(sigh) Why am I not surprised about Sanji’s current predicament? He really needs to improve his Kenbunshoku Haki, maybe learn how to see into the future like Luffy. I’m not going to waste my energy being upset about this. At least we all can take comfort in the fact that Sanji is not going to die because of plot armor. So what’s next for Sanji? Is he going to lay there helpless until someone or something comes to his rescue? Or can he escape on his own without any help? If it’s the second one, then good. If not, then Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbe will be my new favorite trio.
And while Sanji falls into a trap, Zoro takes down Apoo, got the antidote (hopefully it’s the real deal), and destroys Queen’s gatling gun. Thus, Zoro gets more win points in this chapter. However, this is far from over and who knows what other weapons Queen may have. Sanji better get his act together and do more than just rescuing Momonosuke if he wants to keep his bragging rights about having a higher bounty.
It’s a good thing Chopper figures out how the Ice Oni virus works and since Marco is too late to stop Big Mom, the next best thing he can do is use his fire to contain the infection.
With Big Mom on the roof of the Skull Dome, this spells more doom for the Scabbards (assuming they’re still alive).
And I really was not expecting Kaido to lift the entire Onigashima island. When he said that he was planning to move his base, I didn’t think he meant literally. Hopefully, the island won’t be over a populated area when Kaido is taken down.