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The Nibi Nibi no Mi is a non-canon Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to take the appearance of the deceased, making them an Onibi Human (鬼火人間,Onibi Ningen?). It was eaten by Kardia.[1]
"Nibi" is most likely derived from onibi (鬼火,Onibi?), which are spirits that emerge from deceased humans and animals according to Japanese folklore.
Strengths and Weaknesses[]
Whoever eats this fruit gains the power to control will-o'-the-wisps (鬼火,Onibi?), flame-like spirits that, after touching a memento of a deceased person, can give the user their appearance and abilities. The will-o'-the-wisp can also be used for combat purposes.
The fruit's user is susceptible to standard Devil Fruit weaknesses.