Appears in
# |
150 |
Filler |
830 |
2018 |
Whole Cake Island Arc
A |
A A A |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Abby |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Abi |
Filler |
317 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Accino |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Adelle BascĆ¹d |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Adio Suerte |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Agray |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ain |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Akibi |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Akihiro |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Akisu |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Alan |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Albert |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
All-Hunt Grount |
Filler |
780 |
2017 |
Marine Rookie Arc
Alpacacino |
Filler |
575 |
2012 |
Z's Ambition Arc
Alto |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Amanda |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Amity |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Anikin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ann |
Romance Dawn |
2 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 2
Ann |
Live Attraction |
3 |
2017 |
One Piece Live Attraction: Phantom
Anna |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Ant De Bonham |
Filler |
780 |
2017 |
Marine Rookie Arc
Ante |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Antonio |
TV special |
9 |
2015 |
Episode of Sabo
Any |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Aobire |
Filler |
317 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Apis |
Filler |
054 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Arba |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Arbell |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Ardel |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Arista |
Stage Show |
2018 |
Tongari Pirates Wanted!
Arsel |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Artur Bacca |
Novel |
3 |
2019 |
One Piece novel Law
Atoli |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Atori |
Novel |
6 |
2021 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Aunt |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Aveyron |
Filler |
747 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Ayako |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
B |
Baccarat |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Bad One Gracie |
Premier Show |
9 |
2017 |
One Piece Premier Show 2017
Bald Parrot |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Balloon |
Romance Dawn |
2 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 2
Balzac |
Premier Show |
11 |
2019 |
One Piece Premier Show 2019
Banban |
Filler |
319 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Bandsman |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Banzai |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Barbados |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Barbarossa |
Filler |
097 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Baron |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Barricade |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Bartholomew Just a Kuma |
Spin-Off |
08 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Basil |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Battler |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Bayan |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Bear King |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Bearman |
Filler |
934 |
2020 |
Wano Country Arc
Benevolent King of the Waves |
Novel |
6 |
2017 |
One Piece novel Straw Hat Stories
Bens |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Bentag |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Beryl |
Novel |
8 |
2023 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Biera |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Biezom |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Bigalo |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Bildy |
Premier Show |
6 |
2014 |
One Piece Premier Show 2014
Bilibilero |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
BiliÄ |
TV Special |
6 |
2012 |
Episode of Luffy
Bill |
Filler |
746 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Billy |
Movie |
10 |
2009 |
One Piece Film: Strong World
Billy (Bandit) |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Billy (Cook) |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Binz |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Bismarck |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Bit |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Black |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Blago |
Stage Show |
2018 |
ONE PIECE LIVE STAGE ļ½Tower of Steelļ½ (cancelled)
Blion |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Blow |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Blyue |
Game |
2004 |
One Piece: Round the Land
Bobby |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Bobrad |
Filler |
747 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Bokebokepon |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Bokebonboko |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Bokehontas |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Bokuden |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Bolam |
Digital Attraction |
1 |
2017 |
Digital Art Island Adventure
Bolster |
Premier Show |
2024 |
One Piece Premier Show 2024
Bolt |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Bon Borbon |
Game |
2008 |
One Piece RPG2 ~Thousand World~
Bonbon |
Premier Show |
7 |
2015 |
One Piece Premier Show 2015
Bonbori |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Bonney (Non-Canon) |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Boo Jack |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Boo Kong |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Boost |
One-Shot |
2015 |
One Piece Card Battle Hobby Strongest Kizuna Boost
Borodo |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Boronoa Boro |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Bosao |
Novel |
7 |
2017 |
One Piece novel Straw Hat Stories
Boss |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Bounty |
Premier Show |
10 |
2018 |
One Piece Premier Show 2018
Bran |
One-Shot |
1993 |
God's Gift for the Future
Bravo |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Breed |
Filler |
625 |
2013 |
Caesar Retrieval Arc
Brief |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Brigga |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Brindo |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Buena Festa |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Bufflo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Bulaniki |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Bulmatte |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Bulototo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Buzz |
Movie |
11 |
2011 |
One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase
Byojack |
TV Special |
8 |
2014 |
Byrnndi World |
TV Special |
8 |
2014 |
BĆ¼rst |
Premier Show |
7 |
2015 |
One Piece Premier Show 2015
C |
Cal |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Treasure Wars
Camael |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Campacino |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Camus |
Filler |
099 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Captain Kuso |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Captain Seven |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Caramel |
Filler |
895 |
2019 |
Cidre Guild Arc
Caramel Man #10 |
One-Shot |
2005 |
Jump Super Stars (One-Shot)
Caramel Man #11 |
One-Shot |
2005 |
Jump Super Stars (One-Shot)
Carina |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Carmen |
Filler |
050 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Carol |
Filler |
050 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Caroline |
Filler |
454 |
2010 |
Straw Hat's Separation Serial
Carpennya |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Carragan |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Cassandra |
Novel |
5 |
2021 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Cello |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Treasure Wars
Cerriot |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Chameleone |
Premier Show |
4 |
2012 |
One Piece Premier Show 2012
Charles |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Carta |
Spin-Off |
10 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Chavez |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Chibinoa Mini |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Chico |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Chico (Pirate) |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Chico Chip |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Chinco Sennin |
Spin-Off |
Extra Edition |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Chinpy |
Spin-Off |
01 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Chip |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Chip |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Chiqicheetah |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Long Ring Long Land Arc
Chiyobbaba |
Spin-Off |
06 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Choronoa Choro |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Choshi |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Chujo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Chusuke |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Cibalero |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Cidre |
Filler |
895 |
2019 |
Cidre Guild Arc
Clapper |
Live Performance |
2018 |
One Piece Oto Utage
Coe |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Comb |
Premier Show |
11 |
2019 |
One Piece Premier Show 2019
Corto |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Count Times |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Craven |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Creese |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Croquis |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Crown |
Premier Show |
1 |
2007 |
One Piece Premier Show 2007
Cuore |
Premier Show |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Curve |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
D |
Dacson |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Daddy Masterson |
Filler |
050 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Dahlia |
Novel |
5 |
2021 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Dahlia |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Daisy |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Damian |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Dandelion |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Dandy |
Premier Show |
10 |
2018 |
One Piece Premier Show 2018
Danny |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Dareda |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Dareyorimo Tsuyoi |
Spin-Off |
05 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Deacon |
Premier Show |
1 |
2007 |
One Piece Premier Show 2007
Dejide |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Demon of Doom |
Game |
2009 |
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise
Denny |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Desan |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Desire |
Filler |
747 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Devilgirl |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Dias |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Dice |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Dick |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Diego |
TV Special |
6 |
2012 |
Episode of Luffy
Din |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Diomis |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Dip |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
DJ Gappa |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
DJ Parrot |
Live Attraction |
3 |
2017 |
One Piece Live Attraction: Phantom
DJ Satan |
Theatre |
2 |
2002 |
Luffy Pirates 4-Cell Theatre
Dojaku |
TV Special |
10 |
2015 |
Adventure of Nebulandia
Dolce |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Don Axe |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Donai |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Donald Moderate |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Doni |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Donny |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Dontacos |
Filler |
020 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
Doom Guardian |
Game |
2009 |
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise
Dopp |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Doran |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Dorothy |
Movie |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Double Down |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Douglas Bullet |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Douglas Gray |
Supplementary Material |
2019 |
Volume 10089
Drake |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Drayke |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Drim |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Duncan |
Stage Show |
2019 |
Piece Trail: The Adventurers and the Amazing Spring
Dwanger |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
E |
Eboshi |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Eccoli |
Filler |
051 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Ed (Actor) |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Ed (Loguetown) |
Filler |
048 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Edomae |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Eisha |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Ekie |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Eldoraggo |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Eliza |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Eliza |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Eliza |
Spin-Off |
6 |
2022 |
Shokugeki no Sanji
Elizabeth |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Ellio |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Emeraude |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Emily |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Emma |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Emmy |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Eric |
Filler |
054 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Eric (Child) |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Eric (Tongari Island) |
Stage Show |
2019 |
Piece Trail: The Adventurers and the Amazing Spring
Eric Dow |
Filler |
048 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Eunkov |
Spin-Off |
08 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Ever |
Movie |
10 |
2009 |
One Piece Film: Strong World
Evil Guardian |
Game |
2009 |
One Piece: Unlimited Adventure
Evil Master Beast |
Game |
2009 |
One Piece: Unlimited Adventure
F |
Fabre |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Fang |
Game |
2003 |
Chopper's Big Adventure
Fanto |
Premier Show |
2024 |
One Piece Premier Show 2024
Fasti |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Fata |
Novel |
3 |
2020 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Fazaza |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Fist |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Flip |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Flora |
Premier Show |
6 |
2014 |
One Piece Premier Show 2014
Fog Suerte |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Foxaw |
Spin-Off |
09 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Francois |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Sanji's Pirates Restaurant
Fred |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Fune |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Funkorogasun |
Spin-Off |
05 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
G |
Ga Kusha |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Gabiel |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Gaburi |
Game |
2008 |
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise
Gacha Gacha Husband |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Gad |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Gage |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Gairam |
TV Special |
8 |
2014 |
Gally |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Gammon |
Spin-Off |
09 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Gannot |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Gantetsu |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Ganzack |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Ganzo |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Garays |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Garcia |
Filler |
548 |
2012 |
Fish-Man Island Arc
Gardar |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Gardoa |
Filler |
654 |
2014 |
Dressrosa Arc
Gari |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Garill |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Garon |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Garride |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Garth |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Garz |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Gasparde |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Gator |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Geronimo |
Filler |
095 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Gido |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Gild Tesoro |
Filler |
750 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Gill Bastar |
One-Shot |
1993 |
Gillian |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ginger |
Filler |
895 |
2019 |
Cidre Guild Arc
Ginger |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Girarin |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Long Ring Long Land Arc
Girash |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Glass |
Premier Show |
11 |
2019 |
One Piece Premier Show 2019
Glove |
Filler |
309 |
2007 |
Enies Lobby Arc
God |
One-Shot |
1993 |
God's Gift for the Future
Golass |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Gonzo |
Movie |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Gordon |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Gordon |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Gotan |
Filler |
548 |
2012 |
Fish-Man Island Arc
Governor |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Gowns Brothers |
Filler |
048 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Gramoo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Graydle |
Stage Play |
1 |
2018 |
One Piece Dramatic Stage THE METAL ~Marineford of Remembrance~
Grin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Grizzly |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Great Ground |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Great King of Angolmois |
Author's Note |
9 |
1999 |
Volume 9
Great Tree |
Game |
2008 |
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise
Gross |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Guarana |
Filler |
895 |
2019 |
Cidre Guild Arc
Guard |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Guardian Deity |
One-Shot |
1994 |
Ikki Yako
Guko |
One-Shot |
1994 |
Ikki Yako
Gulf |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Gum |
Filler |
830 |
2018 |
Whole Cake Island Arc
Guyle |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
H |
Hachigoro |
Live Performance |
2016 |
Sanji's Pirates Restaurant
Hakamori |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Hakuto |
Premier Show |
9 |
2017 |
One Piece Premier Show 2017
Halsey |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Hamu |
TV special |
1 |
2000 |
Adventure in the Ocean's Navel
Hanagasa |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Hannah |
Stage Show |
2018 |
Tongari Pirates Wanted!
Hans |
Live Performance |
2023 |
Sanji's Pirates Restaurant
Haraguroya's Owner |
Spin-Off |
5 |
2022 |
Shokugeki no Sanji
Harasho |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Hardy |
Filler |
054 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Harry (Fish-Man) |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Harry |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Hator |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Hatsu |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Heaby |
Movie |
3 |
2003 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Hei |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Helsing |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Treasure Wars
Henna Oyag |
Filler |
045 |
2000 |
Arlong Park Arc
Henry |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Henzo |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Hercules |
Game |
2020 |
One Piece: Fighting Path
Herring |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Herz |
Premier Show |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Hien |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Hilt |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Himari |
Novel |
1 |
2024 |
One Piece novel ZORO
Hiroki |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Hitaki |
Event |
1 |
2017 |
One Piece x Kyoto
Hitokui |
Filler |
045 |
2000 |
Arlong Park Arc
Hiwa |
Novel |
6 |
2021 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Hockera |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Hoisha |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Hokehontas |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Holy |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Homey |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Homey |
Premier Show |
5 |
2013 |
One Piece Premier Show 2013
Homming |
Premier Show |
2024 |
One Piece Premier Show 2024
Hompton |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Honey Queen |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Honki |
Movie |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Honma |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Honnete |
Premier Show |
2023 |
One Piece Premier Show 2023
Horo |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Hotdog |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
I |
Ian |
Filler |
140 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Idor |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Igaram Jr. |
Premier Show |
10 |
2018 |
One Piece Premier Show 2018
Ikemenes |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Ikidaore Joe |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ikidaore Jonathan |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ikidaore Joou |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ikidaore Joseph |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ikidaore Josh |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Il |
Stage Show |
2018 |
Tokyo One Piece Tower X DAZZLE Immersive Theater: When the Box of Time Opens
Immortal |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Inchikin |
Stage Play |
2014 |
Lucy & Lucy Coliseum the Battle!
Ingrigrimori |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Ingrimongri III |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Insk |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Isaac |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Iscardunk |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Isoka |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Izaya |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
J |
Jackie |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Jeanne |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Jessica |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Jige |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Jill |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Jim |
TV Special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Jimmy Myers |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Jiro |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Jodie |
Spin-Off |
6 |
2022 |
Shokugeki no Sanji
John |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Joke |
TV special |
1 |
2000 |
Adventure in the Ocean's Navel
Jonathan |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Jose |
Filler |
051 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Josephine |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Jotto |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Jube |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Long Ring Long Land Arc
Jude |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Judge |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Julian Hatt XIII |
Spin-Off |
01 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Julie |
Movie |
9 |
2008 |
Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura
Julie |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Justy |
Stage Play |
2014 |
Lucy & Lucy Coliseum the Battle!
K |
Kaabo |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Kabagorilla |
Filler |
018 |
2000 |
Syrup Village Arc
Kadoyan |
Filler |
134 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Kagero |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Kaginote |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Kaiman |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Kamonegi |
Filler |
093 |
2001 |
Arabasta Arc
Kamonohitsuji |
Filler |
018 |
2000 |
Syrup Village Arc
Kansho |
TV Special |
10 |
2015 |
Adventure of Nebulandia
Karasu |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Treasure Wars
Karasuke |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Kardia |
Premier Show |
12 |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Katabuti |
Premier Show |
13 |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Kau Ra Kau |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Kei |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Kent Beef Jr. |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Kerodeek |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Kerojii |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Keroko |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Keroshot |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Kevin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Kikuhime |
Event |
1 |
2017 |
One Piece x Kyoto
Killer Giant |
Filler |
048 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Kilmie Back |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Kilomane |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
King |
Spin-Off |
14 |
2017 |
One Piece Party
Kimmel |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Kinno |
Premier Show |
13 |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Kinoconda |
TV Special |
10 |
2015 |
Adventure of Nebulandia
Kirin Lion |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Kiruko |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Kisasa |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Kitajima |
Movie |
10 |
2009 |
One Piece Film: Strong World
Kizuna |
One-Shot |
2015 |
One Piece Card Battle Hobby Strongest Kizuna Boost
Koba K |
Movie |
9 |
2008 |
Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura
Kobato |
Filler |
198 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Kochi |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Kodama |
Filler |
134 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Kogani |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Komei |
TV Special |
10 |
2015 |
Adventure of Nebulandia
Koni Boakeno |
Novel |
3 |
2019 |
One Piece novel Law
Kotetsu |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Koshin |
One-Shot |
1994 |
Ikki Yako
Krin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Kuroba |
Premier Show |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Kuronyan |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Kusopp |
Spin-Off |
01 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Kusunoa-kun |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
L |
Lacos |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Ladoga |
Novel |
3 |
2019 |
One Piece novel Law
Lago |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Lake |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Lambor Bukini |
Premier Show |
5 |
2013 |
One Piece Premier Show 2013
Lance |
Stage Show |
2019 |
Piece Trail: The Adventurers and the Amazing Spring
Largo |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Lark |
Event |
1 |
2017 |
One Piece x Kyoto
Laslo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Lazarus |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Lebno Listchaque |
Novel |
1 |
2019 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Lego |
TV Special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
LeMay |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Lemonade Kozaru |
Spin-Off |
07 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Leo |
Filler |
051 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Lettuce Dish |
Spin-Off |
09 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Liberta |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Lief |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Lil |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Lily Carnation |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Lily Enstomach |
Filler |
575 |
2012 |
Z's Ambition Arc
Lim |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Lina |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Lip Shark |
Spin-Off |
10 |
2020 |
Fischer's x One Piece
Livia |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Llamaman |
Premier Show |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Lola |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Long Long |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Lopez |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Loudness |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Louis |
Live Performance |
2014 |
Sanji's Pirates Restaurant
Luca |
Filler |
548 |
2012 |
Fish-Man Island Arc
Lucie |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Luigia |
Filler |
427 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Lylat |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Lytton |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Treasure Wars
M |
M. Danbo |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Maasu |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Maccus |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Machi |
Premier Show |
13 |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Mad |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Mad Treasure |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Mahomick |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Mahy |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey, Reunion of Memories
Maitei |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Maji |
Movie |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Makkuro |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Mao |
Filler |
406 |
2009 |
Boss Luffy Historical Arc
Marc |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Margin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Mari |
Novel |
3 |
2020 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Maria |
TV Special |
9 |
2015 |
Episode of Sabo
Marin |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Marin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Marine X |
Game |
2016 |
One Piece King Battle
Marley Brothers |
Filler |
197 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Marron |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Martha |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Martha |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Mashikaku |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Long Ring Long Land Arc
Maya |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Maya |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Mechayowa Yoro |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Medaka |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Meganetti |
Live Performance |
2013 |
One Piece Pirate Sweeping Operation
Meista |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Mekao |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Mendo |
Filler |
427 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Merlin |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Meroie |
TV special |
1 |
2000 |
Adventure in the Ocean's Navel
Meryl |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Meshi |
Live-Action Series |
6 |
2023 |
The Chef and the Chore Boy
Meverly |
Filler |
548 |
2012 |
Fish-Man Island Arc
Mi |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Miho |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Miki |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Milena |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Milia |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Minchey |
Filler |
136 |
2002 |
Goat Island Arc
Mini |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Minoru Kazeno |
Filler |
336 |
2007 |
Chopper Man
Mint Kotori |
Spin-Off |
07 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Mirage |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Miranda |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Misutta |
Premier Show |
7 |
2015 |
One Piece Premier Show 2015
Mitsuboshi |
Filler |
427 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Mitt |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Mitt |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Miucha |
Novel |
1 |
2019 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Mobambi |
Movie |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Mobston |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Mobu Head |
Filler |
826 |
2018 |
Whole Cake Island Arc
Mofu |
Stage Show |
2015 |
Bon Kurei Dance Performance Show
Mona |
Stage Show |
2018 |
Tongari Pirates Wanted!
Monday |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2012 |
Mooji |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Moore |
Filler |
136 |
2002 |
Goat Island Arc
Mooo...rgan |
Spin-Off |
04 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Morkin |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Moyas |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Moyashi |
Live Performance |
2013 |
One Piece Pirate Sweeping Operation
Mr. Kuromaku |
Spin-Off |
04 |
2019 |
Fischer's x One Piece
Mr. 108 |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Muchigoro |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Mucho |
Live Performance |
2013 |
One Piece Pirate Sweeping Operation
Mugon |
Premier Show |
10 |
2018 |
One Piece Premier Show 2018
Munekyun |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Musashi |
Premier Show |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Musatobi |
Filler |
775 |
2017 |
Zou Arc
Mussel |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Musshuru |
Movie |
9 |
2008 |
Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura
Myskina Acier |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Myskina Olga |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
N |
Nafk |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Naguri |
Filler |
498 |
2011 |
Post-War Arc
Nanya |
Game |
2003 |
One Piece: Ocean's Dream!
Naomi Drunk |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Narcy |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Narcy |
Premier Show |
13 |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Needless |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Nego |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Neiro |
Premier Show |
9 |
2017 |
One Piece Premier Show 2017
Nelson Royale |
Filler |
054 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Nemenememitas |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Nepenta |
Premier Show |
2 |
2010 |
One Piece Premier Show 2010
Nerine |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Nick |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Nightin |
TV Special |
8 |
2014 |
Niina |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Niphtal |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Niseluffy |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Niseusopp |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Nisezoro |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Noir |
Premier Show |
9 |
2017 |
One Piece Premier Show 2017
Noko |
Filler |
220 |
2005 |
Ocean's Dream Arc
Noriko (Newkama) |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Nukky |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Nuru |
Filler |
560 |
2012 |
Fish-Man Island Arc
Nyanta |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Nypers |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
O |
Ochanoma Papa |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Ochinko Poro |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Odacchi |
Featurette |
2002 |
Dream Soccer King
Odama |
Filler |
134 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Olive |
Filler |
446 |
2010 |
Impel Down Arc
Omatsuri |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Omusubi |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
One-Man |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Onigiri |
Spin-Off |
Bonus 3 |
2021 |
One Piece School
Opera |
Filler |
830 |
2018 |
Whole Cake Island Arc
Otogin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Otsu |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Ox |
Premier Show |
1 |
2007 |
One Piece Premier Show 2007
P |
Pachinoa Rozo |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Palin |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Panz Fry |
Filler |
575 |
2012 |
Z's Ambition Arc
Pasta |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Pato |
Game |
2014 |
One Piece: Unlimited World Red
Patrick Redfield |
Game |
2014 |
One Piece: Unlimited World Red
Peanutsmonkey |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Pesca |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Peseta |
Filler |
746 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Pete |
Filler |
050 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Piista |
Spin-Off |
08 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Pijama |
Live Performance |
2013 |
One Piece Pirate Sweeping Operation
Pin Joker |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Pink Koinu |
Spin-Off |
07 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Pirate Bear |
Color Spread |
7 |
1997 |
Chapter 7
Pirate Penguin |
Color Spread |
17 |
1997 |
Chapter 17
Plesiosaur |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Pochi |
Filler |
493 |
2011 |
Post-War Arc
Pocochin Das Ehss |
Spin-Off |
11 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Pogo |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Pokeportes |
Filler |
055 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Pokke |
Premier Show |
8 |
2016 |
One Piece Premier Show 2016
Pokori |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Pomme |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Pon |
Stage Show |
2015 |
Bon Kurei Dance Performance Show
Pontanitaire |
Stage Show |
2018 |
Marines Patrol
Popo |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Popora |
Game |
2007 |
One Piece: Unlimited Adventure
Poppy |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Pork |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Pororoka |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Portnoy |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Pre |
Stage Show |
2015 |
Zombie Party Fever
Prize |
Premier Show |
10 |
2018 |
One Piece Premier Show 2018
Prodi |
Filler |
780 |
2017 |
Marine Rookie Arc
Psycho P |
TV Special |
11 |
2016 |
Heart of Gold
Puggy |
Live Attraction |
3 |
2017 |
One Piece Live Attraction: Phantom
Pukau |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Punch |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Purin |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Puzzle |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
R |
Race |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Rainbow King |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Rainbow Moray Eel Brothers |
Theatre |
1 |
2004 |
Orchestra of the Sea
Raise Max |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Raccoon (Non-Canon) |
Game |
2003 |
Chopper's Big Adventure
Randolph (Non-Canon) |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Raniya |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Raoul |
Filler |
048 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Rapanui Pasqua |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Rasa |
Filler |
097 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Ratchet |
Movie |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Raymon |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Regen |
Live Performance |
2022 |
Sanji's Pirates Restaurant
Regis |
TV Special |
6 |
2012 |
Episode of Luffy
Reika |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Reiko |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Reira |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Renny |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Reple |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Revina |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Ricca |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Rice Rice |
Filler |
132 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Rick |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Rikaon |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Riley Brothers |
Filler |
050 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Rio |
Premier Show |
4 |
2012 |
One Piece Premier Show 2012
Rita Suerte |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Rittonto |
Filler |
219 |
2005 |
Long Ring Long Land Arc
Roba |
Movie |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Roche |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Rocky Hattari |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Treasure Battle!
Rodom Andres Bell |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Roger |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Rokai |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Rokuroshi |
Filler |
215 |
2005 |
Long Ring Long Land Arc
Romy |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Rongo |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Rorobao Sow |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Roronoa Zoro |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Rosario |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Rosario |
Movie |
9 |
2008 |
Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura
Rose |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Rose |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Roule |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Roza |
Movie |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Rubis |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Rudd |
Novel |
2 |
2019 |
One Piece novel Law
Ruibe |
Spin-Off |
2 |
2021 |
Shokugeki no Sanji
Ryu |
Filler |
055 |
2000 |
Warship Island Arc
Ryudo |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Ryuji |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
S |
Sada |
Live-Action Series |
1 |
2023 |
Romance Dawn
Saga |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Saien |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Saikangaroo |
Filler |
018 |
2000 |
Syrup Village Arc
Saki |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Salchow |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Salma |
Novel |
3 |
2020 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Saori |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Saphir |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Sarbay |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Sardan |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Sargus |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Sarutobi |
Premier Show |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Sasoz |
Spin-Off |
03 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Satchin |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Savarin |
Spin-Off |
1 |
2018 |
Shokugeki no Sanji
Sayo |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Sayori |
Novel |
1999 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack (Novel)
Scarlet |
Movie |
10 |
2009 |
One Piece Film: Strong World
Schneider |
Movie |
11 |
2011 |
One Piece 3D: Straw Hat Chase
Scorpion |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Sealed |
Game |
2007 |
One Piece: Unlimited Adventure
Sebastian |
TV Special |
8 |
2014 |
Segem |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Sekken De Tearai |
Spin-Off |
01 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Sekken De Tearai Jr. |
Spin-Off |
11 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Sentimental |
Live Performance |
2017 |
Sanji's Pirates Restaurant
Sheldon |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Shepherd |
Filler |
199 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Shichiseiken |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Shimizu (Newkama) |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Shimoi Zappa |
Filler |
780 |
2017 |
Marine Rookie Arc
Shinpachi |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Shiro |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Shironyan |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Shirotsu |
Premier Show |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Sho |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Shorts |
Filler |
336 |
2007 |
Chopper Man
Shushibaruba |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Shuraiya BascĆ¹d |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Shutai |
Filler |
051 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Shuzo |
Filler |
575 |
2012 |
Z's Ambition Arc
Sigurd |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Silk |
Romance Dawn |
1 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 1
Silver-Silver |
Filler |
048 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Simon |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Simurgh |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Sino Phoenix |
One-Shot |
1993 |
Skid |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Skullface |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Skunk One |
Movie |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Slim |
Live Performance |
2013 |
One Piece Pirate Sweeping Operation
Slim |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Smash |
Premier Show |
6 |
2014 |
One Piece Premier Show 2014
Sogekiller |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Sole |
Stage Show |
2018 |
Tongari Pirates Wanted!
Soran |
Filler |
420 |
2009 |
Amazon Lily Arc
Shupeal |
Romance Dawn |
2 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 2
Stansen (Non-Canon) |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Stella |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Stonely |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Straight |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Su (Newkama) |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Suita |
TV special |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Susaburo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Sutton |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Super White Bear |
Spin-Off |
21 |
2019 |
One Piece Party
Suzuki Ichiro |
Spin-Off |
11 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
T |
Tabi |
Movie |
14 |
2019 |
One Piece: Stampede
Tacobo |
Filler |
020 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
Tagosaku |
Live Performance |
2013 |
One Piece Pirate Sweeping Operation
Tajiko |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Tajio |
Filler |
133 |
2002 |
Post-Arabasta Arc
Tamaka |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Tarako |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Tam |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Tama |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Tambu |
Filler |
747 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Tanaka |
Filler |
747 |
2016 |
Silver Mine Arc
Tatsu |
Filler |
220 |
2005 |
Ocean's Dream Arc
Taylor |
Stage Show |
2019 |
Piece Trail: The Adventurers and the Amazing Spring
Tea |
Stage Show |
2015 |
Zombie Party Fever
Tei |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Tempo |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Tequila |
Live Performance |
2012 |
Terrance |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Tesak |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Theo |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Tigerman |
Premier Show |
2021 |
One Piece Premier Show 2021
Tobo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Toby |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Tobio |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Tohenbok |
Filler |
020 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
Tokkuri |
Game |
2002 |
Grand Line Dream Adventure Log
Tom |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Toma |
Movie |
5 |
2004 |
The Cursed Holy Sword
Tomac |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Tongari Den Den Mushi |
Live Performance |
2015 |
Tokyo One Piece Tower
Toratsugu |
Event |
1 |
2017 |
One Piece Art NUE
Torta |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Torva |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Toshi |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Tot Musica |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Trade |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Trap |
Featurette |
2011 |
ONE PIECE 3D! Trap Coaster
Trip |
Spin-Off |
25 |
2019 |
One Piece Party
Troff |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Tsubaki |
Theatre |
3 |
2005 |
Report Time
Two Base |
Live Performance |
2012 |
U |
Usanksai |
Filler |
020 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
Usodabird |
Spin-Off |
10.5 |
2012 |
V |
Vaun |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Ven Vendler |
Premier Show |
2023 |
One Piece Premier Show 2023
Vigaro |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Vigo |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Volg |
Premier Show |
6 |
2014 |
One Piece Premier Show 2014
W |
Wadataira |
Spin-Off |
06 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Wadatsumi |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Week |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Wetton |
Filler |
140 |
2003 |
Ruluka Island Arc
Whitejack |
Movie |
13 |
2016 |
One Piece Film: Gold
Wier |
Live-Action Series |
1 |
2023 |
Romance Dawn
Wild Joe |
Filler |
045 |
2000 |
Arlong Park Arc
Wilder |
Premier Show |
8 |
2016 |
One Piece Premier Show 2016
Will |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Willy (Fish-Man) |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Win |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Wind Rumor Taro |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece
Wolf |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Wolf |
Filler |
830 |
2018 |
Whole Cake Island Arc
Wolf |
Novel |
1 |
2018 |
One Piece novel Law
Wombat |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Woonan |
Movie |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
X |
Xiao |
Movie |
10 |
2009 |
One Piece Film: Strong World
Y |
Yadoya |
Game |
2014 |
One Piece: Unlimited World Red
Yakedoro |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Yamada Shinichi |
Spin-Off |
11 |
2019 |
Chin Piece
Yamaguma |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Yasmine |
Novel |
3 |
2020 |
One Piece novel HEROINES
Yehudi |
Premier Show |
13 |
2022 |
One Piece Premier Show 2022
Yoko |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Yoko |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Yorueka |
Movie |
15 |
2022 |
One Piece Film: Red
Yoshi |
Game |
2001 |
Legend of the Rainbow Island
Yoshio |
One-Shot |
1993 |
God's Gift for the Future
Yukimura |
Filler |
464 |
2010 |
Marineford Arc
Yuka |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Yuri |
Game |
2019 |
One Piece: World Seeker
Yuta |
Game |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Yuya |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Z |
Z |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Zaba |
Filler |
098 |
2002 |
Arabasta Arc
Zabal |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Zap |
TV special |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Zaraza |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zau Ra Zau |
Game |
2002 |
One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands
Zenny |
Filler |
136 |
2002 |
Goat Island Arc
Zenran |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zomino |
Movie |
12 |
2012 |
One Piece Film: Z
Zona Anes |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zona Dart |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zona Lil |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zona Mam |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zona Middel |
Game |
2023 |
One Piece Odyssey
Zoryu |
Spin-Off |
02 |
2018 |
Chin Piece