One Piece Wiki

Characters Polls

Weekly Shōnen Jump occasionally organizes popularity polls of One Piece characters and publishes the results. The results will also be published later in the One Piece Volumes with some differences from the original.

  • 1st Poll:[1] The poll ran for 2 to 3 weeks after Chapter 49.[2] The total number of votes was 36,000. In the first poll, many of the Cover Page animals were listed on the poll. Ganzack is the first non-canon character who was voted by the people.
  • 2nd Poll:[3] Total votes 51,873. Eiichiro Oda was included in the poll and ended up taking the 25th position.
  • 3rd Poll:[4] Total votes 50,804. Results from position 51-99 published only in Volume 43 not in the Weekly Shōnen Jump.
  • 4th Poll:[5] Total votes 42,116. The results first published on WSJ Vol. 49 2008. The 4th poll was the longest with more than 200 characters listed in positions 1-122. Seiyū Mayumi Tanaka and the majority of the Joke Characters appeared on the poll. The characters in position 93 has 4 votes each, in position 100, 3 votes each, in position 110, 2 votes each and in position 122 only one vote each.
  • 5th Poll:[6] Total votes 69,472. The results were published on Chapter 771. The top ten characters were featured in the chapter's colored cover page.
First Popularity Poll
The first characters poll.
Second Popularity Poll
The second characters poll.
Third Popularity Poll
The third characters poll.
Fourth Popularity Poll
The fourth characters poll.
Fifth Popularity Poll
The fifth characters poll.

Note: The table is sortable, click on the arrows in the header cell to sort the results.

Name 1st Poll 2nd Poll 3rd Poll 4th Poll 5th Poll
Monkey D. Luffy 01 (8055) 01 (11136) 01 (12844) 001 (7065) 001 (9183)
Roronoa Zoro 02 (7260) 02 (10982) 02 (8225) 002 (5645) 003 (7997)
Nami 05 (4213) 05 (2360) 07 (1983) 006 (1958) 008 (2173)
Usopp 08 (781) 06 (1957) 06 (2621) (and Sogeking) 011 (1034) 013 (1023)
Sanji 04 (4300) 03 (9676) 03 (6235) 003 (5547) 004 (7154)
Tony Tony Chopper 04 (4428) 04 (2725) 004 (3362) 007 (3336)
Nico Robin 11 (722) 05 (2644) 007 (1944) 011 (1253)
Franky 13 (600) 013 (715) 016 (711)
Brook 009 (1307) 019 (553)
Sogeking 030 (182)
Chopper Man 083 (6)
Cutty Flam 100
Zoromilk 122
Luffyzaki 122
Mayumi Tanaka 122
Kappei Yamaguchi 122
Smoker 12 (720) 14 (572) 020 (262) 024
Tashigi 14 (476) 20 (380) 042 (110) 064
Crocodile 15 (307) 25 (277) 028 (189) 015 (737)
Shanks 03 (5883) 07 (1880) 11 (726) 008 (1736) 014 (951)
Portgas D. Ace 08 (1735) 10 (827) 005 (2175) 006 (5121)
Mr. 2 Bon Kurei 09 (811) 21 (368) 023 (217) 020 (531)
Monkey D. Dragon 073 (9) 081
Pandaman 19 (215) 31 (149) 039 (119)
Eiichiro Oda 25 (97) 48 (58) 031 (174) 050
Dracule Mihawk 14 13 (564) 08 (1744) 012 (743) 023
Donquixote Doflamingo 61 046 (98) 017 (691)
Jinbe 110 035
Marshall D. Teach 94 051 (77) 067
Gekko Moriah 044 (105) 072
Bartholomew Kuma 052 (68) 085
Edward Newgate 43 (65) 069 (11) 026
Jozu 122
Marco 122 012 (1038)
Trafalgar Law 010 (1180) 002 (8794)
Bepo 038 (126) 033
Eustass Kid 015 (357) 018 (566)
Killer 100 061
Urouge 024 (212) 048
X Drake 035 (147) 058
Basil Hawkins 056 (40) 054
Jewelry Bonney 036 (140) 067
Scratchmen Apoo 037 (133) 075
Aokiji 16 (483) 017 (280) 022
Kizaru 047 (91) 044
Sentomaru 122
Vegapunk 122
Monkey D. Garp 050 (84) 074
Silvers Rayleigh 018 (277) 032
Shakuyaku 122
Van Augur 083 (6)
Stronger 122
Laffitte 122
Perona 033 (154) 021
Kumashi 069 (11) 095
Victoria Cindry 110
Absalom 100
Inuppe 122 (犬ペンギン)
Jigoro 122 (ゾロの影)
Gyoro 122
Lola 100
Nico Olvia 44 (60) 122
Jaguar D. Saul 64 071 (10) 105
Rob Lucci 12 (647) 019 (266) 041
Hattori 122
Kaku 09 (1044) 016 (294) 045
Jabra 17 (461) 071 (10) 109
Blueno 81 083 (6)
Paulie 18 (460) 049 (87) 059
Iceburg 19 (401) 060 (28) 109
Kalifa 23 (346) 078 (7) 137
Fukuro 26 (252) 078 (7)
Kumadori 97 122
Nero 98 122
Hina 36 (115) 062 (27) 105
Ryuma 058 (37)
Keimi 078 (8) 137
Pappug 059 (32) 124
Hatchan 122
Crocus 122
Kuromarimo 122
Tom 41 (71) 083 (6) 124
Peeply Lulu 79
Tilestone 80 122
Zambai 78
Vivi 10 (748) 15 (529) 014 (483) 024
Nefertari Cobra 63 076 (8) 137
Oars 041 (112)
Foxy 95 056 (40)
Porche 122
Kokoro 53 122
Chimney 76
Gonbe 77 122 124
Yokozuna 093
Kozha 16 (288) 52 100 095
Pell 21 (173) 27 (200) 027 (193) 043
Carue 22 (170) 47 (50) 053 (60) 063
Wiper 37 (96) 043 (107) 081
Conis 088 (5)
Pagaya 122
Aisa 100
Braham 110
Kamakiri 122
Mozu and Kiwi 38 (84)
Mozu 122
Kiwi 122
Kashi and Oimo 82
Kairiki Destroyers 83
Spandam 28 (178) 064 (22) 076
Funkfreed 122
Spandine 96
Baskerville 84
T-Bone 40 (76) 122 118
Enel 22 (351) 022 (224) 048
Gedatsu 35 (120) 088 (5)
Shura 122
Dr. Kureha 26 (95) 34 (128) 054 (55) 120
Dr. Hiluluk 30 (69) 39 (81) 026 (196) 073
Dr. Potsun 088 (5)
Dalton 93 122 109
Fullbody 33 (56) 122
Arlong 048 (89) 088
Gyaro 122
Laboon 34 (47) 74 032 (161) 137
Yorki 122
Klabautermann 49 (46) 122
Going Merry 50 (44) 025 (210) 093
Thousand Sunny 122
Kung-Fu Dugongs 27 (81) 51 088 (5)
Benn Beckman 06 (1518) 17 (218) 33 (143) 045 (100) 039
Rockstar 122
Buggy 07 (868) 20 (179) 30 (152) 021 (259) 034
Alvida 100
Kuro 09 (625) 24 (111) 24 (302) 029 (185) 093
Kuina 10 (421) 29 (74) 88 100
Koshiro 122
Morgan 110
Kamakiri 45 (53)
Duval 064 (22)
Dorry 89 (with Brogy) 122
Brogy 89 (with Dorry)
Gin 11 23 (120) 066 (18) 101
Makino 12 110 076
Gol D. Roger 13 083 (6)
Gaimon 15 32 (60) 073 (9) 088
Mr. 1 38 (38) 99
Miss Doublefinger 122
Mr. 3 122
Mr. 5 122
Mr. 9 27 (81) 42 (66) 122 105
Mr. 13 122
Miss Goldenweek 35 (45) 70 109
Miss Monday 122
Lassoo 122
Kankichi Ryotsu (Ryo-san)[7] 100 195
Wanze 75 122 124
Bell-mère 37 (41) 32 (144) 040 (115) 081
Don Krieg 16 60 100 (Krieg), 122 (Don Krieg) 124
Kaya 17 46 (52) 078 (7) 088
Nojiko 91 122
Genzo 92
Coby 18 54 054 (55) 037
Helmeppo 68 122 066
Jango 19 38 (38) 066 (18) 109
Montblanc Noland 066 (18)
Montblanc Cricket 073 (9)
Calgara 076 (8) 137
Nola 122 137
Rika 35
Professor Clover 72 122
Miss Valentine 38 (38) 71 093 076
Hiking Bear 078 (7)
Richie 034 (150)
Chouchou 093 120
South Bird 122
Sarkies 56
Bellamy 67 063 (25) 055
Merry 21
Zeff 22 31 (62) 29 (173) 060 (28) 109
Mohji 23
Johnny 24 18 (216) 122
Yosaku 28 122
Johnny and Yosaku 87
Gan Fall 86 122
Higuma 110
Negikuma Maria 35 (45) 62 122
Unluckies 122
Itomimizu 122 137
Kagikko 122
Gomorrah 55
Tyrannosaurus 58 101
Marmieta 110
Holy 69
Wapol 90 122
Tsubaki 110
Tomato Gang 110
Sam 122
Mikio Itoo 122 261


Unforgivable Mask 122
Batchee 122
Mikazuki 122
Nyaban Brothers (Buchi and Sham) 20
Samurai Batts 122
Sabagashira I 57 093 137
Cabaji 25
Minatomo 51 261
Attach 088 (5)
Yasopp 26 73 110
Patty 27
Shuraiya Bascùd 110 124
Peterman 093
Piiman 29
Tamanegi 122 (タマネギ)
Ratchet 59 122
Boodle 30 66
Rocket Man 85
Lord of the Coast 31
Den Den Mushi 122
Panda 32
Rabbit Snake 33
Pig Lion 33
Straw Hat 122
Hocker 122
Ganzack 35
Lil 122
The doctor who shook hands with Lucci[9] 122
Surprise Zombie 122
Auction No.151 (オークションNo.151) 093
Chicken (from Enies Lobby) 65
Bull 110
Snowman (雪だるさん)[10] 122
Marine Captain 35
担当の大西さん 122
だんな様 122
ムラサキ。グマ 122
Sabo 005 (5134)
Bartolomeo 009 (1754)
Boa Hancock 010 (1422)
Cavendish 027
Shirahoshi 028
Rebecca 029
Koala 030
Kyros 031
Issho 036
Caesar Clown 037
Sugar 039
Senor Pink 042
Viola 045
Akainu 047
Marguerite 050
Penguin 052
Donquixote Rosinante 052
Baby 5 055
Monet 057
Vergo 059
Thatch 062
Emporio Ivankov 064
Izo 069
Hannyabal 069
Zephyr 071
Gladius 076
Dellinger 076
Tonjit 081
Wicca 086
Kanjuro 086
Farafra 088
Shachi 088
Camel 097
Shyarly 098
Curly Dadan 098
Diamante 098
Pica 101
Leo 101
Kin'emon 105
Sadi-chan 109
Lucky Roo 109
Inazuma 109
Heracles 118
Momonga 120
Bogard 120
Salome 124
Suleiman 124
Ripper 124
Trebol 124
Hikoichi 124
Momonosuke 124
Yarisugi 124
Momousagi 137
Terracotta 137
Shiki 137
Ain 137
Ryokugyu 137
F-Wani 137
Mizuta Mawaritosuki 137
Mukkashimi Tower 152
Sarfunkel 195
Kumae 261
Stefan 261
Pandawoman 261
Aremo Ganmi 261
Total Votes 36000 51873 50804 42116 69472

Attacks Polls

This is the first "Your Favorite Attack" poll. The results were published on Volumes 39[11] and 40.[12][13]

Name Attacks Position-Votes
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Gatling 01 (3785)
Roronoa Zoro Sanzen Sekai 02 (3625)
Sanji Muton Shot 03 (1445)
Portgas D. Ace Hiken 04 (1340)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Bazooka 05 (995)
Sanji Anti-Manner Kick Course 06 (895)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Storm 07 (815)
Sanji Armée de l'Air Gomu Shoot 08 (695)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Pistol 09 (552)
Roronoa Zoro Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson 10 (410)
Roronoa Zoro Oni Giri 11 (385)
Usopp Usopp Wagōmu 12 (365)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Ogon Rifle 13 (327)
Foxy Noro Noro Beam 14 (252)
Roronoa Zoro Hyakuhachi Pound Hō 15 (219)
Sanji Veau Shot 16 (172)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Fūsen 17 (162)
Nami Shiawase Punch 18 (139)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Hanabi: Ogon Botan 19 (111)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Boh... 20 (95)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Rifle 21 (85)
Nami Tornado Tempo 22 (82)
Sanji Concassé 23 (80)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Dame Da! 24 (76)
CP9 Shigan 25 (75)
Tony Tony Chopper Kokutei Roseo 26 (72)
Dial Users Reject 27 (69)
Monkey D. Luffy Gomu Gomu no Bullet 28 (68)
Roronoa Zoro Toro Nagashi 28 (68)
Roronoa Zoro Yaki Oni Giri 30 (60)

Most Heartbreaking: "Scene"

  1. Falling Snow of Reminiscence (1659 votes)[14] Going Merry's funeral.
  2. Declaration of War (1384) When Robin says "I want to live".
  3. Vivi's Adventure (1237) Straw Hats showing the X mark to Vivi.
  4. The Fourth Person (384) Sanji and Zeff's "silent farewell".
  5. Tears (358) Nami tearfully begging Luffy for help.
  6. The Oath (325) Zoro crying as he promises to Luffy that he will never lose again.
  7. Let's Return (316) The Going Merry rescuing the Straw Hats.
  8. To the Sea (304) Merry telling Kaya of the death of Usopp's mother.
  9. Hiluluk's Sakura (300) Kureha "making the Sakura bloom" over Drum Island, Hiluluk's dying wish.
  10. Pride (274) Usopp begging Luffy for his forgiveness and rejoining the crew.

Place where you like to live: "Island or Town"

  1. Sky Island (1107 votes)[14]
  2. Water 7 (981)
  3. Alabasta (321)
  4. Foosha Village (228)
  5. Loguetown (181)
  6. Cocoyasi Village (166)
  7. Shimotsuki Village (103)
  8. Ocean Restaurant Baratie (98)
  9. Sakura Kingdom (Drum Island) (96)
  10. Ohara and Sniper Island (87)

Who people want for a protagonist in the special short story: "Character"

For the winner of this poll Oda would draw a short story. The winner was Shanks, and the story was the Red-Hair of Class 3 - Sea Time.

  1. Shanks (1483 votes)[14]
  2. Ace (476)
  3. Bon Kurei (459)
  4. Vivi (380)
  5. Paulie (315)
  6. Mihawk (197)
  7. CP9 (187)
  8. Whitebeard (92)
  9. Pandaman (85)
  10. Super Spot-billed Duck Squad (74)
  11. Brook, Buggy (72)


  1. One Piece Manga — Vol. 7 (p. 147), Volume publication of the first character poll.
  2. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 7 (p. 128), Oda talks about the first character poll run by Jump.
  3. One Piece Manga — Vol. 24 (p. 206-208), Volume publication of the second character poll.
  4. One Piece Manga — Vol. 43 (p. 214-219), Volume publication of the third character poll.
  5. One Piece Manga — Vol. 55 (p. 188-191), Volume publication of the fourth character poll.
  6. One Piece Manga — Vol. 77 Chapter 771.
  7. One Piece Manga — Vol. 44 Chapter 427 (p. 2), Ryotsu makes a cameo appearance to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Kochikame's serialization.
  8. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 31 (p. 166), Nnke-kun and Domo-Kun revealed.
  9. One Piece Manga — Vol. 52 Chapter 506, cover story: CP9's Independent Report Vol. 15.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 12 Chapter 106 and Episode 64, Luffy made the Snowman.
  11. One Piece Manga — Vol. 39 (p. 126), "Your Favorite Attack" Poll: Results 1-3.
  12. One Piece Manga — Vol. 40 (p. 126), "Your Favorite Attack" Poll: Results 4-8
  13. One Piece Manga — Vol. 40 (p. 202), "Your Favorite Attack" Poll: Results 9-30.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 One Piece 10th Treasures (p. 185), the result of three Polls announced.

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