One Piece Wiki

hi this is Gomuking this is my fruit concept. So i am thinking about fruit it is called Mizu Mizu no mi it is a legendary fruit that is worth 5,00,203,234 barries. it is a fruit that is a counter to all DF except op op no mi. Mizu Mizu is a logia and you can use haki with your attack .(Now am doing 1 attack so) .

water gauntlet: a water orb that froms around your fist and you charge it up and shoot it from that orb and it shoots lighting fast.The pressure of the attack is 294 psi so it will crush you and i am just naming 1 in this paragraph .The next paragraph i will list some moves and Awakening.YOU CAN ONLY FIND IT IN FISHMAN LSLAND IT IS A 0.1111111 PERCENT% (Also i will draw a preson and hes name is rain)
