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Ulti[2] is one of the Tobiroppo, the strongest six Headliners of the Beasts Pirates.[3]


Ulti Portrait

A close up of Ulti's face.

Ulti is a fairly tall woman with long legs. She has long, dark hair with round, light-streaked locks and a pair of large horns on the sides of her head resembling bull horns. Her eyes are very large and round, with light irises and pronounced lashes, and she wears an embroidered mask over her mouth and nose.[3]

For clothing, Ulti wears a short, light, long-sleeved dress with a bow around the collar, a long, dark cape with furry edges that goes to near the ground, and dark, high-heeled shoes.[3]


Ulti is a bold, rude, and short-tempered young woman, not one to back down from a verbal quarrel and regularly threatening violence against those who annoy her. Somewhat fickle, she is shown acting friendly and trying to come off as refined, mature one moment, then yelling whilst dangerously blunt the next. Not even the likes of Queen or Kaido, both her direct superiors (and the latter of whom most crew members seem at least somewhat afraid of), are safe from her vitriol, implying that she does not fear them at all, even to her fellow Tobiroppo's shock. Also, Ulti has no issue with generally acting in a highly casual manner towards Kaido, expressing loud, girly glee during their reunion.[3][4]

Ulti seems to like speaking maturely, ending most of her sentences with "de-arinsu" (でありんす?), a polite expression meaning "to be" that is associated with geisha (which becomes a generally sophisticated register in the Viz translation). According to Page One, this verbal habit is new as an attempt of hers to sound like a fancy lady. When she snaps, however, Ulti's tone shifts to that of a bratty child.[3][4]



Page One

It is currently unknown whether Ulti and Page One are siblings by blood or not, though either one seems to acknowledge the other as their sibling, Page One specifically referring to Ulti as "elder sister".[5] Ulti has been shown to be extremely protective of Page One, whom to his annoyance she calls "Pay-tan" (ペーたん, Pē-tan?, VIZ: "Pay-Pay"), "-tan" being a more diminutive version of the name suffix "-chan" (usually used to address females or children in a "cute", affectionate manner). This does not, however, fully safeguard Page One from the same antagonism Ulti extends to the rest of her crew. While generally speaking less rudely to him, her treatment of Page One is rather volatile, ranging from supportive to demanding to outright violent, usually escalating the more he tries to rebuff her.[3][6]

Ulti seems more overtly attached to Page One than the other way around, to her brother's annoyance. She was shown chasing him in their search for Kaido's son, at one point latching onto and forcing him to give her a piggyback ride.[6]


Ulti seems to be on good terms with Kaido, her manner of speaking to him being affectionate yet almost brazenly casual, to Page One's dismay (though still addressing him with the honorific "-sama"). Seeming to lack fear of her general, Ulti has shown no issue with being insulting to him, calling his apparent summoning of the Tobiroppo "dumb" for what she deemed "another family problem", even to Kaido's own face, which Kaido seemed unfazed by.[3][4]

Despite her lack of formal reverence towards Kaido, Ulti ultimately respects her general and believes that he and only he will become the Pirate King, seeming offended by Monkey D. Luffy declaring that he would gain the title.[7]

Abilities and Powers

As one of the Tobiroppo, Ulti holds great authority in the Beast Pirates, with only Kaido and the All-Stars ranking above her. As a Tobiroppo, she is regarded as one of the six strongest Headliners.[3]

Physical Abilities

Ulti possesses tremendous physical strength that is unmatched by most people. Her main fighting style relies on headbutting opponents, and with her great strength and durability she is capable of unleashing blows so powerful that her crewmates compare them to a cannon blast, and they believed she had almost certainly broken Luffy's skull when she clashed with him. She was able to physically overpower Luffy, an immensely powerful and accomplished pirate, in a headbutting clash, though he ultimately emerged with little injury.[7]

Ulti does not appear to be very fast, as she was caught off-guard when Luffy rushed to attack her at rapid speed and was unable to do anything against Yamato's quick Raimei Hakke strike.[7] She also got tired when running through Kaido's mansion to look for Yamato, and so forced Page One to carry her.[6]


  • Ul-Zugan (ウル頭銃ズガン, Uru Zugan?, Literally meaning "Ul Head Gun"): Ulti jumps into the air and rears her head back before covering her forehead in Busoshoku Haki and slamming it forward into her target's head. The force of the attack is so great that some Beasts Pirates compare it to a cannon shot, likely to pulverize the target's skull. It was first seen used against Luffy, and although it physically overpowered him it did not cause him any real injuries. This attack is called Ulti-Mortar in the VIZ translation.[7]
  • Ulti Meteor Cannon: A more powerful version of Ul-Zugan used by Ulti in her hybrid form, she tries to use it on Luffy but Yamato knocks her out before she can use it.

Devil Fruit

Further information: Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus
File:Ryu Ryu no Mi Model Pachycephalosaurus Hybrid Form.png

Ulti in her pachycephalosaurus hybrid form.

Ulti ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows her to transform into a pachycephalosaurus at will. With this fruit, her already tremendous physical strength is increased further, to the point where she could grab Luffy and quickly immobilize him despite the pirate being immensely strong himself. The front part of her skull is also enhanced greatly, likely tremendously increasing the power of her headbutts, though how powerful they are has yet to be seen. Ulti's crewmates consider her transformation to be overkill against most opponents, and she uses it against opponents she takes seriously.[7]


Further information: Haki

Ulti possesses both Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki. She was shown using the former to enhance the power of her attacks, and with the latter she was able to sense Luffy's Haki and realize that he was still alive after she attacked him. She was also able to sense Yamato coming toward her, but could not avoid his attack.


Wano Country Arc

Ulti with the other Tobiroppo arrived at Onigashima during the annual Fire Festival. Kaido had them brought into his fortress[1] and, as they waited to meet with him, Queen tried to get them involved in the festivities, to Ulti's derision. Ulti questioned why Kaido wanted to meet with them and asked if he was "dumb", which immediately caused the other Tobiroppo to react with sharp disapproval.[3] When Kaido arrived, he gave them the mission of finding his son Yamato, saying he would let them battle one of the All-Stars for their position if they succeeded.[4]

While searching for Yamato inside Kaido's castle, Ulti tagged along with Page One and forced him to carry her when she grew tired of running. After causing him to tumble down some stairs, they encountered Monkey D. Luffy.[6] When Luffy said he was going to become the Pirate King, Ulti angrily responded that Kaido would take that title as she headbutted him. After a brief clash, Ulti managed to send Luffy crashing into the floor, but she sensed that he was unharmed and so transformed into her pachycephalosaurus hybrid form. Luffy emerged from his crater and rushed toward Ulti and Page One, and before they could react, he grabbed hold of Ulti's horns and used them to slam her into the ground before attacking Page One. Ulti then grabbed Luffy's arms and prepared to headbutt him in her hybrid form while Luffy prepares to transform into his Gear 4, but Yamato rushed in and struck her with his kanabo, knocking her out.[7]

Major Battles


  • Ulti is likely named after the Hungarian card game of the same name, fitting with the card game-based naming scheme of the Headliners.
  • Curiously, Ulti's name comprises half hiragana, half katakana.
  • She is the first known female who is an Ancient Zoan user.


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 977 (p. 16-17), Ulti walks in with the other members of the Tobiroppo.
  2. One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 982, Ulti's name is romanized.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 978 (p. 15-17), Ulti is formally introduced along with the other Tobiroppo members.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 979.
  5. One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 978 (p. 16), Page One refers to Ulti as "elder sister".
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 982.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 One Piece Manga — Vol. 97 Chapter 983.

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