One Piece Wiki

Infobox Image

Should I add Sanji as the info-box image? Something better than nothing. Yata Talk to me 22:30, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

We can use Sanji for now & make a proper infobox later when they're introduced. We could use Sanji's father, since he seems to be the patriarch. It's also possible that they have an insignia, as these sorts of families sometimes do.

海賊☠姫 (talk) 22:45, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah, that'd be good. We can also put Big Mom in the Charlotte Family infobox. Kaido | Remnants of My Broken Sig 02:10, January 29, 2016 (UTC)


Okay, I wanna bring this up here. How is this NOT an Easter Egg? Rei(0)ju and Yon(4)ji's names, combined with San(3)ji's name, all make up the number of Sanji's first appearance. Oda could have used ANY other number, like Eichiju or Niji. But instead, he introduced the Vinsmoke Family with numbers that correspond to that specific chapter. No "rhyme or reason" for the numbers? I don't think that it's just a coincidence that Oda would choose these SPECIFIC numbers to introduce the family in. Oda very often has Easter Eggs in One Piece, and this is just one in the form of a chapter title corresponding to the family. Specifically, the way the family was introduced. uknownada Talk 08:14, May 21, 2016 (UTC)

100% agree. He chooses any two numbers and they just happen to complement San-ji to make his appearance chapter? Oda doesn't do accidents like that.

It's recommended to throw away socks after a year 10:32, May 21, 2016 (UTC)

It's just as silly as the "Gear Fourth was introduced in Chapter 783 which is the chapter where Gear Second was introduced backwards (387). There are just so many ways to manipulate numbers that any sort of chapter number trivia is banal. The only evidence of Oda structuring his story around a chapter number is chapter 100, where he rushed Loguetown so they would enter the Grand Line in it. "Oda could have used ANY other number, like Eichiju (sic) or Niji" - obviously they have a different role in the story and need to be introduced later, like how Mr. 1 and Mr.2 were introduced long after Mr. 8, Mr. 9 and Mr.0. 12:03, May 21, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah, what the AWC said. This is just reaching, the "0" doesn't even factor in at all. Awaikage Talk 12:16, May 21, 2016 (UTC)

It's not much of a reach since it's something that can actually be discovered in the first glance. When I noticed these specifics numbers, I wondered what chapter Sanji first appeared in. Did a quick search, and it's true. I don't think it's the same as the Gear Fourth thing, since I'm pretty sure nobody ever noticed that unless they paid REALLY close attention. This trivia doesn't require as much attention. "0" DOES factor in the trivia, too. It's not usually written, but there's an infinite amount of zeros before the 43. We just don't write them.
Besides, what's wrong with having specific coincidences like this in the trivia? It's not very broad and it lines up extremely well. Even if Oda didn't intend it, it still seems worth noting. uknownada Talk 06:20, May 23, 2016 (UTC)

The problem is you rearrange the number to suit the trivia. If you go by that so other orders should be consider:

  • Chapter 034 (Numbers in ascending order) - Kuro's plan revealed.
  • Chapter 40 (The current family members introduction order to date) - Usopp Pirates disbanded.
  • Chapter 304 (Nicest in descending order)- Introducing Long Ring Long Land and teasing the Foxy Pirates.
  • Chapter 340 (The entire family introduction order to date)- Robin leaving the Straw Hat Pirates and Sanji goes after her.
  • Chapter 403 (Nicest in ascending order)- Sanji vs Kalifa.
  • Chapter 430(Numbers in descending order)- Marry's funeral.

Chapters 340 (Sanji's working alone) and 403 (Sanji won't Hit a woman!) are also relevant so they should be consider as well. However, in the upcoming chapters we will probably be introduced to other family members and apparently the number in a name is standard, we know that there is at least two other brothers (1 and 2), and we don't have five digits chapter number, I think we're jumping to conclusions to soon. Rhavkin (talk) 07:28, May 23, 2016 (UTC)

Can't help but notice that Chapter 043 doesn't have a reason for that numbering order, and he even include nicest order (lol) 07:33, May 23, 2016 (UTC)

The entire family introduction order to date in revered order. Rhavkin (talk) 12:30, May 23, 2016 (UTC)


Vinsmoke as a portmanteau of vin (French for wine) and smoke seems logical enough to me, but looks like we're going to have to discuss it like we discuss literally everything on this site.

It's recommended to throw away socks after a year 13:59, May 28, 2016 (UTC)

Speculation still.  Fanta Talk  14:03, May 28, 2016 (UTC)
