I just copied the idea from some other wiki : I'm sure it will be very good ( If we are creative enough ! )
This is a game :
How to play :
King of the Hill ! |
Example :
B: I run towards the hill : My Hill!
A: I use sishin-senson : blow B away : My Hill!
C: Transport A to hell ! My Hill!
A: My soul stabs C : MH!
....................................... and so on !
- Have fun .....guys/......girls/......what ever ! 彡•Roranoa zoro [Talk] ✯05:36,3/29/2011
Read this ![]
- I'm taking back all my replies that say " u are not allowed to claim the hill "
- Please stop replying to comments
[new guideline] : While claiming the hill from someone else : Please try to relate ur reason u give to the "How u escaped the previous reason's effects ! Thanks ! |