user continued to cause problems. We've never had that problem before, but I just wanted to clarify.

Anyways, I think we need to have a talk about how we can work to smooth over behavior here, and how we can work to keep users with bad attitudes away from here. JustSomeDude...  Talk | 05:15, February 8, 2015 (UTC)


I thought this was obvious. As you said, forums still serve a purpose in cases where the rules aren't technically broken, but the user's behaviour is poisonous to the wiki. Awaikage Talk 13:27, February 8, 2015 (UTC)

Yeah, I'm kind of surprised we used ban forums for anything else. But I guess the users here just hate the idea of an admin making a decision. Ryu-Chan•|•Talk 13:37, February 8, 2015 (UTC)

Well, now that we have a rule requiring veteran editors to be treated the same as newbies, it's quite likely that ban forums will actually be used for users' actions which is up for debate on whether they are harmful or not. Personally, I don't think this deserves a discussion, other than clarifying that ban forums would only be for users' actions that are up for debate.  Jademing  Talk   01:32, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
