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Luffy, Law is a 5-minute animated short shown at MBS Anime Fes 2025. It was later released for free on YouTube.[1]

Short Summary[]

After the Raid on Onigashima, Luffy and Law learn of a Sea King in the oceans around Wano, and fight to stop its rampage.

Long Summary[]

The short begins with Luffy running after his hat, which is flying away in the wind. He stretches his arm to catch it, but notices that he's lost his crew, so he walks out to a nearby shore and yells out for them. He's instead approached by Trafalgar Law, who tells him not to bother searching for them. At Luffy's confusion, Law explains that the Thousand Sunny has probably been attacked, just as the Polar Tang was. The ships are unable to return to shore due to an unknown thing standing between them.

Just then, a huge wave forms behind the two pirates, revealing the Lord of the Coast of Wano Country. It charges at them, attempting to bite them, but the two pirates jump out of the way; in the process, Law notices a shine inside the Sea King's throat. Curious, he uses Scan, and sees a katana in the beast's throat, stabbing into it and causing it constant pain. He notes the katana's presence and plans to use Shambles to get it out, but Luffy runs in front of him before he gets a chance, stating he'll take the sword out.

Luffy jumps towards the Lord of the Coast of Wano Country, using Gear 3 in the air and punching the Sea King with Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun, causing it to fall over and the katana to fly out of its mouth. However, the Sea King falls towards the shore, directly above the two pirates, and Law uses Takt to catch it and throw it back to the sea.

Back in the water, the Lord of the Coast of Wano Country wakes up from the effects of Luffy's punch and returns to the surface. Initially glaring at the two pirates, it begins smiling at them, diving away into the ocean and waving goodbye with its tail.

As Luffy waves back, the Thousand Sunny approaches the shore, and Luffy declares he will become Pirate King.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Voice actor Character
Mayumi Tanaka Monkey D. Luffy
Hiroshi Kamiya Trafalgar Law
Mahito Ohba Narration

External links[]


  1. ONE PIECE スタッフ【公式】/ Official [@Eiichiro_Staff] (January 19, 2025). "【アニメ情報】". (in Japanese).

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