One Piece Wiki

One Piece Volume 0 "Strong World" is a free volume distributed to One Piece Film: Strong World's attendees. It focuses on Chapter 0 and Strong World characters, story, sketches, and backstage.

Chapter 1: The Story of One Piece

It contains a brief summary of the story of One Piece so far.

Chapter 2: Chapter 0 "STRONG WORLD" and The Story of Strong World

Further information: Chapter 0

Contains Chapter 0, followed by a few brief screenshots from One Piece Film: Strong World.

Chapter 3: Note of Eiichiro Oda

It contains sketches about the characters from One Piece Film: Strong World, as well as some of the works that went into the film.

Straw Hat Pirates' Outfits

Luffy Strong World Finale Outfit
Luffy when invading Shiki's base.
Zoro Strong World Finale Outfit
Zoro when invading Shiki's base.
Nami Strong World Finale Outfit
Nami's outfit when she joined Shiki.
Usopp Strong World Finale Outfit
Usopp when invading Shiki's base.
Sanji Strong World Finale Outfit
Sanji when invading Shiki's base.
Chopper Strong World Finale Outfit
Chopper when invading Shiki's base.
Robin Strong World Finale Outfit
Robin when invading Shiki's base.
Franky Strong World Finale Outfit
Franky when invading Shiki's base.
Brook Strong World Finale Outfit
Brook when invading Shiki's base.

One Piece Film: Strong World

Chapter 4: Goods of Strong World

Shows all the promotional items for One Piece Film: Strong World.

Chapter 5: Voice of Director & Message of Eiichiro Oda

Munehisa Sakai, the director of One Piece Film: Strong World, talks about the film.


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