
"Hope" 是ONE PIECE電視動畫的第20首片頭曲。

片頭曲[ | ]

807 - 824集[ | ]

825集[ | ]

826 - 855集[ | ]

歌詞[ | ]

電視版本[ | ]

日本原文 日本羅馬字 英文翻譯
君への想いが高鳴って kimi henoomoi ga takanatte We will raise up our feelings for you
限りなきチカラ生まれる kagiri naki chikara umareru We will rise up with our boundless strength
求めるならば どこまでも motomerunaraba doko ma demo No matter where we are, we will obtain it
変わらぬキズナ振りかざそう kawaranu kizuna furikazasou We will move with our unchanged bonds
We are hope We are hope We are hope
君と本気で心ぶつけ슴った喜びも kimi to honki de kokoro butsuke atta yorokobi mo It's always a pleasure that I've been really want to meet you now
笑い転げナミダ乾かした切なさも waraikoroge-te namida kawakashita setsuna-sa mo It's always a shame that we have all of the laughters and tears
繋ぎあわせて風の中 tsunagi awa sete kaze no naka It is connecting between the winds
はためいているよ 高く 高く hatameite iru yo takaku takaku We will soar up high into the skies
Why 探すことを諦めてたの Why sagasu koto o akirame teta no Why are you giving up on searching
Why 独り闘い続けるの Why hitori tatakai tsudzukeru no Why keep on fighting by yourself
ねえ どんな未来 覚悟したの nē don'na mirai kakugo shita no Hey don't hide out your future
夢はもう手にしたの yume wa mō te ni shita no Your dream is in your grasp
君への想いが高鳴って kimihenoomoi ga takanatte We will raise up our feelings for you
限りなきチカラ生まれる kagiri naki chikara umareru We will rise up with our boundless strength
求めるならば どこまでも motomerunaraba doko ma demo No matter where we are, we will obtain it
変わらぬキズナ振りかざそう kawaranu kizuna furikazasou We will move with our unchanged bonds
We are hope We are hope We are hope
青く広い世界の果てに aoku hiroi sekainohate ni Through the end of this wide blue world
君と目挿したい場所がある kimi to me sashitai basho ga aru You will reach out your place
進みゆく航路なわ susumi yuku kōrona wa It was a moving route
遠い昔 もう決めていた tōi mukashi mō kimete ita We made this up a long time ago
まだ届かない君の声が mada todokanai kiminokoe ga I cannot reach out your voice again
無力な胸を押しつぶす muryokuna mune o oshitsubusu It breaks my heart cause I've been so weak
僕は君を求めているから boku wa kimi o motomete irukara Because I am seeking you now
ヒカリ差し込む朝を信じていよう hikari sashikomu asa o shinjite iyou We must believe in the ray of morning light
目を閉じて耳を澄まして mewotojite mimi o sumashite Just close your eyes and listen carefully
探し出そう 君の答えを sagashidasou kimi no kotae o If you want to find your answers
道は必ず 続いているよ michi wa kanarazu tsudzuite iru yo We will always keep on our path
まだ見たことのない海へ mada mita koto no nai umi e To the sea that we haven't seen yet
We are hope We are hope We are hope
青く広い世界の果てに aoku hiroi sekainohate ni Through the end of this wide blue world
君と還るべき場所がある kimi to kaerubeki basho ga aru You will come back to your place
僕たちは永遠に boku-tachi wa eien ni Together forever
遠い昔 そう決めていた tōi mukashi sō kimete ita We've decided this so long ago

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[查看 · 編緝 · ?]
片頭曲: We Are!  •  Believe  •  ヒカリへ  •  BON VOYAGE!  •  心之地圖  •  Brand New World  •  We are!(草帽團版)  •  Crazy Rainbow  •  Jungle P  •  We Are! (remix)  •  Share the World  •  風をさがして  •  One day  •  Fight Together  •  We Go!  •  Hands Up!  •  Wake up!  •  Hard Knock Days  •  We Can!  •  Hope  •  Super Powers  •  OVER THE TOP  •  DREAMIN' ON
片尾曲: Memories  •  RUN! RUN! RUN!  •  私がいるよ  •  Shōchi no suke  •  BEFORE DAWN  •  fish  •  GLORY -Kimi ga Iru Kara-  •  Shining ray  •  Free Will  •  FAITH  •  A to Z  •  Tsuki to Taiyō  •  Dreamship  •  Mirai Kōkai  •  Eternal Pose  •  Dear Friends  •  Asu wa Kuru Kara  •  Adventure World
劇場版主題曲: We Are!  •  Believe  •  Ready!  •  Mabushikute  •  Sailing day  •  Ano Basho e  •  Yume Miru Koro wo Sugitemo  •  Sayaendo  •  Compass  •  Mata ne  •  Fanfare  •  Break into the Light  •  How You Remind Me、Bad Reputation  •  怒りをくれよ  •  GONG
團體: Holy Holiday  •  Akuma no Mi  •  Hi! Ho! Ready Go!  •  Family  •  We Are!  •  Utae! Jingle Bell  •  You Are the One  •  Jungle Fever  •  Respect!  •  Sekaichi No Otoko to Yobareru Tame ni  •  Hurricane Girls  •  Friends  •  Girls ni Kubittake  •  Doctor Tony Tony Chopper  •  A Thousand Dreamers  •  Gold and Jive ~ Silver Ocean
獨唱: Wanted!  •  We Are HERE!  •  Every-One Peace!  •  Katayoku no Taka  •  Talking Blues  •  Spirit of Zoro  •  Eyes of Zoro  •  Music  •  Between the Wind  •  Usopp*Drop  •  Usopp no Hanamichi  •  Fly, Merry, Fly ~ Sayonara Merry  •  Doubidoubidandan Usodaba Dan  •  Sogeking's (Hero) Song  •  The Great Blue ~ Dessert wa Kimi  •  Sea Moon Sea You  •  Moulin Rouge  •  Rumble Ball  •  Dakishimete  •  Present  •  Twinkle Twinkle  •  Chopper Man's Song  •  My Real Life  •  Arabasta no Suna, Oasis no Shizuku  •  Wish Upon a Star  •  Franky! Guarantee!  •  1, 2 Jango!  •  Oh, Come My Way  •  Pandaman  •  Saru Agari Salvage
角色歌: 賓克斯的酒  •  Black Handkerchief of Happiness  •  狙擊王的主題曲  •  笨蛋之歌  •  Bone To Be Wild  •  新世界  •  Ocean Guide  •  Gold and Jive ~ Silver Ocean  •  Let's Go See Master Nekomamushi  •  Bloody Party  •  eat me!  •  If I Think of Tomorrow  •  NON SUGAR LIFE  •  WELCOME VIP  •  Rule of a Holiday  •  BADEND MUSICAL  •  Soul Pocus ~Song of the Queen~
其他: Character Song Carnival  •  Caravel Farewell  •  Mugiwara no Jolly Roger  •  Saka Yoku no Kata  •  Zombie Night  •  One Piece Music & Song Collection  •  One Piece Nippon Judan! 47 Cruise CD  •  One Piece Music Symphony  •  One Piece Island Song Collection  •  One Piece Arrange Collection