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Volume 8, Chapter 64, Page 44

D: Salutations. I am an earthlien who lives in the same house that Usopp's father's friend's brother's girlfriend lived in a long time ago. *An earthlien is half-earthling, half-alien. O: Wowwwww. Let the SBS begin!! (donnn)

D: The hourglasses on both sides of Don Krieg's skull and bones are supposed to indicate a threat to the enemy, but were hourglasses really used for that meaning? At that period in time...

O: There really were pirate flags with hourglasses on them. It basically indicated the time left until the death of their prey, so it holds a meaning like, "It's only a matter of time until your surrender".

D: Oda-sensei. Since Luffy is a Gomu Human, does that mean his "p*nis" can stretch, too?

O: His penis can stretch too.

D: I have a question. How many g/cm3 is Sanji's kick power? I would like you to give me an answer to two decimals, please.

O: To tell you the truth, it's impossible to measure. There are games at the arcade that measure your kick power, right? Well, if Sanji used one of those, he would destroy not only the game, but the wall of the entire building. But if you tried to put it into a form of measurement, I would say 21 bats. The power to destroy 21 wooden baseball bats in one kick.

Volume 8, Chapter 65, Page 64

D: Yo!! Ei-chan!! Are you still working on "One Piece"? Keep drawing, man!! Okay, Ei-chan, here's my question. Who are the "One Piece" characters with the highest and lowest IQ's?! Okay, that's enough for today.

O: I'll tell you. But when I say "in One Piece". I really mean, "of all the characters introduced in One Piece". And having cleared that up, the character with the highest IQ is Shanks' first mate, Ben Beckman. He is a great crewmate, who possesses astonishing wisdom and strength, and advises Shanks. And right after him would probably be Captain Kuro, then Nami, etc. Now as for the lowest IQ... I can't decide the worst one. They're all idiots.

D: Oda-sensei, is your house really made of cardboard? (I heard from my friend.)

O: Yes. Whether it's rainy or sunny or snowy, I always draw my manga. But it's okay. The certificate ink I use is waterproof!! (Caution: Good children should not believe me!)

D: What is that cape-like thing that Buchi of the Nyaban Brothers has? Is it a futon?

O: Actually, it's a "kotatsu-buton". Because he's a cat. (kotatsu-buton would be the cover for a kotatsu.)

D: Does Luffy's pose on the cover of Volume 3 come from Ken Shimura-san's "Aiiin"?

O: Yessssss, it does!! It's Aiiin!! Aiiin. It is Aiiin.

(Big thanks to Greg Werner for offering this explanation: "Aiiin" is a gag of Shimura Ken. Ken is famous for many gags and two of his recent famous characters are Baka Tono and Henna Ojisan. Baka Tono's signature pose is "Aiiiiiiin!" Recently (er...last April) the sub-unit of Morning Musume, Mini Moni even did an entire song on it called "Ai~n! Dance Song")

Volume 8, Chapter 66, Page 84

D: Does Sanji-san like shit?

O: He loves shit.

D: I don't understand the Marines system very well. Is the captain [Taisa] the highest rank? Is Coby at the headquarters? Or a base?? Where does Captain [Taii] Fullbody stand?

O: This is it. This is the entire explanation of the Marines system in the world of "One Piece". The base Coby is in is the 153th branch. Officers of the rank of Captain [Taisa] and above command the bases spread out all over the world. I wonder when the day will come when Coby becomes an officer.

(Translator's Note: Note that with these officers, some may translate to the same word, which is why I put the Japanese in too.)

(Editor's Note: For another version of the ranking that uses Naval Ranking, check Marine Ranks page.)

D: In Volume 5, pg. 159 (3rd panel), did that fat guy in the lower left corner manage to steal her food?

O: Well spotted!! Amazing!! That would be Mr. Motzel, the gourmet, yes? He ate her food. Then they fought afterwards. The girl beside him is Mr. Motzel's daughter.

Volume 8, Chapter 67, Page 104

D: Sensei, I reeeeeeeeally want you to make something. What is it, you say... A "One Piece Timetable", of course!!

O: A "timetable," eh... wow, what a sentimental sound...! Well, how's this?! Copy it, enlarge it, shrink it, do whatever you want!! I wonder if there are schools with 7 periods. Well, I drew it that way.

Volume 8, Chapter 69, Page 146

D: To become a GIRL as cool and courageous as Zoro, how should I start?

O: A girl, eh? Hmmm. First you squat!! Then, in order to become courageous, eat some sardines!!

D: Konnichiwa, Oda-sensei. No, I mean, nihao!! I wrung my un-wisdom and created a song for Luffy. Please read, dance, and cry! 1st verse Gomu x3 Go---mu Yayyyyyy I am a Gomu Human, in other words, a rubberman? Gomu x3 Go---mu Yahoooo Lalalala-lala-lalalala-oooh

2nd verse Gomu x3 Go---mu Stre--tch I am a pirate king, in other words, amazing!! (Gomu x3 Go---mu) x2 Amun

How is it? I am the champion, so can I take on the world? Shall I go? Okay... here I go!!

O: Yayyyyyy!! Go wherever you want!!

D: Is Luffy made of natural rubber? Or artificial rubber? -A Meteorological Agency Investigation- (Ministry of Education rip off)

O: He's natural (-ly stupid) rubber.

D: When we were talking about One Piece, I said I like Shanks, my friend S. likes Zoro, and I. likes Luffy, but R. likes Buggy and Jango. Should he go see a doctor?

O: Choosing those two is certainly a serious illness... but you should just tell him to rest at home and take it easy. And then tell him to get... stronger... and that life is worth living, and... stuff...

Volume 8, Chapter 70, Page 168

D: In "Monkey D. Luffy", what does the D stand for?! Is it "donburi" (a bowl) or maybe "daibutsu" (giant Buddha statue)? Or maybe...!! I'm really interested. Please tell me.

O: I've gotten a ridiculous number of these letters... I've gotten a lot, but I cannot answer that question. I can't answer it "yet"... Please just read it as "D" and don't think anything about it, for now.

D: What the is connection between pirates and rum? Did you read in a book somewhere that rum and pirates were connected?

O: Not just pirates and rum, but sailors and rum. In short, rum is cheap. Because of that, back in the sailing days of England, the liquor they paid the navy with changed from brandy to rum, and the hard-drinking men of the sea warmed up to the rum image. As for why they would take so much liquor on a voyage, it was because the water would go bad.

D: Last night, I met a guy from the planet Gomu Gomu. When I asked him, "How far can you stretch your arm?" he said "705 Poison Gomu Gomus." How much is 705 Poison Gomu Gomus?

O: You met someone from the Gomu Gomu planet?! WOW!! That's great!! A "Poison Gomu Gomu" is 10 times as much as a "Gomu Gomu." So in other words, "7050 Gomu Gomus"!! That's an astronomical length!! But be careful. Gomu Gomians are notorious for giving the most ridiculous answers in the universe.

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