One Piece Wiki

For the Marine Vice Admiral, see Tsuru.

O-Tsuru is a tea house owner who lives in the Kuri region in Wano Country.[2]


Tsuru has dark hair tied into a bun with a crane hair pin. She has a prominent nose and lipstick. She wears a kimono with cranes on them and a large ribbon with polka dots in the back.[2]


Tsuru is a kind woman capable of showing gratitude. After Zoro rescued her from some of Kaido's thugs, she quickly offered to repay him, and that she sneaked aboard Komachiyo's tail when Zoro and Luffy retreated in order to not lose sight of them. Upon seeing Tama in serious condition, Tsuru offered to help her.[2]She may get angry as Tama refuses to eat the dish she has prepared for her.[3]

Des relations

Kozuki Family

She seems nostalgic of the days when the Kozuki Family ruled over Kuri. [4]


En tant qu'employé sous Tsuru, Kiku écoute ses ordres. [2]

Roronoa Zoro

Tsuru était très reconnaissant à Roronoa Zoro de l'avoir sauvée et voulait rembourser sa dette. Elle a offert de soigner ses blessures et elle l'appelle "Sir Green". Elle a également été impressionné de la façon dont Zoro et Monkey D. Luffy a réussi à conjurer Basil Hawkins . [2]


Tsuru sait Tama et Omniscient elle a bu d'une rivière contaminée après la voir dans un état gravement malade, elle a voulu la traiter dans sa maison de thé au lieu de l'emmener chez un médecin. [2]

Abilities and Powers

As the owner of the tea house in Okobore Town, Tsuru has the highest authority within the establishment. She is knowledgeable of herbs, utilizing Jagan Grass (邪含草, Jagan-sō?) to brew a medicinal tea to heal Tama from the poison she ingested.[2]


Wano Country Arc

At a wasteland in the Kuri region, Tsuru was assaulted by Kaido's thugs until Roronoa Zoro came to her rescue. She wanted to repay him, but Zoro was only interested in booze.[1]

She then hid in Komachiyo's tail as Zoro and Monkey D. Luffy were confronted by Basil Hawkins and his men. When the komainu dragged the two Straw Hats away from the battle, she introduced herself to them. Upon seeing Tama in critical condition, she asked them to bring Tama to her tea shop where she could make medicine for her. They later arrived at Okobore Town.[2]

After healing Tama, Tsuru gave her some delicious foods to eat. Tsuru then told Luffy and Zoro the story about Okobore Town before Zoro saved her from an arrow fired by the gifter Batman. During the confusion, Tama was abducted by Gazelleman. As Zoro and Luffy joined Kiku and Komachiyo in the pursuit, Tsuru was amazed by Luffy's ability to stretch.[5]


  • Tsuru (?) is Japanese for "crane."
  • Her name is based on Tsuru no Ongaeshi (鶴の恩返し?, lit. "Crane's Return of a Favor"), a story from Japanese folklore about a crane who returns a favor to a man.
  • Tsuru's appearance is reminiscent of people in Ukiyo-e paintings.


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 912 (p. 15), Tsuru makes her debut.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 913 (p. 14), Tsuru is introduced.
  3. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 914 (p. 5).
  4. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 914 (p. 10).
  5. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 914.

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