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One of Sanji's most easily noticeable characteristics is the kind, calm, cool, and collected manner in which he carries himself. He tends to speak in a very composed manner, even in dire situations, and rarely acts without thinking. His demeanor in a lot of ways can be compared to that of a secret agent. This is amplified by the fact that he tends to wear a suit, very often enjoys a smoke, and in the anime they tend to play smooth music with jazzy undertones when he speaks. He quite often makes comedic exceptions to this, such as when in the presence of beautiful women, or when angered by a crew member.

Like Zoro, he is more perceptive than he seems, and often tells people what they need to hear instead of what they want. Hence, he is seen as one of the more hardened members of the crew. For example, when the Straw Hats first meet Laboon and learn that the whale had been waiting for 50 years for a reunion with his crew, it is Sanji who immediately (and correctly) points out that Laboon's crew is most likely dead. Sanji does possess an optimistic and idealistic side. His dream is to find a sea which even other cooks consider mythical. Furthermore, even after the abuse he experienced from his family as a child, he held out hope that they may have changed for the better; however, this hope proves to be completely futile. However, he was more angry than surprised at the revelation, showing that he maintains a healthy sense of skepticism even at his most hopeful.

Like Franky (and unlike Zoro), Sanji is not afraid to show his emotions when the moment calls for it, and is entirely capable of crying or losing his temper, which results in Sanji's short fuse and subsequent beatings of most villains (and Luffy). In fact, a running gag has appeared since Sanji's fight with Jabra, during which he stated that when he gets angry, he "heats up". After this fight, when Sanji gets particularly angry at a villain, he appears to burst into flames. This occurs against both Absalom and Duval, though the latter example appears only in the anime. It is also seen when Luffy states he is friends with Boa Hancock, a beautiful woman, when she appears to prevent a Marine ship from sinking the Thousand Sunny.

Despite his hardened outlook on life, Sanji does not object to acting foolishly on certain occasions, like dancing with the more immature members of the crew (Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Brook), or acting childishly excited in certain situations (like when they first visited Skypiea) and he was also the crewmember who enjoyed going to Fishman Island the most as he seen partying with mermaids. He is also one of those who believes that afro's give power.

He has a habit of separating himself from everyone else and subsequently helping the crew survive, such as times like:

He does admit that he is not perfect. He convinced Usopp to let him fight Jabra, because of their differences in abilities. He admitted that he was stronger than Usopp in terms of physical strength, that they both had things they could not do and things they could do and because of that, they can help each other. This inspired Usopp to realise he was only one who could save Robin by use of sniping.

Sanji is also able to think one step ahead (especially during dangerous situations) before anyone else does making him quite clever. The first example is when dealing with Baroque Works he fooled Crocodile into thinking he was Mr. 3 and lying that he killed the Straw Hats which allowed the crew to be unhindered by the criminal organisation until they reached Alabasta. Later on when the rest of the crew was captured by the Shichibukai, Sanji (with the help of Chopper) outwitted him using a Den Den Mushi. This was very impressive as Crocodile was known for his cunning. Another example is when Nico Robin was captured by the CP9, he somehow knew (or was able to deduce) that the CP9 were going to take Robin to the station. He was seen at the station hiding before the CP9 even got there. When these events go as he planned, he has a habit of saying 'Bingo!'.

Sanji's Rehabilitation

Sanji's "rehabilitation".

He is extrmely amorous, constantly flirting with any attractive woman he sees, earning him the nickname "ero-cook". In fact, he claimed that Nami was 98.72% of the reason he joined Luffy's crew in the first place. Since, and a while after, this romantic nature is a hassle for the rest of the crew in times of crisis. Returning to Sabaody Archipelago after his two years on Momoiro Island, Sanji became even more perverted due to not having seen a woman in two years, making lewd faces when he so much as thought of beautiful women (primarily his crew mates, Nami and Robin) and acting strangely when he got close to 'real' women, causing others to question about his health. He's also known to show jealousy towards others when their luck with women appears better than his. An example of this being his reaction upon learning that Luffy spent his two years during the time skip on Amazon Lily and being very close to both Boa Hancock and the mermaid Shirahoshi, as well as his reaction to Momonosuke continuously being allowed to go places with Robin and Nami that Sanji himself would be prohibited. He is also amorous toward females of different humanoid species such as mermaids and minks. Despite his pervert nature Sanji has some degree of self control, stemming from his loyalty to his crew, as shown despite being attracted to Purin, he sternly refuse to marry her, letting her down gently.[1]

Even if it kills me, I refuse to kick a woman!!!!
— Sanji's strict policy in combat.

Sanji's Chivalry

Sanji refuses to attack women at all.

He has sworn to never let women be insulted or injured while he can still stand, regardless of how attractive (or unattractive) they are, even in life-or-death situations, Though he is not quite above insulting some women himself if they prove to be evil or hurt his crew in anyway, like when called Dr. Kureha "old hag" after she beat Luffy around and he called Kalifa "Witch" after being distracted by her and her tea when needed to rescue Robin, he was also rude to his older sister Reiju (due to her cruelty towards him as a child).

This is still often problematic in his fighting as he cannot attack female opponents as he would rather die than hurt them (though that does not mean he will not resort to blocking their attacks, and even pointed a gun at Nico Robin when her status as a Baroque Works Officer was revealed). He even went out of his way when he sensed Tashigi crying, simply to protect her from Vergo, despite her being a marine. He is shown to protective to women of all ages, whether their old or young, such as when he protected Kureha from Kuromarimo attack and stopped Usopp harming Lil. All of this is apparently the result of a strict upbringing. Because of his chivalry towards women, he refuses to carry a grudge against any of them no matter how they offended him, and even sees the deeper meanings of their actions, such as how Robin appearing to betray the crew and how Viola deceived him and even violently beat him down. Conversely, Sanji is very abrasive and insulting to many other males throughout the series.

Sanji considers himself handsome and charming, often comparing himself to a fairytale prince (fitting since he is actually a prince). This trait is rarely been noted by others, though they are times where ladies are interested in the cook, like after rescuing Cocoyasi Village from the Arlong Pirates a whole group of women gathered around him (anime) the female bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak and the female members of the Foxy Pirates also took an interest in him (but both of these times they merely fooling him, making him drop his guard) more recently the Mermaids of Fishman were very taken with cook and played with him in the water causing Sanji to cry with happiness. At other times when Sanji is full of himself he tends to be brought sharply back to earth by the people around him (such as being called the "Prince of Dumb-ass Kingdom" by Zoro, prompting Sanji to attack him).

Sanji disliked fighting when he was child, only attacking his older brother when he took his cooking away from him. Though Sanji was trained in sword fighting, his father, Judge, assumed Sanji was weak and unable to defend himself and would be worthless in future battles. But after fleeing the Vinsmokes and swearing to become strong to a disbelieving Zeff, Sanji's attitude to combat changed greatly and now he loves to enter battles (especially if it's to protect his friends). When Luffy burst into Arlong Park and he chided Luffy saying "save some for rest of us". Sanji often grins before his fights (seen with Pearl, Kuroobi and Mr 2). Sanji even mocked the all powerful Enel after taking one his lighting bolts point blank, thanking the lightning god for "lighting" his cigarette before collapsing.

This cocky attitude is shown further in Movie 10 when Sanji knocks out the giant tiger Toramata he says "nighty nighty kitty" these one liners and cocky attitude towards fighting make him considered "cool" and "awesome" by likes of Luffy, Usopp and Chopper. Sanji is sometimes too confident in skills leading him underestimate his opponents, this happened with Wanze and got his legs trapped in Wanze Ramen Armour and later he underestimated Vergo leading to the Vice Admiral breaking Sanji's shin bone, he also held back against his father and was shocked when Judge used a human shield to get advantage.

Sanji has had a strong sense of generosity and compassion ever since he was child, feeding food he made to those his brothers considered to be "rats" and was brutally bullied and punished for doing so. Sanji's experiences with his family hardened him up greatly and it wasn't until Zeff sacrificed his leg to save him, that Sanji truly lightened up again and kept his merciful nature for the majority of the series. There are still times when Sanji is downright formidable to his enemies.

In his first appearance, he brutally beat Fullbody and dangled him from the neck with one hand for wasting food, this similar to Zoro's intimidating introduction into the series and threatened to kill Fullbody when he said going to report the restaurant to the marines. Sanji is especially brutal to the foes who "piss him off" as he sent Kuroobi flying though Arlong Park when the latter insulted Nami, he kicked Mr. 2 even after he beaten him, Sanji reconstructed Wanze's face and kicked him through a door. Smashed Absalom the invisible man into a solid stone wall due to his pervert actions towards Nami (and also for stealing his dream of invisibility). Upon reuniting with his malicious younger brother Yonji, Sanji bent the latter's face for trying to order him around forcing Yonji to have to fix it with press machine.

One of Sanji's most prominent characteristics is a strong respect toward food and the preparation of food in the kitchen. Since food and sustenance play a crucial role in maintaining life, he strongly believes that a chef's work must be treated as though it were sacred. Prior to being stranded on the rock with Zeff nine years before his introduction, Sanji thought food was dispensable, and tossed out any that had gone bad. In fact, he was disgusted by how his fellow chefs would eat leftovers from customers. However, after being starved on the rock, he came to regret his maltreatment to food. As a result, he has a strong tendency to become hostile towards those who waste food or regard it in any way that is less than his respect for it. Thus, he has a habit of beating up anyone who steals food from the fridge (mainly Luffy).

It has been dictated on many occasions that Sanji puts the quality of food before everything that is not vital, even his instant infatuation with any woman he sees. A strong example of this was shown in the anime-only G8 Arc, where he snapped out of an infatuation with Jessica after she questioned his culinary skills, and demonstrated his superiority (but when she recognized his skills and told him he was welcome in the kitchen, his infatuation returned). This is precisely why Sanji, in his first appearance, proceeded to beat Fullbody. He also is shown to fully believe that anyone who wishes for food should be given food, be it a customer or a criminal, such as giving the starving Gin food despite the other chefs refusing to serve him.

During his time on Momoiro Island, Sanji showed his resentment to putting on a dress and losing his manhood. He bluntly declared to Ivankov that he is a man among men who was born to love the ladies and not to be friends with them. To this end, Sanji resisted becoming an okama for two long years.

Since a young age, Sanji has a habit of saying "shit" or "shitty" when describing something. While the Japanese word for feces, "kuso", is not specifically an expletive, Sanji's manner of speech makes the term sound brash. For example, he might call a person he especially does not like a "shitty bastard" or something along those lines (such as his personal nickname for Zeff, "shitty geezer"), but he also described something pleasant to him, like being alone with Nami, as "shitty fantastic" and "the shitty best". In the FUNimation dub, this habit is downplayed to swearing that is less offensive. 

Being one of the strongest members of the crew and being part of the "Monster Trio" Sanji is naturally fearless, fighting armies and god-like opponents with barley a concerned look. Sanji showed no fear to undead denizens of Thriller Bark and didn't hesitate to fight a Shichibukai in mid air when his crew was threatened and even fired at a Yonko's ship despite all the risks. Sanji is very brave but not completely without fear as he was terrified of the Okama that fought and chased him for two years, Sanji also becomes nervous whenever Nami is absent and fears for her safety (the same goes for Robin) and Sanji will be fearful when other crewmates are indirect danger of losing their lives as seen with Kuma.

Sanji along with Nami appears to have some fear or aversion to insects and he especially hates spiders, showing he may have arachnophobia. During the crew's search for the South Bird, he continually backed away from the various insects in the forest to the point he was afraid to touch them.

Sanji is shown to sometimes act like a jerk to anyone who is not a romantic interest. Unlike Nami and Robin and other attractive women, Sanji will not lend his chivalrous assistance to his fellow male crewmates when they ask for it on the ship and will even react rudely to their cries for help, but this is rarely the case. He was more willing to assist them as they were chased by a Pacifista, thinking they'll die if he did not aid them. Sanji will even save people that he has no obligation to help such as Gin, Kinemon, and the kids from Punk Hazard (though this more due to Nami wanting to save them). Sanji even saved his enemies e.g when he saved Tashigi and the G-8 Marines from Vergo and Caesar's gas and later, Sanji saved a entire race when the Mink Tribe was poisoned, ordering Caesar to neutralize his own gas weapon.

Sanji will often get so caught up in what he calls a "hurricane of love" that he becomes downright delusional (similar to Boa Hancock to Luffy) he often imagines himself bursting in on horse to save Nami or Robin (in princess attire) this even extends to Zoro as he sees the swordsmen's head as a huge "marimo" head. And in the Davy Back Fight filler when Foxy said if they lost he'd own the crew's children and the generations come after, Sanji imagined his "daughter" (who looked like Nami). It's possible some Sanji's imagination helps ease the trauma of what he's facing (like Usopp) since when he first landed in the Kamabakka Kingdom, he imagined the hideous Tibany as beautiful women only for reality to catch up with him. Sanji's disillusions rarely happen in dangerous situations and Sanji will keep a serious attitude.

At Water 7, he went overboard by not only leaving Nami a confidential letter, but defeating its purpose by writing Nami a very obvious message for her and only her at the Blue Station when he went off to sneak onto the Puffing Tom, which said that whoever else read it were all idiots, managing to annoy Nami once she spotted it.

Sanji usually modest about his culinary skills, though he strongly dislikes his meals being criticized (especially by Zeff). In Logue Town Sanji at first refused to go in the cooking competition saying he doesn't enjoy cooking competitions, but changed his mind when he found out about Elephant Tuna Fish. Sanji even claimed to Tamago that crew is likely suffering without his meals, causing Tamago to scoff at his arrogance (but Sanji was right about the crew). Sanji has a very different attitude towards fighting or hunting competitions, he loves to prove his strength as seen in the Davy Back Fight and especially loves matching up to Zoro (who likewise wants to beat Sanji).

Whenever he prepares a meal or a drink for his female crewmates, he dislikes it when his male crewmates start griping for not receiving any other food from him and then bickers at them to make their own food or tells them they were undeserving. If they try to sneak food, he is also quick to punish them, especially Luffy, with whom he has gone to great lengths to protect the fridge from being raided on the ship.

Because of his own brutal childhood, Sanji sympathizes with anyone who keeps their past hidden. This can be seen with Nami[2][3], Robin[4][5][6]Chopper[7]Viola[8], and even Kin'emon[9]. When Sanji's own past is brought up by his friends, he has a tendency to try and shrug it off. However, when Bege finally revealed his infamous heritage, he said he never intended to keep his past hidden from his crew, and that he must deal with his problems alone.

Due to being locked up and punished by his own father, Sanji has a morbid attitude towards anyone whose been enslaved or locked up. When the crew witnessed a slave bite his own tongue off at the Human Auction House, Nami wondered what just happened and Sanji stated that compared to living life as wretched "property" of a another person, dying might have been the right choice.


Straw Hat Pirates

Sanji first met the crew after Luffy accidentally attacked the Baratie. His first impression was that they were a "noisy bunch", but catching a glimpse of Nami caused Sanji to swoop over. It took a while for Sanji to fully understand and like the crew, since he thought Luffy and Zoro were crazy for risking their lives for their dreams, when they respectively fought Krieg and Mihawk; however, seeing their determination and recalling his own dream of finding the fabled All Blue, Sanji is inspired to pursue his own dream. After joining the crew, Sanji would often butt heads with Zoro and argue with Usopp, as well as seeking out Nami's company, but after fighting together at Arlong Park, he warms up to the whole crew (including Zoro, to an extent), making huge feasts for them and taking pleasure at their happiness. Just before the entered the Grand Line, it was Sanji who proposed a launching party, during which all of the members who joined in East Blue declared their commitment to achieve their dreams.

Sanji often states that he only cares about the women of the crew, but this far from true. Sanji cares for all his friends, and between his heroic rescue at Rain Dinners and by closing the Gates of Justice at Enies Lobby, it can be said Sanji has saved the crew on a number of occasions. When Sanji was unable to protect his crew from Kuma, Sanji became distraught and charged at the Shichibukai, despite Usopp trying to hold him back. When given a difficult challenge by Ivankov, Sanji said he'd go through (his idea of) "hell" for his crew, and accepted the challenge. He has also risked his life for the crew on multiple occasions, whether it be by taking lighting blasts from Enel, or stopping Domflamingo from reaching the crew. Even after meeting his beautiful arranged fiancee, Charlotte Purin, he turns her down and chooses to return to his friends. After Purin tells the crew that Sanji turned her down for them, they are shocked to the core that Sanji would turn down a woman, let alone such a beautiful and kindhearted one; Luffy is so moved by Sanji's loyalty that he even cries. While fighting his father, the latter questioned if Sanji would really sacrifice his own family to which Sanji stated he didn't care what harm came upon them as he only came to protect his crew. It can be said that Sanji sees his crew as the real family he never had growing up.


Sanji developed an initial bond with Luffy in that they both had dreams that were deemed foolish: Luffy was often not taken seriously for wanting to be the Pirate King, and Sanji was often told that All Blue didn't exist. However, they both had mentors who made great sacrifices for them (Shanks gave up his left arm to save Luffy, and Zeff gave up his right leg for Sanji), and ultimately gave them the motivation to believe that they could achieve their dream. Sanji respects Luffy as a captain, but often gets angry at him for eating too much and showing disrespect for the aesthetics of cooking; along with Nami, Sanji is the crew member who beats up Luffy the most often. He also dislikes Luffy's imitations of him, although this may also be because of their inappropriate timing, rather than the imitations themselves. However, he does care for Luffy, and, as the best swimmer on the crew, he is shown dragging his captain out of the water more often than any of the other crew members. He understands Luffy's personality to the point that he rarely shows shock or surprise at Luffy's outrageous actions and decisions. In fact, he is often one of the people to assure the rest of the crew or other people that Luffy knows what he is doing. In Thriller Bark, Sanji volunteered to give his life in exchange for Luffy's, but was stopped by Zoro. When Bege stated the crew would fall under Big Mom's wing via Sanji marriage to Purin, Sanji ferociously rejected the idea, saying that Luffy would never bow to anyone else. And even boldly stating like Zoro before him that "Luffy will become King of the Pirates" causing Bege to get angry.

Sanji often says he chose an "idiot" for a captain, but conversely states that Luffy is far better than most pirates. Luffy quite often asks him to cook an animal that he's defeated, and Sanji rarely objects. He recently gains envy of Luffy after finding out that Luffy landed on Amazon Lily while he was in 'hell'. Sanji and Luffy have a great trust in each other as seen most recently when Luffy trusted Sanji to fight off Big Mom and travel all the way to Zou while protecting Caesar, Momonosuke and the rest of the crew from all danger. Sanji succeeded and Luffy was confident Sanji could look after himself even when the cook was missing from Zou, but Luffy became concerned when he learnt that Sanji had gotten entangled in a Yonko's political plans, and decided to go retrieve him from his "wedding" to Purin. When Luffy heard from Purin, that Sanji had turned her down (despite her being kind, beautiful and a cook) so he could return to his crew, Luffy was so grateful he cried and became more determined to save him. When Charlotte Cracker told Luffy that Sanji would most likely be happy with the Charlotte Family and turn away from the Straw Hats, Luffy angrily attacked him telling him not to put words in Sanji's mouth.


Zoro and Sanji

Sanji and Zoro's rivalry.

Though they can behave casually and calmly towards each other, Sanji very frequently gets into physical and verbal fights with Zoro (who he refers to as "marimo" or "mosshead" because of his green hair); in turn, he is nicknamed "shitty cook", "ero-cook" and "Prince of Dumbass Kingdom" (among other things) by Zoro. During the Little Garden Arc, Sanji and Zoro unknowingly took on the same challenge of dinosaur meat hunting that the two legendary giants, Dorry and Brogy, started 100 years ago. Despite their rivalry, however, the two respect each other's abilities; after Wanda accidentally implied that the minks had killed the Curly Hat Pirates, it is Zoro who calms the others down by reminding them that Sanji was with them, and that he would not have let his half of the crew get killed.

Although he spends a lot of time arguing or competing with Zoro, Sanji is not beneath siding with Zoro on those rare occasions where Zoro has seen the bigger picture more than everyone else (e.g. on their preference for death rather than dishonor during the Davy Back Fight, and on Usopp rejoining the crew). He also tried to stop Zoro from sacrificing himself to Kuma to save everyone else by offering his life instead, although the swordsman knocked him out first before he could do so. After waking up to find Zoro missing, he showed great concern at what may have happened to him, and was the first to find Zoro in the aftermath of Kuma's attack. Furthermore, alhough their rivalry sometimes impedes their effectiveness during battle, once the two agree to work together, they become a near-unstoppable force, as they instantly turned the tables on the Groggy Monsters and defeated a Pacifista with ease.

Sanji seems to understand Zoro on a personal level as well: when the Risky Brothers were going to tell the crew of Zoro's sacrifice, he did not allow them to do so on the basis that he knew Zoro would not sell his life for gratitude. This insight into Zoro's character was actually attained before he even joined the crew, as he witnessed Zoro's defeat against Dracule Mihawk. He recalled Zoro telling him earlier that day that his ambition to be the greatest swordsman meant that he threw away all attachment to his own life, as he was perplexed that Zoro didn't abandon his ambition in the face of almost certain death. He also demonstrates this during his adventures with the G-5 Marines on Punk Hazard, as they seem to be under the impression that Zoro is ruthless and would cut down anything. He assures them that Zoro does indeed have a soft side, and that Tashigi should be just fine with him there, stating that he is the kind of person who gets the job done.

Because of their mutual respect for, and dependence upon, each other's strength, Zoro initially refused to forgive Sanji for leaving the crew on Zou and allowing himself to get dragged into the affairs of one of the Yonko. He also acted like he didn't care what happened to Sanji, but Luffy caught him listening to Pekoms as the mink explained Sanji's predicament with Big Mom and his family; this caused Luffy to assume (correctly) that the swordsman was in fact worried about Sanji (although Zoro threatened to kick Luffy's ass for suggesting it). Zoro ultimately agrees to Luffy's Sanji retrieval mission, and to lead the other half of the Straw Hats to Wano in Luffy's absence. Zoro was also the first Straw Hat to state the possibility of Sanji becoming love-struck and go through with the marriage (he was partially correct on one fact) but was proven wrong.


Sanji Inside Nami's Body

Sanji inside Nami's body.

Sanji was head over heels in love with Nami from the moment he saw her in the Baratie, and his infatuation for the navigator hasn't wavered once during his whole time spent travelling with her (despite meeting other beautiful women on their voyage). Nami, on her part, was pleased she was getting special attention, leading her to manipulate the cook numerous times. Sanji appears to be well aware of this manipulation, but is happy to continue being constantly manipulated; in fact, he claimed that Nami was 98.72% of the reason he joined Luffy's crew in the first place. Sanji does occasionally get on Nami's nerves, such as when he makes a declaration of love during serious moments. Sanji will sometimes anger Nami and she doesn't hesitate to beat him up (though he doesn't seem to mind). This most notably shown Trafalgar Law used his devil fruit powers to switch Sanji into Nami's body; Sanji's perverted delight at being in her body caused Nami to freak out and become furious with him. When they switched back, she punched Sanji for changing her coat (a misunderstanding caused by her assuming that he had stripped to see her body), despite him taking great care of her body while she let his get damaged. Sanji hates treating Nami roughly in any manner and is always gentle with her, this is another reason why Sanji fights with Zoro as the Swordsmen is prone to shoving Nami roughly out of peril. However, if she is immediate danger, Sanji will throw Nami out harm's way as well, as seen when she and the others were trapped inside Capone Bege.

Sanji will not tolerate Nami being insulted or harmed in any way, like when Kuroobi bad mouthed her causing Sanji to send the fishman flying. Her safety is a frequent cause of his own injuries, such as on Drum Island (when Nami was gravely ill, and Sanji joined Luffy in taking her to the doctor's) getting his spine cracked as a result of the avalanche caused by the Lapahns, in Skypeia (when Sanji went aboard the Ark Maxim with Usopp to save her from Enel) getting blasted by the God for his heroics, and on Thiller Bark (when Nami was kidnapped by the invisible Absalom to become his bride, and Sanji went alone to rescue her and defend her honor) and got knife stabbed though his shoulder while protecting her. Sanji was also angry at Jinbe when he admitted he was the one who let Arlong loose on East Blue, which resulted in Nami's experiences under Arlong's reign, and it was only due to Jinbe's friendship with Luffy that he gave Jinbe a chance to explain himself; however, even after listening to Jinbe's story, he still could not forgive him for what Nami went through suggested that if Jinbe wished to atone, he should cut open his own belly (he only relented after Nami defended Jinbe). Sanji trusts Nami very much and not just by her navigator skills, Nami was the one who Sanji entrusted the letter to Luffy to and directly apologized for keeping secrets from her and the crew.  

Despite her occasional annoyance at his antics, Nami has a lot of affection for Sanji in return (although she does not always show it). She considers him very dependable, and will often hide behind him when there are enemies nearby. When she heard that he was going up against CP9 on the sea train, she expressed concern for his safety, and even fought Kalifa for him when he refused to fight the assassin. On Zou, Nami was distraught after Sanji taken by the Big Mom Pirates, and she accompanied Luffy to see Pekoms so she could learn as much as possible about Sanji's family (which led her to discover, much to her disbelief, that Sanji was closely connected with Germa 66). She also demanded that Luffy allow her to accompany him to retrieve Sanji, saying that she felt partially responsible for what had happened to him. While facing problems in the Seducing Woods, when it appeared they had found Sanji who was running away from them, Nami stated it couldn't be him as he would never put his friends be in danger.

Nami is one of the four Straw Hats (along with Luffy, Chopper and Brook) to have met members of Sanji's family. She was very surprised to learn that Sanji had a younger brother but stated that, save for his attraction to her, the latter had nothing in common with Sanji due to his selfish nature. Nami was even more surprised to meet Sanji's elder sister and learn the history of his family. She was also shocked that Sanji turned down the kind and attractive Purin to return to the crew.


Sanji's first meeting with Robin was surprisingly hostile, as he pointed a gun at her head (due to Robin being a threat to the crew at the time), but when he got a better look at her Sanji became love struck. Sanji along with Luffy, were the only ones that welcomed Robin into the crew. Sanji treats Robin in much the same way he treats Nami, though while Nami treats his advances with anger and manipulation, Robin is polite and calm towards the cook. Sanji knows that Robin can actually take care of herself and as such doesn't worry as much about her safety while fighting foes as he does with Nami. Sanji also will ask Robin for her advice and wisdom when dealing with a problem, Sanji even called Robin his "friend" contrary to further claims that he was "born into this world to love women not be friends with them" to Ivankov. Sanji will also not stand Robin being insulted, brutally defeating Wanze and Jyabura when they did so. During Thiller Bark when the crew was fighting Oars, while attempting the "docking" technique where they all combine, similar to a "Mecha Robot", Sanji realised if Robin performed the "docking" he could possibly see up her skirt, while thinking this Robin shot him a sharp deadly look. Sanji like he does with Nami gets blinded by his affection for Robin as such forgets the dangers around him like when he spotted Robin on Fishman Island and jump towards her only to be accidentally punched by both Luffy and Jinble. When Sanji heard about Robin's past and how CP9 "used" her, Sanji called them "sick" and Sanji's advice to Usopp motivated him to save her from entering the gates of justice by using his sniper skills, thus ultimately saving Robin. Robin has also heard of the Vinsmokes but never thought Sanji would be connected to them.


While he argued with Usopp on their first meeting Sanji soon became good friends with Usopp is often seen hanging out and/or partying with him. Despite this, he occasionally beats him and Luffy up when they do something immature, like eat too much food or goof off in serious situations. Usopp also declares that Sanji is his "bodyguard" and clings onto the cook in dangerous sitations Sanji always shrugs him off, saying he is only Nami's bodyguard.  Though acts like he doesn't care about Usopp, Sanji tried desprerately to stop Usopp from leaving the crew, and didn't hesitate to attack Luffy to prevent him from telling Usopp to leave the crew, proving his commitment to his friends and the crew. Usopp finds Sanji's girl crazy attitude annoying at times especially when they are in direct danger, berating Sanji on his "one track mind". During the Skypeia Arc, he doesn't hesitate to tell Usopp that he's OK with him dying if it meant that they could save Nami; however, just as Usopp was about to take a potentially fatal attack from Enel, Sanji kicks him out the way so that he can escape with Nami, and takes the attack himself. Furthermore, during the Enies Lobby Arc, it is Sanji's advice that helps Usopp realize his value to the crew, after Usopp had left the crew under the false belief that he was weaker and more useless compared to everyone else on the crew. Sanji also understood Usopp's frustration wanting to help Robin but not able to face the crew and accepted the crazy "Sogeking" disguise despite Franky being confused. When Sanji cried in happiness at Mermaid Cove Usopp was shocked and asked Sanji what happened to him over the two years. In the Zou Arc, after hearing Zoro's comment, Usopp (knowing Sanji) was worried Sanji would go "lovey dovey" and okay the marriage with Purin, but this fortunately turned out not to come true.


Sanji originally wanted to cook Chopper, and continues to refer to him as their "emergency food supply" to tease him. However, he does consider Chopper a good friend, and will give him or Usopp advice when they need it. An ongoing theme of Chopper's personality has been that his age and sometimes childish nature allow for him to be more susceptible to advice from the crew. A lot of this advice has come in the form of what it takes to be a real man, and to this end, Sanji has taught Chopper quite a few lessons. Before the real reason as to Robin's betrayal is revealed, he tells Chopper that when a woman lies, a real man forgives her. Upon Usopp's defeat in his fight with Luffy, he taught Chopper not to stomp on a man's pride and resolution by showing him pity in the face of defeat.

At the same time however, Sanji is very understanding of Chopper's childish nature and will appease it when he feels necessary. For example, he agreed to help him warn Usopp about Aqua Laguna despite Usopp leaving the crew, as he saw how much Chopper was worried about Usopp. Furthermore, he played along with Usopp's Sogeking persona, knowing that Chopper fully believed in Sogeking, whereas he'd worry greatly about Usopp. Chopper also finds Sanji's strength and fighting power "awesome", especially Sanji's burning rage aura (which beheld Chopper in awe).

During the Zou Arc, Chopper (along with Nami and Brook) was absolutely distraught over Sanji's departure with the Big Mom Pirates, and decided to accompany Luffy to retrieve Sanji from Whole Cake Island. Chopper was so hopeful about seeing Sanji again that he initially mistook Sanji's malicious younger brother for him. Chopper was also the Straw Hat most amazed at noticing that Sanji's curly eyebrows were common to all the Vinsmoke children. Along with the others, Chopper was very surprised that Sanji turned down Purin to stay with the crew.


When they first met on the Sea Train bound for Enies Lobby, Sanji kicked Franky in the face for what he did to Usopp, before learning how much the situation had changed since then. After Franky joins the crew, Sanji shows respect to Franky for his shipwright and engineering skills as Franky made him a great kitchen and dining room, though he gets irritated by Franky's habit of crying excessively after hearing sad stories. Sanji (in the anime) is shown to be slightly jealous of how close Franly is to Robin. Sanji was actually quite hypocritical towards Franky calling him pervert for not wearing pants but Franky took it as a compliment. Franky, like Zoro will call Sanji "curly brow cook" but he's more saying it as a nickname rather than insulting the cook. Franky was also disapproving of Sanji caring more for what happened to Nami than Usopp and Chopper's safety on Thriller Bark. Franky acknowledges that Sanji's strength is greater than his own, claiming that Sanji was one of "the strongest guys on the crew".


Sanji was one of the first members of the crew to meet Brook. He was shocked to see a walking and talking skeleton, and questioned Brook on how he came to be. Sanji couldn't understand why Brook seemed so constantly upbeat, telling the skeleton that his life was depressing, but the skeleton laughed him off. After Sanji learns about Brook's connection with Laboon, Sanji joined the rest of the crew in supporting Luffy's decision to recruit him into the crew. Sanji still gets irritated at Brook's immature character traits, including his burping and farting during dinner, and by his lame 'skull jokes'. He also once threatened to attack Brook when the latter laughed at the resemblance between Duval and Sanji's first, hand-drawn wanted poster.[10]

However, Sanji has a lot of similarities to the un-dead musician. Both of them wear suits and act like gentleman and fawn over Nami and Robin, making them the "pervert duo" of the Straw Hats. While they do fight over Nami and Robin's affection, the cook and the skeleton are good friends and were both (along with Kin'emon) very jealous of Momonosuke's "special attention" from the ladies. Brook looks up to Sanji and was in awe when the cook battled Doflamingo and was even prepared to aid him when Sanji was in trouble, but Sanji instead trusted Brook to look after Momonosuke, Nami, and Chopper. Brook was very depressed over the outcome of events in Zou, and insisted on joining Luffy in the Sanji Retrieval Team as he felt responsible for Sanji's capture. Like Robin, Brook was aware of the Vinsmokes and never thought Sanji would be connected to such an infamous family. Along with the others, Brook showed great surprise that Sanji turned dow Purin.

On a more humorous note, Brook was also very jealous of Sanji after meeting Charlotte Purin, Sanji's arranged bride. He was also smitten with Sanji's elder sister, Reiju, and expressed great jealousy towards Luffy after Reiju kissed Luffy to suck poison out of his body.



Sanji initially despised Zeff for attacking for the cruise ship that Sanji was working on as a child. Sanji swore he wouldn't die because he had to find the All Blue; Zeff, overhearing this comment, was greatly impacted by it, and when Sanji was swept overboard, Zeff jumped in after him. Sanji and Zeff were subsequently marooned on a rock for over 80 days, during which time both of them nearly starved to death. After weeks of eating nothing, Sanji decided he would take Zeff's rations, even if that meant killing him; however, he ultimately discovered that Zeff's portion of rations was actually a bag of treasure, and that Zeff and had eaten his own leg in order for Sanji to have all of the food. Overwhelmed, Sanji demanded to know the reason for the pirate's kindness, and Zeff simply replied that it was because he and Sanji shared the same dream. Zeff then confided to Sanji his idea of building a sea-going restaurant, if he ever got rescued. Sanji promised he'd help Zeff run it, to which Zeff said he was too weak, but Sanji replied, "Then I'll become strong".[11]

After their rescue, Zeff practically raised Sanji, teaching him about cooking as well as how to fight like a cook (meaning, without using his hands). Sanji's sense of debt towards Zeff was Luffy's main obstacle in trying to recruit Sanji, and Zeff visibly had tears in his eyes when Sanji did finally leave the Baratie to join the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite their constant bickering and fighting while running the Baratie (with Sanji calling Zeff "shitty geezer" and Zeff calling Sanji "little eggplant"), Sanji considers Zeff as his true father, telling his biological father that "I have a father, but it isn't you!"[12]


Sanji had a habit of getting on everyone's nerves while at the Baratie. In particular, they resented the fact that he was the sous chef (and therefore their superior), despite being the youngest chef in the restaurant. They also found his habit of flirting with female customers annoying, while Patty, in particular, was disturbed by Sanji's frequent attacks against ungrateful customers. Despite this, Sanji's cooking was revered by all of the Baratie's cooks, and the entire cooking staff was upset by his departure. They have kept an eye on his progress through the Grand Line ever since, and have used his former association with the Baratie to promote the restaurant every time his bounty is updated. 


Despite being enemies, Gin also considered Sanji as a friend because he showed him the only act of kindness he ever experienced. Gin was unable to bring himself to finish Sanji off and left on the vow that the pair would try and meet again on the Grand Line if it was ever possible. Sanji is the first person to ever show kindness to Gin, by giving him free food when the pirate was starved and penniless. As such, Gin ultimately cannot kill Sanji, despite his own reputation as a "Man-Demon", and Krieg's orders.


Like the first six of the Straw Hats, Sanji became good friends with Vivi. As with Nami and Robin, Sanji liked to pander to Vivi's every whim, but while Nami reacts with a combination of manipulation and annoyance to his advances, and Robin reacts with politeness, Vivi usually responded with confusion as to what he was doing or simply mistakes his infatuation for just being kind. Like the others, he was saddened when she decided to remain in Alabasta threatening to kill Zoro when he told the crew to get over her absence. Sanji and Vivi also have a connection due to fact they're both the only royalty to sail with the Strawhats as the  Prince and Princess of their respective lands, though Vivi is completely unaware of of Sanji's linage despite attending Reverie when she was a child. Sanji possibly saw this royal connection as he first alluded himself as a prince in Alabasta.


Duval initially hated Sanji because he resembled Sanji's first, hand-drawn wanted poster, which resulted in his being incessantly hunted down by both bounty hunters and Marines. He was wounded in the back by someone who mistook him for Sanji. However, after a defeat during a fight with him, Duval became friends with Sanji because Sanji reshaped his face to make him look handsome. The downside is that Duval's love for his new handsome face, and his reference to Sanji as "young master", gets on Sanji's nerves.

Kamabakka Okamas

Sanji in Hell

Sanji and the Okama people.

Sanji also developed a friendly (of sorts) relationship with the entire populace of Kamabakka Kingdom, not unlike Luffy's own with the Kuja of Amazon Lily, after being sent there against his will by Bartholomew Kuma. Ironically, this bond initially started out as "hell" for Sanji, but later improved overtime as he assimilated (to his chagrin) with their lifestyle. This relationship further bettered upon meeting their then-newly freed leader, Emporio Ivankov, who aided Luffy during the Whitebeard War two years ago. Upon receiving Luffy's disguised message for his crew to lay low and strengthen for the next two years, Sanji spent the period fighting the 99 Okama Kenpo masters to retrieve their recipes for Attack Cuisine. Having succeeded in his task, Sanji was granted a lift back to the Sabaody Archipelago. In response to their pleas for him to visit them again, he gave them the finger and proclaimed he would never return, though he also asked them to thank Ivankov on his behalf. Due to his time on the island, as well as the trauma he experienced from his encounter with Splash and Splatter, he has developed a huge aversion to Okama.


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Sanji and Shirahoshi.

When exploring Fishman Island, Sanji eventually met Princess Shirahoshi. Despite Chopper's pleas against this due to him losing blood at the sight of other mermaids he was instantly turned to stone upon gazing at her. Afterwards Sanji showed to adjust well to her presence, reacting the same way to her as he usually does around Nami and Robin. Shirahoshi seemed unsure and afraid towards his affections, but, because she was good friends with Luffy, she trusted him well.


When exploring the island of Dressrosa, upon in pursuit of a fairy who took Zoro's Shusui, Sanji met a flamenco dancer named Viola who had a grudge on a certain sniper. Naturally, Sanji offers his assistance without hesitation. Not long after that, it was revealed that Violet was one of Doflamingo's underlings, but in spite of being beaten up, Sanji believed that she was serving against her will, and still wanted to help her. She doesn't believe him at first, but realizes that he's being sincere after she uses her Devil Fruit abilities to look into his mind. Consequently, she betrays her underlings and urges Sanji to leave Dressrosa, using her powers to show him that he fell into a trap and giving him a Den Den Mushi to warn Law, and also gives him a map to get to the hidden SAD factory.

G-5 Marines

Sanji became acquainted with the G-5 marines. They seem to respect Sanji quite a lot, especially because he saved Tashigi from the "fake" Vergo. Also much to Zoro’s surprise, they obey his orders to the point that they let him be in command during the fight against Caesar Clown and his subordinates. They refer to him as bro.

Mink Tribe

Due to his group's efforts in saving the Mink Tribe after they were devastated by an attack from Jack, Sanji and his crew are considered as saviors to the minks. Therefore, they formed a harmonic relationship. Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Pedro and Pekoms  feel strongly indebited to Sanji and Wanda even tried to chase after Bege when the gangster forced Sanji away from his crew. Nekomamushi told the Minks who were present not to speak of what just happened or ask the crew, causing Nami to thank him. Sanji was greatly taken with the female Minks and loved the dress they put on Nami, Carrot also likes Sanji, even claming to Purin (when the Yonko daughter admited to being love with the cook) that she loved Sanji too.   

It was also thanks to the strong aura of the Minks that Sanji was able to sense Nekomamushi from outside Bege, and find the perfect moment to to throw he's crew to safety.


Due to Sanji's principles, anyone who treats women and food in a disrespectful manner will earn Sanji's wrath. As revealed during his initial encounter with Duval, Sanji supposedly has many people who bear grudges against him from his time at the Baratie.


Sanji Defeats Fullbody

Sanji attacks anyone who disrespects food.

Like all the Straw Hats, he is wanted by the Marines. Fullbody especially has a personal vendetta against him for what happened at the Baratie. However, this has never been taken seriously; Sanji ruins his date with a woman named Moodie when he corrects Fullbody on the type of wine he and his date were consuming. Fullbody decides to put a fly (Batchee) in his own soup to ruin the restaurant's reputation and to get back at Sanji. However Sanji's continuously smug attitude leads Fullbody to smash the table he is sitting at, prompting a fight with Sanji. He is later shown to have lost horribly, being held dangling from his neck and lectured about wasting food. Fullbody, with his ego in tatters, is later shown fleeing the Baratie. Fullbody swore revenge on that "crazy cook" but his later encounters with the cook have always ended with him fleeing in terror,

The Marines as they do with all Pirates utterly hate Sanji, calling him by his moniker "Black Leg" though before his bounty Zoro joked they see him as just "Pirate A". Sanji couldn't care less about the Navy beating aside trained Marines without hesitation, when Smoker ungratefully yelled at the crew when they pulled him out of the water at Rain Dinners Sanji stated "See this what you get for helping a Marine" but was legitimately surprised when Smoker let them go free. The only exception to Sanji's Navy dislike is the beautiful Tashigi who he saved from Vergo despite their warring factions and Sanji showed some comradely with G-5 Marines who felt indebted to him, Sanji even ordered them around.

Sanji earned a bounty as a result of his piracy. His first bounty poster featured a rather crude image of his face, due to the Marines being unable to get a proper snapshot, much to Sanji's chagrin. The second bounty poster was updated to reflect his true image, although it now features his unique bounty condition ("Only Alive"). After Sanji is revealed to be a member of the Vinsmoke Family, it was revealed that the bounty condition was set by the Marines at the instigation of his father.


Sanji considered Absalom his arch nemesis and is only villain to make Sanji more angry than he's ever been in the series. First the Invisible man crept on board the Sunny and molested Robin and knocked Sanji about, then accosted poor Nami while she bathing and stalked her relentlessly though Thriller Bark only to blocked by Sanji's own shadow getting Absalom angry. And When Absalom finally stole Nami from Usopp and Chopper, Sanji heard the news and burst into flames of angry swearing he kill the invisible man and rushed off the save Nami. Interrupting the marriage and brutally beating Absalom into a pulp, Sanji also revealed he hated Absalom because he eaten Suke Suke no Mi since Sanji dreamed of using it to peep on girls too. Absalom also hates Sanji for keeping Nami from him and "touching his bride", after seeing the cheap tactics of the invisible man, Sanji stated he no longer desired the fruit (since he could just peep on his own). Sanji then imprinted Absalom on a stone wall weakening him so much, that Nami would later finish him off with one attack.

Bartholomew Kuma

However, his biggest enemy is Bartholomew Kuma who sent him to an Okama island for 2 years while sending Luffy to Amazon Lily. Out of the crew, he is the only one who is still bitter about the separation, in spite of learning the truth about Kuma, in spite of Kuma's reasons for it, and even in spite of the dramatic increase in ability it provided.


Sanji is the third son of the prominent and infamous Vinsmoke Family.[13] He has an elder sister, Reiju, and is the third-born of his family's fraternal quadruplet sons.[14][15] His father is the king of the Germa Kingdom, making Sanji the kingdom's third prince (a title he has renounced).[16] Very few people know of this lineage; he never mentioned it even to the Straw Hats, and was shocked when the Firetank Pirates revealed that they knew of his family connections. He has avoided speaking of his family on the few occasions that he was asked about his past, disclosing only that he was born in North Blue.[17]

Sanji has a strained relationship with his whole family,[18] having cut ties with them as a child.[19] Their royal pride and singular focus on strength and warfare conflict with his own dream and his chosen profession as a chef. His brothers used to bully him because of his childhood tendency to cook for others, and his father considered him a disgrace to the family name.[20] After learning of his arranged wedding, Sanji resolved to return to the Germa Kingdom, in part, because he held out hope that his family may have changed or improved since he last saw them; however, these hopes were severely disappointed, with Sanji remarking that they've only gotten worse over the years.[21]

Sanji has also described his family collectively as "insane", after seeing that they had hung up a picture of the Conquest of Four Nations as interior decoration within their castle.[18]

Vinsmoke Judge

Sanji has a particularly antagonistic attitude towards his father, even though his father has been searching for him ever since he left the family.[14] Upon seeing his second wanted poster, Sanji correctly deduced that his new bounty and the new condition of capture ("Only Alive") were his father's doing, thereby indicating the lengths to which he has gone to try and retrieve him.[22][14]

File:Sanji Fights Judge.png

Sanji duels his father

Upon meeting Judge for the first time in 13 years, Sanji called him a "bastard" and refused to acknowledge him as his father; in response, Judge challenged Sanji to settle their issues with their fists.[23] During the duel, Sanji continuously renounced Judge as his father, recalling snippets of his childhood when he begged his father for help against the abuse of his brothers, only to be denied and told he was worthless; he also recalled being locked in a dungeon (and masked) by Judge. During that fight, Sanji forced himself to the realization that he only felt hatred towards his biological father, stating that Judge had never given him a decent memory and that he already had a "real father".[24]

This hatred proves to be mutual between father and son. After the duel, Judge similarly told Sanji that he had never considered Sanji a true son; rather, Judge had only sought him out because he viewed Sanji (unlike his other "valuable sons") as a dispensable means to forge an alliance with Big Mom. He also had no qualms about putting exploding wristlets on Sanji's arms, threatening the hands that Sanji values so much for his cooking in order to prevent him from escaping the wedding.[25]

Judge (like Reiju and Yonji) also showed surprise at Sanji's new found strength, stating his disbelief that Sanji of all people would be able use Haki. He was also surprised that Sanji would dare to kick him, his own father.

Vinsmoke Reiju

Sanji's general hostility towards his family extends to his elder sister, whom he treats coldly during their first meeting in 13 years.[26] Notably, Reiju is the only woman towards whom Sanji shows complete disrespect, including insulting her to her face. Reiju, on the other hand, does not appear to bear the same hostility towards Sanji, and tries to convince him to return to their family.[27]

A large part of Sanji's dislike for his sister is attributable to the fact that, during their childhood, Reiju was largely indifferent or amused by the abuse to which her other brothers were subjecting Sanji. However, her attitude towards Sanji has changed greatly during his 13 year estrangement from their family, notably while watching Sanji duel their father; Reiju was surprised and impressed to see how strong Sanji had become, describing him as a "beast" and complimenting him on his durability after his defeat. She also tended to his injuries after the fight, although this was likely a distraction to allow her to place the exploding wristlets onto his arms without him noticing.[28]

Vinsmoke Ichiji

During their childhood, Ichiji, along with Niji and Yonji, took to abusing Sanji because they saw him as a weakling; he describes Sanji as the "shame of the Vinsmokes", and asks why, despite their common birthday, Sanji is the only "failure" of the family's sons.[29] Thirteen years later, when he is informed that Sanji has arrived at Whole Cake Island, he expresses excitement at the prospect of seeing Sanji again, but is called out as a liar by Niji.[30] When Ichiji returns to the Germa Kingdom in preparation for the wedding, Sanji is shown trembling from a balcony in the Germa royal castle, hinting potentially at traumatic memories he retains from his childhood abuse.[31]

Vinsmoke Niji

As mentioned, NIji, along with Ichiji and Yonji, bullied Sanji when they were all children; Niji laughed after watching Ichiji give Sanji a beating, he told Sanji to get up so that he could "toughen" Sanji up with his own personal training. Thirteen years later, after returning to the Germa Kingdom, Niji expressed annoyance at the fact that Sanji was not there to greet him and Ichiji[32] Sanji, however, was observing from the castle, trembling at potentially traumatic memories from his childhood.[33]

Vinsmoke Yonji

As mentioned, Yonji, along with his two eldest brothers, bullied Sanji when they were all children. However, in their first meeting since their childhood, Sanji shocked Yonji by overpowering his younger brother after a hostile reunion.[18] Yonji had tried to tell Sanji off for defying the wishes of their father and refusing to get married, but Sanji responded by attacking Yonji and damaging his face in the process. Yonji was bitter about this defeat and swore to get revenge on Sanji.[34]

While Yonji's personality is largely the polar opposite of his older brother's, one humorous quirk the two share is a strong attraction to Nami.[35]


Big Mom

As a result of his central role in sealing the political alliance agreed between herself and Sanji's father, Big Mom treats Sanji as a figure of immense value. She is prone to thinking of Sanji with reference to his Vinsmoke heritage, referring to him primarily as "the Germa boy"[36] and ordering her children and subordinates to ensure that no harm comes to him.[37] She and her children also hold his royal heritage in great respect, especially because it is that of the powerful Germa Kingdom; indeed, Charlotte Cracker references this status to try to convince Luffy that Sanji would have no interest in returning to a "lowly pirate crew".[38]

Beyond his political value, however, Big Mom respects Sanji's cooking skills and experience, and his pirating exploits with the Straw Hat crew. She had Baron Tamago extend Sanji a position in her crew if he cooperated with the wedding, but Sanji immediately refused.[39]

Charlotte Purin

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Purin recalls her first meeting with Sanji

Sanji was arranged to be married to Charlotte Purin, Big Mom's 35th daughter.[40] In their first meeting, he was very attracted to her because of her appearance and their mutual love of cooking. Despite expressing a desire to marry her, however, Sanji maintained his refusal and turned her down because he did not want to be forced to leave his crew.[41]

During that first meeting, Purin, in turn, was attracted to Sanji's gentlemanly manners, his strength, and the fact of their common interests. When Purin first encountered the Sanji retrieval team on Cacao Island, she recounted her first meeting with Sanji to the team in a flustered and embarrassed way, leading Nami to ask whether Purin had already fallen in love. Despite her feelings towards Sanji, however, Purin empathized with both his desire to return to his crew, and the crew's desire to get him back; as a result, she chooses to help reunite the crew with Sanji.[42]


  1. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 828 (p. 8-9), Sanji refuses to marry Purin.
  2. One Piece Manga — Vol. 25 Chapter 227 (p. 7).
  3. One Piece Manga — Vol. 42 Chapter 403 (p. 14).
  4. One Piece Manga — Vol. 39 Chapter 373.
  5. One Piece Manga — Vol. 39 Chapter 374.
  6. One Piece Manga — Vol. 36 Chapter 340.
  7. One Piece Manga — Vol. 38 Chapter 359 (p. 18).
  8. One Piece Manga — Vol. 72 Chapter 712 (p. 8).
  9. One Piece Manga — Vol. 67 Chapter 657 (p. 16).
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 495 and Episode 389, Sanji gets furious at Brook for laughing at him due to his resemblance to Duval and threatens to attack him later.
  11. One Piece Manga — Vol. 7 Chapter 58, Sanji's past with Zeff is revealed.
  12. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 832, Sanji reunites with Vinsmoke Judge after 13 years.
  13. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 812 (p. 17), Sanji is revealed to be the third son of the Vinsmoke Family.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 826, Vinsmoke Reiju and Vinsmoke Yonji debut.
  15. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 828, The two eldest sons of the Vinsmoke Family debut.
  16. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 815, Germa 66 is first introduced, and the Vinsmoke Family is named as its commander.
  17. One Piece Manga — Vol. 25 Chapter 227, Sanji reveals that he was born in North Blue, but averted going into detail.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 832 (p. 16-20), Sanji's hostile relationship with his family.
  19. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 824 (p. 18), Sanji states that he cut ties with his father a long time ago.
  20. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 833.
  21. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 833 (p. 21), Sanji expresses his anger and disappointment and finding that his family was worse now than when he'd left them.
  22. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 813 (p. 14), Sanji indicates to Capone that he knows who's behind both the marriage and his new bounty.
  23. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 832.
  24. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 832, Sanji refers to Zeff impliedly as his true father.
  25. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 833.
  26. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 832, Sanji and Reiju talk inside Germa's castle.
  27. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 832, Sanji and Reiju talk inside Germa's castle.
  28. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 833 (p. 23), Reiju cuffs Sanji with exploding wristlets.
  29. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 833 (p. 23).
  30. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 828 (p. 23).
  31. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 838 (p. 23).
  32. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 828 (p. 23).
  33. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 838 (p. 23).
  34. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 833, Yonji receives treatment for the injuries he received from Sanji.
  35. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 826, Yonji exhibits a strong attraction towards Nami in their first meeting, exasperating both Nami and Chopper.
  36. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 827, Big Mom refers to Sanji as "the Germa boy".
  37. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 825, Charlotte Chiffon warns Gotti about the dire consequences of harming Sanji.
  38. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 837, Cracker and Luffy fight.
  39. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 824, Baron Tamago and Sanji discuss Big Mom.
  40. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 812.
  41. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 828.
  42. One Piece Manga — Vol. 83 Chapter 828.

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