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Forums: Index → Site Problems →  Spoiler Tags on Key Plot points in Story Arcs page?
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On the Story Arcs page it would be nice if the key plot points were under spoiler tags. I keep checking to see how long each arc is and sometimes I accidently spoil something >_<

There is a simple to instal tag feature

On this particular page it would be nice if the key plot points we're collapsed somehow, or on a different page altogether. Just a friendly suggestion.

I'm sure lots of people follow along an arc list, or filler list while watching and the key plot points are the most major spoilers essentially.

MagGray (talk) 20:17, June 6, 2019 (UTC)Gray == On all the Story Arc pages there is a spoiler tag right at the top, so you are already being warned from the beginning. If you want to find out how long an arc is you search for the arc, click on it and look at the infobox for how long it is. You don't have to read anything else. Shohid43 (talk) 22:26, June 6, 2019 (UTC)
