One Piece Wiki

Anime note - Jinbe's statement proven false[]

There's this anime note that roughly says that Jinbe claimed that Big Mom killed one of her sons (Moscato) for sweets, but it was later proven to be false. Well, while it does mean "kill", Jinbe actually says "robbed the life" (命を奪う, inochi o ubau) of one of her sons. And that she did; it wasn't enough to kill him like we were made to assume, but it means that Jinbe didn't claim a false statement in any way.

I know this is nitpicking, but it feels strange to me to keep the "proven false" bit, as poor Jinbe didn't lie or anything on that moment... He just used an extremely correct euphemism. Jessica Ilha (talk) 12:20, 7 February 2021 (UTC)
