- Usopp Tactics
- Ginga Pachinko
- Kabuto
- Kuro Kabuto
Usopp, being a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, has had to face more than one strong opponent. However, in contrast to most of the crew who specialize in superhuman feats of strength, he instead uses a number of weapons and gadgets in order to keep up with them. These weapons, along with his lies and sniping skills, give him a completely unique fighting style of his own, a trickery-based fighting style which amazes even his fellow crew members. This page lists and details each and every weapon in Usopp's arsenal. It also provides any details of the attacks that come along with them.
Usopp's first and foremost weapon is his ability to lie. Derived from his constant lying about pirates invading every day in his hometown as well as telling outlandish adventure stories to entertain his friends in Syrup Village, Usopp has developed a knack for telling tall tales. These lies are always ridiculously unbelievable, and only the extremely naïve or gullible ever take them at face value, for example his own crewmates, Luffy and Chopper.
However, despite their unbelievability, his lies have sometimes come true. One example is his lie about meeting a giant goldfish whose feces was so big and long that he accidentally landed on it, mistaking it for an island. This lie later ironically became true as he and the other Straw Hats encountered such a goldfish, known as Island Eater, as they departed from Little Garden.[1][2]
His lies also played a major role in his skill for salesmanship, to which Usopp succeeds at pawning off common objects like novelties, such as rubber bands to several Shandians in Skypiea and toad oil to the people of Wano Country. He was able to acquire Dials when trading the rubber bands.
Regardless of their absurdity, Usopp's lies have been surprisingly useful on more than one occasion, and have the capability to be just as effective as any other weapon in his arsenal. In fact, most of the foes that Usopp has fought so far were actually gullible enough to fall for his lies. Usopp also uses deception to a certain extent when he openly declares that he is going to fire a specific projectile at a target, when in actuality, he is using a different one. Mr.5 and Perona both fell for this, and it resulted in defeat for the latter. Listed here are lie-based techniques that appear more like attacks but in reality are not.
- Captain Usopp (キャプテン・ウソップ, Kyaputen Usoppu?): In order to intimidate an enemy and scare it away, Usopp uses this lie to convince the opponent to run away from a huge crew of 8000 men under Usopp's command (sometimes more, but usually multiples of 8). The only ones known to believe this lie are Luffy, Chopper and Jango, who become amazed by the lie until someone else revealed the trick to him. This was first seen when Luffy met Usopp for the first time.[3]

Usopp pretends to die using Ketchup Boshi.
- Ketchup Boshi (ケチャップ星, Kechappu Boshi?, literally meaning "Ketchup Star"): A defensive move where Usopp splatters himself with a small ketchup bomb so that it looks like he is covered in blood. This deceives the opponent into thinking he is injured or dead and causes them to drop their guard. Usopp can then use that advantage of their lowered guard to run away or launch a sneak attack. This was first seen being used by Usopp in an attempt to escape from Chew,[4] which was cut out of the 4kids dub. This is called Ketchup Star in the VIZ translation and Funimation adaptations.
- Usopp Wagomu (ウソップ輪ゴーム, Usoppu Wagōmu?, literally meaning "Usopp Rubber Band"): Usopp threatens his opponent by stretching a rubber band at them. He can either release it like a slingshot (most effective when his opponent is very close to him), or run away while they flinch. Usopp Rubberband has become a running joke in the series—any time Usopp is releasing many attacks in quick succession, he will always insert a quick rubber band attack for good measure. In the English versions, this is called Usopp's Rubber Band of Doom. This was first seen being successfully used against Chew.[4]
- Serious Power (本気パワー, Honki Pawā?): Usopp uses this lie as an excuse that he was not yet at full capacity after someone helps him. Usopp first used this as a lie saying that he was just about to use his serious power when he was unable to carry Dalton and Zoro had to help him. This lie is not effective.[5] He used it again in a non-canon line in the anime while racing Zoro up some stairs.[6] This technique was not named in the VIZ translation or Funimation dub.
- Usopp Spell (ウソップ
呪文 , Usoppu Superu?): In order to distract an opponent, Usopp describes out loud some wince-inducing situations like "Five Ulcers form on your Gums!" to unnerve anyone in earshot. The only people it is known to have any effect on at all are Nami, himself to a certain degree, and Chopper. This was first seen being used against Enel, even though it had no affect on him.[7] In the VIZ translation, this is called Usopp Voodoo and in the Funimation adaptations it is called Usopp Spell[7] but later changed to Usopp Voodoo in the dub.[8]
After the timeskip, Usopp states that he does not need to lie as often, as he can now do what he claims. However, he did lie to Chopper at one point during their journey to Fish-Man Island, so he is clearly still willing to do so even if he does not need to.[citation needed] During the Dressrosa Arc, Usopp's ability to lie proved useful in turning the Tontatta Tribe into allies when he lied to them about being a descendant of the hero Mont Blanc Noland, causing the dwarves to view him as a hero due to their gullibility.[9]

Usopp scares Sugar into unconsciousness.
- Hissatsu Ganmen Bikkuri Bako (必殺顔面ビックリ箱, Hissatsu Ganmen Bikkuri Bako?, literally meaning "Sure-Kill Face Jack-in-the-Box"):[10] A horrifying face made by Usopp after Sugar gave him the spicy Tatababasco, believing it to be poison. The spice caused his eyeballs and tongue to roll and twist as he released a combination of blood, mucus, tears, and fiery breath. The sight of Usopp's face was so terrifying that it caused Sugar to immediately fall unconscious.[11] When Viola later informed Usopp that Sugar had eventually awoken, he was shocked that she awoke from his "attack" so soon, believing it would keep her unconscious for 2–3 days. However, it still left Sugar with a traumatic fear of Usopp as well things that reminded her of him, like long noses and sausages.[10] This is called Special Facial Jack in the Box in the VIZ translation and Special Facial Jack-in-the-Box Technique in the Funimation adaptations.
- Nihogari no Uso-hachi (二胞狩りのウソ八, Nihōgari no Usohachi?): A bluff Usopp came up with during the raid on Onigashima, Usopp intimidated and distracted the low ranking Beasts Pirates members by claiming to have single-handedly defeated the siblings Page One and Ulti, two of the six Tobbiroppo who were amongst the strongest in the crew. Due to the news of their defeat being public knowledge, it added veracity to his claim. He also took responsibility of the waves of Supreme King Haki being emitted and knocking out the enemy, though this was actually being emitted from Charlotte Linlin, who was fighting close by. As a result of both lies, Usopp is made out to be much more intimidating than he actually is.[12] This is called Usohachi the Sibling-Hunter in the English adaptations.
- Drive Shoot (ドライブシュート, Doraibu Shūto?): Used in the Dream Soccer King feature of the anime adaptation. It is basically a totally ordinary kick, but Usopp's dynamic name for it and his confident delivery were enough to make Koby (acting as goalie) fumble the ball.
- Usopp Dash (ウソップダッシュ, Usoppu Dasshu?): Usopp flees from his opponent at great speed. He claims this is his last resort. It was first used to escape from Baccarat in One Piece Film: Gold.
While Usopp is not necessarily skillful with a hammer, he can use it as a weapon to a certain degree. The following are techniques that are hammer related.
- Usopp Hammer (ウソップハンマー, Usoppu Hanmā?): Using his ordinary work hammer, Usopp bashes his opponent on the head. Not a very powerful attack, given Usopp's physical weakness, but it can be repeated many times for a dangerously frenzied attack. He would not attack his opponent head-on like this, but rather if they are unaware or unable to move. This was first seen being used to defeat Chew.[4]

Usopp pounds Mr. 4.
- Usopp Pound (ウソップ
粉砕 , Usoppu Paundo?, literally meaning "Usopp Pulverization"): Usopp uses a massive and intimidating "5-Ton Hammer" to strike a target. However, the hammer is actually just two frying pans bolted to a stick covered with paper mache, with a total weight of 2 kg, that Usopp had hurriedly put together at a moments notice. It is a potent psychological weapon, as Mr. 4 was so convinced by Usopp's description of it that he went down after one blow. However, he recovered almost immediately when Lassoo destroyed it and revealed that it was fake.[13] This was first used against Mr.4. - Hissatsu Uso-Cho Hammer Suisei (必殺ウソッチョハンマー彗星, Hissatsu Uso-Cho Hanmā Suisei?, literally meaning "Sure-Kill Uso-Cho Hammer Comet"): A combo attack with Tony Tony Chopper. Chopper transforms into his Horn Point form and Usopp uses Chopper's antlers and a large rubber band as a slingshot to fire Usopp's work hammer at an opponent with tremendous force. This technique is simply called Hammer Shooting Star in the 4Kids adaption, Killer Usopp's Hammer Shooting Star in the VIZ translation, Usopp-Chopper Attack: Hammer Comet in the Funimation dub, Uso-Cho Hammer Comet in the Funimation subs, and Uso-Cho Hammer Shooting Star in the Funimation dub of Movie 8. This was first seen being used against Mr. 4 and his dog, Lassoo, after he knocked out his partner.[14] Usopp in the Grand Battle games (Rush and Adventure) is able to use this on his own with a giant version of his slingshot as one of his super moves.

Usopp using a "10-Ton Hammer".
- Usopp Golden Pound (ウソップゴールデンパウンド, Usoppu Goruden Paundo?): A technique in which Usopp uses a "10-Ton Hammer". The hammer is almost identical to the five-ton hammer in appearance, but it is much larger. While the hammer looks intimidating, it is actually a giant balloon on a stick. This was first seen being used against Perona. Terrified by Usopp's sudden burst of strength and abilities, Perona instantly fainted the moment Usopp was about to smash her with this hammer. Though the balloon popped upon impact, the shock was too much for Perona. In the anime, the stick of this hammer was depicted as also being inflatable.[15]
- Uso 100-Ton Hammer (ウソ100トンハンマー, Uso Hyaku-Ton Hanmā?):[16] In One Piece Film Z, Usopp uses a variation of his Pound attack using a 100-ton hammer. Although the ideal weight is twenty times his 5-ton hammer, it has about the same dimensions. This hammer was also seen after his battle with Sugar and Trebol.[17]
- Further information: Dials

Usopp's bag of Dials.
During the crew's time in Skypiea, Usopp received a collection of Dials by trading with novelties such as rubber bands and other items the natives of Skypiea had never seen before.[18] Since then, Usopp has made use of them in a variety of ways such as coming up with inventions that appear to involve Dials like the Perfect Clima-Tact and the Kabuto. The following listed here are the known Dials which he has used singly in battle or other places.
- Tone Dial (
音貝 , Tōn Daiaru?): A Dial used for the storage of sounds, it was used to prank Zoro while the Straw Hats were on Skypiea.[19] - Breath Dial (
風貝 , Buresu Daiaru?): A Dial that is normally used to store and release air and gases. This was first used by Usopp during the Donut Race portion of the Davy Back Fight.[20] Unfortunately, it wasn't powerful enough to make the raft go any faster than using the oars would. This Dial was also used in the battle against Luffy and was used to store flammable gas. Before the battle began, Usopp hid the Dial on the battlefield. When enough of the gas had been released, Usopp ignited it with a Kaen Boshi, causing him, Luffy, and the entire beach to be swallowed up in a massive explosion.[21] A Breath Dial is also installed in the Kabuto to enhance its shots.[22] - Flavor Dial (
匂貝 , Fureibā Daiaru?): A Dial that can store smells and aromas, along with other types of gases. One of these dials Dial was used in the G-8 filler Arc in the escape attempt by Straw Hats from G-8 prison. To destroy the Seastone prison bars, instead of using the Impact Dial, Sanji picked up a Flavor Dial from Usopp's pocket and released a foul-smelling gas. A nearby lamp ignited the flammable gas and created an explosion that destroyed the prison bars.

Usopp using the Impact Dial against Luffy.
- Impact Dial (
衝撃貝 , Inpakuto Daiaru?): A Dial that absorbs any blows directed to it and can release them back at the attacker. Usopp can use this to absorb a powerful blow such as Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Bazooka and release it back at the original source or any other opponent. The downside is that the recoil from the released energy is akin to the original blow. It always causes Usopp pain to use and he always comments "I thought my arm was gonna break" after usage. This was first used by Usopp in the Donut Race portion of the Davy Back Fight.[21][20] In the anime, this was first seen being used by Usopp to help the Straw Hats escape from the G-8 Marine base. Usopp uses this Dial rarely and only in extreme cases because it hurts his arm. - Flash Dial (
閃光貝 , Furasshu Daiaru?): A Dial that stores light. By pressing it, Usopp can release the stored light in the form of a blinding flash. This was first seen being used against Luffy in their battle.[21]
Sniper Goggles[]
Sniper Goggles are a pair of goggles from the North Blue that Usopp had in his possession. He was first seen wearing them in Chapter 98 and Episode 50.
Although unseen in the manga, Usopp buys a pair in Loguetown.[23] In the anime, he won them in a sniping contest against Daddy Masterson.
The Sniper Goggles have sunglasses to eliminate glare of the sun when he is aiming and can also rotate. Mr. 2 stole the goggles in order to impersonate Usopp, but Sanji defeated him and retrieved them, though they were damaged. Regardless, they were repaired. When Usopp wore his Sogeking mask, he placed them in the eye holes.
After his time in the Boin Archipelago, Usopp had replaced them with another pair of goggles.[24] When not in use, he keeps them around his neck. It is unknown what happened to his original pair.
Other Equipment[]
Aside from weapons, Usopp possesses a variety of equipment which he uses to aid him. These range from caltrops to blackboards and many of which are Usopp's inventions. These equipment, while often comical, sometimes provide Usopp with an edge over his opponents, no matter how strong they are.
However, as the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, Usopp focuses on long-range weapons like his Pop Green. As stated by himself on Onigashima, he does not have a lot of close-ranged weapons (mainly his Dials and Hammers), leading him to use some of his long-ranged tools at close-range, causing danger to both him and his allies.[25]
The following are techniques that involve this equipment.
- Makibishi Jigoku (まきびし地獄, Makibishi Jigoku?, literally meaning "Caltrop Hell"): Usopp drops a trail of sharp caltrops on the ground to discourage large groups from following or as a trap. Usopp can also lend some of these to a friend so they can also attack with them as well. Unfortunately, if he or the one he lends them to does not watch carefully where they throw these caltrops, they can be hindered by the caltrops instead. Usopp was first seen using these against the Black Cat Pirates.[26] In the VIZ translation and Funimation adaptations, this attack is called Caltrop Hell, while in the 4Kids dub, it is simply called Caltrops.
- Usopp Noise (ウソップノイズ, Usoppu Noizu?): Usopp plugs his ears, pulls out a small blackboard and rakes his nails across it to make is opponent flinch so he can escape or launch a surprise attack. In the 4Kids dub, this is called Chalkboard Nail Scratch, but in the English version of One Piece: Grand Battle! Rush!, it is called Usopp Screech, while in the Funimation dub this called Noisy Attack (while the subs keep the original name). This was first seen used against some Baroque Works agents in order to protect Vivi.[27]
- Usopp AAaaaAAAaaaAA! (ウソップアーアアー, Usoppu Aāaaā?): Usopp dons a special belt that can fire a grappling hook for him to swing from tree to tree with. However, Usopp forgot to put in a way to detach the rope. The technique's name is a yell akin to that of Tarzan. This was first seen when Usopp tried to retrieve Little Crow.[28]
- Octopakutsu (オクトパクツ, Oktopakutsu?, literally meaning "Octopushoes"): Suction shoes in the form of octopi that Usopp uses to climb vertical walls. This was first seen used for entering Enel's ark Maxim.[29] Usopp reveals their name when he tries to persuade Robin to flee with him on the Sea Train.[30] In the VIZ manga and Funimation dub, this is called Octo Shoes, and Octopu-Shoes in the Funimation subs.
- Usopp Hopping (ウソップホッピング, Usoppu Hoppingu?): Usopp uses special spring shoes to land safely after a jump from a high place.[31] However, these shoes are a moot point if he does not land on his feet, which he tended not to do in the beginning. This was first used to land safely after jumping from Ark Maxim. In the VIZ translation, this is simply called Usopp Hop, while the Funimation adaptations keep the original name.
- Meito: Hana Arashi (名刀:鼻嵐, Meito: Hana Arashi?): A situational combination technique performed with Roronoa Zoro (who also named the technique), used during the Enies Lobby Arc. While fighting Kaku and Jabra, Usopp (as Sogeking) and Zoro accidentally got cuffed together, inhibiting both their abilities to fight back, Zoro's solution was to make Usopp straighten out completely while holding his Yubashiri, and wield him like a blade. While in the manga Usopp generally remained stiff, in the anime, he'd wave around Yubashiri to deflect attacks coming for him, and occasionally even stab out by himself. It is called Great Blade: Nose Storm in the Funimation adaptations.
- Makie: Hana Arashi Sanjuroku Pound Ho (撒き餌 鼻嵐三十六
煩悩 鳳, Makie: Hana Arashi Sanjūroku Pondo Hō?, literally meaning "Bait: Nose Storm 36 Pound Cannon"): A combination technique between Zoro and Usopp and similar to the original 36 Pound Ho. Performed with Sogeking (Usopp) acting as one of Zoro's swords while holding one of his actual swords for him as he mounts and braces himself up one of Zoro's arms. With Sogeking stiffing up his body and acting as an extension of Zoro's blade, Zoro fires a narrower version of the normal 36 Pound Ho causing Sogeking discomfort afterward. It was first time used against Kaku and Jabra.[32] When Zoro told Sogeking about this attack, Usopp's alter ego thought it was a really cool name, as makie (蒔絵?) can also mean "Porcelain Decoration"; he never thought that in the end, Zoro was talking about the other meaning of makie (撒き餌?, "bait"), and the bait would be in fact the very Sogeking. In the Funimation adaptations, it is called Alure.
- Makie: Hana Arashi Sanjuroku Pound Ho (撒き餌 鼻嵐三十六
- Zombie Shoten Salt Ball (ゾンビ昇天
塩玉 , Zonbi Shōten Soruto Bōru?, literally meaning "Zombie-Purifying Salt Ball"): Upon learning from Brook that the weakness of the zombies of Thriller Bark is salt, Usopp devises these salt balls, which he gives in bags to the rest of the crew. He can also load them into Kabuto for the "Salt Star" technique. - Kaen Dama (火炎玉, Kaen Dama?, literally meaning "Fire Flame Ball"): Usopp throws a ball that bursts into flames upon contact with the ground. This was first seen being used to scare away Kumashi. In the VIZ manga and Funimation adaptations, this is called Flame Ball.[33]
- Kokkara Koko Made Hairu na no Jutsu (こっからここまで入るなの術, Kokkara Koko Made Hairu na no Jutsu?, literally meaning "No Enter From Here to Here Technique"): After throwing a Kaen Dama and creating a small flame, Usopp pours some oil around it. This creates a fire wall which stops an enemy from chasing him. This technique was first seen being used against Kumashi in a corridor. In the VIZ translation and Funimation dub, this is called Don't Cross This Line Technique and “You Cannot Cross This Point” Spell in the Funimation subs.[33]
- Tetsujin Suisei (鉄人彗星, Tetsujin Suisei?, literally meaning "Iron Man Comet"): Created by Franky, Usopp launches Franky at an opponent. This was first seen being used against Oars and Gecko Moria.[34] The strap used for this technique is called Kuwagata (クワガタ, Kuwagata?, literally meaning "Beetle"). In the Viz manga and Funimation adaptations, this is called Iron Man Comet.
- Tokudai Reitoko no Cho Tei'on Reiki Ho (特大冷凍庫の超低温冷気砲, Tokudai Reitōko no Chō Tei'on Reiki Hō?, literally meaning "Extra Large Freezer's Super Sub-Zero Freezing Cannon"): Making use of Moria's large freezer and debris, Usopp, with Franky's help, constructed a large hose routing from deep within the refrigerator itself. In the VIZ manga this is called Freezing Power of a Giant Freezer, in the Funimation dub it is called Super-Sized Subzero Wind Cannon, and in the Funimation sub it is the Super Cold Cannon Connected to the Extra-Large Freezer.
- Hokaku Boshi (捕獲星, Hokaku Boshi?, literally meaning "Capture Star"):, Usopp uses a wide slingshot to launch a specialized harpoon that resembles a fishing hook on a reinforced rope to catch a deep-sea fish. This was first used in order to catch a fish that Luffy and Zoro defeated.[35] In the VIZ translation and Funimation adaptations, this is called Capture Star.
Non-Canon Uses[]
- Usopp Boomerang (ウソップブーメラン, Usoppu Būmera?): In the third One Piece movie, Usopp was shown using a specialized boomerang. This boomerang can be folded into itself for easier transportation. Usopp explained that once he has thrown this boomerang, "there's no turning back". However, when Usopp attempted to attack Battler with it, the boomerang apparently did not return after the Count dodged it. Apparently, what Usopp meant by "there's no turning back" was not that the weapon was unbeatable, but that it would not return to its owner like a regular boomerang. While it proved useless at first, Usopp later on was actually able to put it to good use. Pretending that the boomerang was a set of horns, Usopp was able to divert the Horn Eaters into a dead end in which he trapped them with the aid of Nami's calculations.[36]

Usopp Skyrider
- Usopp Skyrider (ウソップスカイライダー, Usoppu Sukairaidā?): A portable parachute kept in his bag, intended to save him if he falls from any high places. However, it is about the size of a dinner plate, and does not slow his fall in the least, nearly killing him. Used in the 5th movie while going after Luffy while he was falling down a cliff.
- Gomu Gomu no Kaiten Ono (ゴムゴムの回転斧, Gomu Gomu no Kaiten Ono?, literally meaning "Rubber Rubber Rotating Axe"): An anime only technique, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp execute it together. Usopp uses a cannon of the Going Merry in this combo. Luffy first executes Gomu Gomu no Fusen as well as twisting his body, using the stored air to launch himself into the air. Then, Usopp aboard the Going Merry fires a cannonball at Sanji, while Luffy shoots both of his arms towards the target. Sanji at this point Armée de L'air Power shoots the cannonball at Zoro who executes 108 Pound Cannon to fire the cannonball up into the air and toward Luffy. Luffy catches the ball with his feet, the momentum of the cannonball spinning him vertically several times causing his legs to twist with each revolution. After all of the cannonball's velocity is gone, Luffy drops it and proceeds to spin forward releasing the full force of the stored energy from the winding, his body falling towards the target during all this. As Luffy approaches the target he stretches his legs out, which, through the speed of his spinning, creates the image of a large rotary blade. This attack impacts with the target, cutting it in half. The force of this seems out of Luffy's control. This was first used to destroy Ratchet's castle in the seventh One Piece movie.[37]
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 3 Chapter 24 and Episode 9, Usopp tells his tale of the giant goldfish to Kaya.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapters 128–129 and Episode 77, Usopp and the other Straw Hats encounter Island Eater as they leave Little Garden.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 3 Chapter 23 and Episode 9, Usopp tries to scare away the Straw Hat Pirates.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 10 Chapter 87 and Episode 40, Usopp uses several attacks against Chew.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 17 Chapter 148 (p. 4) and Episode 88.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 89.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 30 Chapter 284 and Episode 185, Usopp attempts to unnerve Enel with Usopp Spell.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 236, In the Funimation dub, "Usopp Spell" is instead called "Usopp Voodoo".
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 713 and Episode 643.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 756 (p. 10-11) and Episode 694, Usopp names his "attack"
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 742 (p. 17-19) and Episode 676.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 101 Chapter 1024 (p. 1).
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 20 Chapter 185 and Episode 114, Usopp uses Usopp Pound on Miss Merry Christmas.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 20 Chapter 186 and Episode 115, Usopp uses a combo move with a hammer and Chopper in Horn Point.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 48 Chapter 466 and Episode 361, Usopp completely freaks out and defeats Perona with some techniques of his.
- ↑ Unknown Source, The Hammer's name is revealed.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 742.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 32 Chapter 301 and Episode 194, Usopp trades some rubber bands and other stuff for some Dials with the Skypieans.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 32 Chapter 301 and Episode 194, Usopp messes with Zoro with a Tone Dial.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 33 Chapter 307 and Episode 209, Usopp uses the Breath and Impact Dials in the Donut Race.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 35 Chapters 332–333 and Episode 236, Usopp and Luffy's battle.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 48 Chapter 465 (p. 3) and Episode 360, Usopp explains how the Kabuto works.
- ↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 13, Oda mentions that Usopp bought his goggles in Loguetown.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 and Episode 517.
- ↑ One Piece Manga — Vol. 100 Chapter 1011.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 4 Chapter 29 and Episode 12, Usopp uses several attacks against the Black Cat Pirates to stop them.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 22 Chapter 204 and Episode 124, Usopp uses a blackboard and scratches it to protect Vivi.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 27 Chapter 247 and Episode 161, Usopp swings like Tarzan.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 30 Chapter 283 and Episode 185, text
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 39 Chapter 370 and Episode 260, Usopp tries to escape with Robin using Octopak Shoes.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 30 Chapter 285 and Episode 186, Usopp uses spring shoes to land from Ark Maxim.
- ↑ One Piece Anime — Episode 295, Zoro uses Hissatsu Makie.
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 48 Chapter 464 and Episode 359, Usopp scares away Kumashi with his Kaen Dama and then uses his No Enter Spell to stop the zombie from chasing him.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 49 Chapter 475 and Episode 370, Usopp shoots Franky at Oars and Moria.
- ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 665 and Episode 574, Usopp uses Capture Star on a deep sea fish.
- ↑ One Piece Movie — Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals, Usopp uses his boomerang in various ways.
- ↑ One Piece Movie — The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle, Usopp and the other Straw Hats combine their abilities to destroy Ratchet's castle.
External links[]
- Lysops Attacken - German One Piece Encyclopedia article listing Usopp's attacks.
- Lie – Wikipedia article about lying.
- Rhinoceros beetle – Wikipedia article about the beetle Kabuto is named after.
- Phoenix – Wikipedia article about the mythological bird Usopp's Hi no Tori Boshi techniques are based on.
- Atlas beetle – Wikipedia article about the beetle Usopp's technique, Atlas Suisei, is name after.
- Stag beetle – Wikipedia article about the beetle Kuwagata is named after.
- Phoenix - Monstropedia article about the mythological bird Usopp's Hino Tori Boshi techniques are based on.
- Phoenix - Monstrous.com article about the mythological bird Usopp's Hi no Tori Boshi techniques are based on.
- Phoenix - Ardeen Bestiary article about the mythological bird Usopp's Hi no Tori Boshi techniques are based on.
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