One Piece Wiki


The name came from One Piece Green: Secret Pieces, page 322. So can we use it yet? Yatanogarasu 00:59, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Make it easy, move Marco's Devil Fruit to here. Saves time from typing everything out again. Yatanogarasu 01:00, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
I say go ahead and move it. I just tried to move it actually, but I don't know how to move it back to an old redirect. If you can, it's all yours.DancePowderer 01:09, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Done~! MasterDeva 13:07, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Marco's Devil Fruit Not Tori Tori no Mi

There's nothing about a "トリトリの実 モデル:不死鳥" in this text.

Man, I was pumped up when I read about this source. But I must be blind! In Secret 553, there's only the Mera Mera no Mi being mentioned, but NOT Marco's fruit. P. 321 nothing... p. 323 nothing either.

The proof is on the right... -- [ defchris ] · [ Diskussion ] · 14:07, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah Defchris is right. --Klobis 14:23, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Alright, I misread. Sheesh! Yatanogarasu 16:45, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Can someone give a better look at this page?

Looks like there are some fake info and also lack of sources

SirrAndy (talk) 04:47, February 14, 2020 (UTC)

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fire[]

I'm opening this section to discuss the addition of this trivia, which has been controversial (wording may differ, it's just about the overall connection):

Fire is used in traditional chinese medicine practices such as fire therapy (火疗) (you could include cupping therapy (拔罐) and fire needle acupunture (火针) in this too), in which alcohol is used to fuel the fire, producing a blue and yellow flame.

There is a connection between fire being used in therapies and that fire being a blue flame with yellow tones.

Another connection:

In traditional chinese medicine, one way disease patterns are characterized is using the Six Excesses (六淫), one of which is Cold (寒). Symptoms characterized by this Cold can be relieved by warmth, such as in fire therapy.

Marco's fire's warmth (analogue of the fire therapies) relieving the Ice Oni (the Cold) effects could be a reference to this way of understanding disease by traditional chinese medicine. StoopidGuy (talk) 15:02, 3 January 2022 (UTC)

Some links to information in English:

On 六淫: On 火疗: On 拔罐: It has a section about Fire cupping, one of the TCM practices (as in reference 23 of the article) and a section on traditional chinese medicine as a whole, if you're interested. But 火疗 is the technique that better connects to Marco. StoopidGuy (talk) 15:36, 3 January 2022 (UTC)
