One Piece Wiki

The Nagels Pirates are a non-canon pirate crew operating in the North Blue.[1]

Crew Members[]

The only known member of the Nagels Pirate is the captain, Nagels, though the crew contains enough people to outnumber half an island's combatants.

Crew Strength[]

The Nagels Pirates appear to be quite strong, and were capable of conquering half of Welbems Island in less than three months.



About two years before the events of One Piece novel Law: The Hour of Kikoku, Nagels led the Nagels Pirates in a raid on the North half of Welbems Island. In less than three months, they were able to use their numbers and strength to completely conquer the region. Nagels then founded a kingdom, named after himself, and ruled over it.

After having established the kingdom, the Nagels Pirates attempted a multiple of raids against the South part of the island, attempting to gain control over it as well. However, due to the concentrated effort of Hakkuro Village and its neighbours, they were always repelled.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 One Piece Novel — Law: The Hour of Kikoku Chapter 1, The Nagels Pirates are mentioned.

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