One Piece Wiki


I think we can confirm that the Samurai from Wano's actual name is Will-O the Wispkinemon ,evident from events that take place in chapter 664.Hordy4040 13:14, April 18, 2012 (UTC)

Nevermind ,just a terrible translation.Hordy4040 13:27, April 18, 2012 (UTC)

His name is Kinemon of Foxfire (狐火の錦えもん). --Klobis 14:41, April 18, 2012 (UTC)

But isn't Will-o'-the-Wisp actually the correct translation of 狐火 (kitsunebi)? Or are there some furigana indicating you'd need to translate 狐 and 火 seperately? -- [ defchris ] · [ Diskussion ] · 23:29, April 18, 2012 (UTC)

There are various eastern folklore that are similar to western ones. Both wotw & kitsunebi are glowing balls of fire carried by spirits, however the origins are different. & I believe the Japanese translation of "Will-o-wisp" would be "demon fire" (鬼火, onibi?).

海賊-姫 23:45, April 18, 2012 (UTC)
I can confirm this. Kitsunebi (lit; Foxfire) is a phenomenon associated with the nine-tailed fox legends, whilst taking the form of mysterious fireballs, they are not will-o-the-wisps as in western culture since they do not have to occur over a lake and are associated more with foxes than lakes. They are also quite highly related to another phenomenon regarding kitsune: the hoshi no tama(lit; ball of stars, or: star ball) which is believed to be linked to the fox's transformation.
On a side note, I would advise against translating kitsunebi no Kinemon as 'Kinemon of foxfire' and reccomend 'Kinemon of the foxfire' or 'Foxfire Kinemon' (comparable to 'Mugiwara no rufi' - 'Strawhat Luffy' or 'Haiena no berami' - 'Bellamy the hyena')Pharap 23:09, June 27, 2012 (UTC)


Unless Oda actually writes that Kinemon has a paramecia, should we really classify him as such? The only reason I'm saying this is because of the legend known as the Tanuki which is known to be able to produce clothes, which Kinemon could very well be. When they're two different possibilities, it's best not to speculate.   Galaxy 9000   04:04, October 3, 2012 (UTC)

After briefly searching for the mythical tanuki (my research for it right now is not very valid, by the way), I found nothing that talked about the Tanuki being able to produce clothes, except of course when you kill it and wear its fur. Couldst thou provide a source? uknownada Talk 04:13, October 3, 2012 (UTC)
