When one is infected by the Kiss-Kiss Germ, they are compelled to kiss others in an uncontrollable manner. They will constantly chase down others who have not yet been infected with their lips puckered.
It is unknown how the disease is transmuted, but it does not seem to be contagious, as those who had been kissed by the infected did not show any symptoms, though they were left in a dilapidated state. It seems that the sickness is transmuted by the guns the Germ Pirates use.
Wano Country Saga[]
"Gang" Bege's Oh My Family[]
When the Germ Pirates raided Dressrosa while the royal family was attending the Levely,[3] they began infecting several citizens with the Kiss-Kiss Germ to sow chaos and make their attack easier.[4] One their victims was Kyuin, who began a "vacuum-kissing spree" on the Marines, thus allowing the pirates to run rampant.[1] However, the Fire Tank Pirates, who were there looking for Charlotte Lola, quickly defeated the Germ Pirates and stopped them from spreading the disease further to avoid attracting further attention from the Marines.[5]
When Lola was captured by the Marines, Bege and Vito were overwhelmed by citizens still infected with the germ, forcing Gotti to save her by himself.[6]