One Piece Wiki

Roman à Klef Roman à Klef 20 June 2017

Questions on My Mind

Over the course of these past two arcs, a few plot points have been set up that interest me greatly, but don't seem to have been discussed much on the wiki.

The "Magic Wand"- The one part of Nami's previous Clima-Tact that Usopp couldn't integrate into the new one. I can see two ways that this could become relevant; a. The absence of the wand negatively impacts Nami's ability to fight, or b. It somehow ends up being useful to Usopp and the Wano team. So far, its absence doesn't seem to have affected the Clima-Tact's performance, but with a big battle on the way, that could soon change. On the second point, I have a theory. Since Usopp, gadgeteer extraordinaire, couldn't figure out how the wand works, I wondered if Franky might be able to do…

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